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Gathering Storm

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  • Originally posted by Dominae
    We just got our private forum, and not all our existing members have signed up yet - give us a chance! Rest assured that new membership is one of our main discussion topics right now.

    Now that I think of it, I remember seeing the day thursday somewhere...
    There was no intention to pressure anybody on my part
    btw, where's E_N, I kinda miss him
    "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
    Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
    Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
    Wanna play some PBEMs!?


    • He's in Mingapulco.
      RIAA sucks
      The Optimistas
      I'm a political cartoonist


      • Whoa, I must have missed that...or was it for actions in another forum?
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • E_N at Mingapulco
          RIAA sucks
          The Optimistas
          I'm a political cartoonist


          • Originally posted by dejon
            nye said it would be Thursday before anything was decided, and I believe that's "at the earliest".

            I'm curious to know what they're saying about us. I guess we'll be able to see if we get in, and won't if we don't.
            And from what nye said to begin with, if we do get in, what was said about us probably won't be all that interesting anyway.
            Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


            • Originally posted by Aro
              E_N at Mingapulco
              I must be viewing that out of context....


              • Is this like in Fight Club where an applicant must stand outside the door for 3 days without encouragement before he is authorized?

                Honestly, it's freezing out here. Two days to go.
                "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln

                "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi


                • Applied to the team now =)
                  Proud member of the PNY Brigade
                  Also a proud member of the The Glory Of War team on PtW-DG

                  A.D 300, after 5h of playing DonHomer said: "looks like civ2 could be a good way to kill time if i can get the hang of it :P"


                  • Originally posted by ruby_maser
                    Is this like in Fight Club where an applicant must stand outside the door for 3 days without encouragement before he is authorized?

                    Honestly, it's freezing out here. Two days to go.
                    (You are actually allowed to do other things in the meantime)

                    "I shoudn't be telling you this, Mandrake, but you're a good officer, and you've got a right to know."

                    I'm crazy about that film.

                    "Oh Hell! Are the Russians Involved?"


                    • "Two thumbs up!"
                      Fight Club is definitely on my top 10.
                      "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                      Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                      Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                      Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                      • Er, no, not Fight Club - Dr Strangelove. I've no plans to see Fight Club.


                        • Originally posted by Cort Haus
                          Er, no, not Fight Club - Dr Strangelove. I've no plans to see Fight Club.
                          While I agree with you (Dr Strangeglove is in my top 5) I think Paths of Glory is Kubrick's best.

                          "The paths of glory lead but to the grave".
                          - Thomas Gray's 'Elegy written in a country churchyard'
                          "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                          Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                          Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                          Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                          • Just to let you know.


                            • From the Team List I read NYE is your leader, so why don't you poke him a little so he gets movin and clicks 'approve' some 14 times, eh?
                              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                              • Because he's conducting a lengthy process which involves asking people if they want certain members in his team.

