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Operation "Backstab"

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  • Originally posted by mostly-harmless View Post
    I assume we will have a combat-chat again?

    That would be great...BUT, I think the combat should take place the soonest Sulla and Sunrise can get on teamspeak together. If Imperio logs in after we declare war and move before we attack, then we have to get the lawyers involved.



    • I second darrell here. We need to be a little bit careful: remember that Krill ruled that Imperio would move before Templars because Imperio hadn't ended their turn, but they had moved units before Templars declared. We should try to play our turn as soon as practicable after the clock ticks over.


      • You know this seems to fit

        "What we've got here is...failure to communicate."
        "Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men".


        • On suiciding cats, I am not sure how many are worth sacrificing, given that Imperio units are wounded already. However, we have to kill main stack and capture Damascus, and kill wounded maces north of Acre before they heal by promotions, and Cats can't kill units so it might be worthwhile to sacrifice a couple extra to make sure we have good odds for more of the real units.


          • Pal logged in.


            • New turn started. Somebody needs to log in and declare war.


              • PAL ended turn.

                Blood makes the grass grow kill kill kill.....


                • I'm on it. Will log in, declare war, and get the clock rules in play for us. sunrise can probably play the actual turn tonight after work, and still early enough for our European team members to jump into a big old battle session.


                  • While you are at it, can you move boats and move one of the mounted units to Iron Hill, so we can plan what to do with Chichen Itza and Mutal while we wait?

                    PS Approximately at what time are you planning to play?


                    • Well it will irritate my wife but I will try to sit in on the chat.

                      I am guessing around 1800 EDT Think that is GMT-4


                      • When are you available to TS Sullla? I can play any time since I'll be at work until midnight tonight no matter what. I'll just run home and play and then come back.


                        • OK, logged in. First, there was an inconclusive Apostolic Palace vote; Imperio voted for themselves, PAL and RB both abstained. Here's the exact breakdown:

                          Imperio vote for themselves (12)
                          PAL abstain (24)
                          RB abstain (20)
                          Inconclusive, no AP resident (needed 22/56)

                          Then I declared war, snapped this screenie:

                          Krill, the 24/24 clock rules are now in effect. Please convey this info to Imperio in their forum. Many thanks.

                          Notice the second dot in Chichen Itza? I was freaking out over another defender, but no! It's a Worker!!! I swear, this attack could NOT be set up any better. Free worker for us to capture at Chichen Itza! I moved the galleys/trireme up to Chichen's doorstep, but that was it. I didn't move the Mounted stack, didn't want to make any mistake there.

                          sunrise, I can chat at any point this afternoon/evening. Let's try to shoot for something like a 5:30pm EST start (10:30 GMT) so that we can gather a larger portion of the team together, and not make it too late for the European players. Plus, you can get dinner while you're home. How does that sound for everyone?
                          Attached Files


                          • Sweet, hopefully I should be able to make the chat.

                            I'm going to laugh though if Imperio forgets to log in this turn.


                            • I was just thinking about how Imperio is going to feel when they log in.

                              Just wiped out Templars got a couple cities. Heading over to take over two more log out feeling pretty good

                              Log in and WTF


                              • Ok, 5:30pm EST it is.

