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Imperio: Diplomacy Thread #2

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  • From the Turnplayer thread:

    Imperio has discovered Military Science tech, and wants to trade it to us for Education. I think our answer to this should be a big "yes", so assuming that the team concurs, let's put together a message to fire off to Imperio. Some talking points:

    - We're willing to make the trade in 3t, when we discover Music.
    - We would like to propose including Banana in a 3-way trade, so that they get Military Tradition in exchange for their current research project (Chemistry, I think?)
    - Do we want to request that they NOT trade this tech to PAL, as it will only put PAL further ahead? Imperio should know enough not to do this, but I don't trust them in that regard. We have to make sure that they don't do something like trade Military Science to PAL for Education, which would be disastrous!

    Let's figure out what to do here.


    • In my opinion we shouldn't mention banana at all. Banana can't have any objections to us trading with Imperio (remember that banking-gunpowder trade?) and they can sort their own trades out. None of the techs that banana could give Imperio (astronomy or chemistry) are ideal for us, so let's not facilitate that deal.

      I think we should send:

      Dear Imperio,

      We agree to your trade offer of Education for Military Tradition. We have started Music, it will take 3 turns.

      We think you should not trade this tech to PAL

      Realms Beyond
      Last edited by sooooo; July 14, 2009, 20:12.


      • Hmmm, maybe. I was thinking that we'd really want to get Banana cuirassiers so they could fend off PAL cannon. Still, I guess it's probably better to be simple and direct with Imperio's team of espanol speakers.

        I like the message, short and to the point. No mention of our treaty and the disputed Templar cities either, hehe.


        • Oh, just realised it's military tradition they have researched, not military science. Draft edited.

          BTW, I'm pretty sure that Imperio will have negotiated a trade with PAL for the tech. It was probably PAL's suggestion that they research it in the first place.


          • I like the email Soooo. Also, the Apolyton smily is much friendlier than the ASCII character one, so it would be nice if we could ensure they see the message via PM : )

            Edit: Wait, what tech did Imperio research? Sullla's post says MilSci.


            • It can't be MilSci - they don't have chemistry and music is not a pre-requisite to MilSci.


              • I think they made a mistake in the chat log...that part of the tech tree changed around.

                I also think sooooo's message is just right, but are we sure we want to miss a golden opportunity for this tech?



                • We should agree as quickly as possible. (Perhaps even giving them Education right away, to make sure they can't back out of the deal. The only thing they get from Education is a chance to build Universities, and we want them building those.)


                  • They can certainly back out if we give them Edu...they can't trade to PAL for it, but PAL has other things, and they can just not trade with us at all. What are we going to do? Withhold Jerusalem and Constantinople and declare war on them?


                    • Originally posted by sunrise089 View Post
                      They can certainly back out if we give them Edu...they can't trade to PAL for it, but PAL has other things, and they can just not trade with us at all. What are we going to do? Withhold Jerusalem and Constantinople and declare war on them?

                      The chance of them backing out would be lower, and I don't see a downside since even if they do back out, we are planning to cripple their military and production capacity in a few turns.


                      • But what's the upside? Do we really think we'll guilt Imperio into not withholding their tech? If they value the trade they should make it, and if they don't value it they wouldn't have offered it.


                        • I certainly would *NOT* give Imperio Education until we could receive Military Tradition/Science (whatever it is!) in return. That's just asking for them to betray us, and/or send their tech on to PAL anyway. Giving them the tech immediately simply removes all of our leverage with Imperio. Not a good idea, IMO.

                          Since no one has objected, let's just send sooooo's message out now (email and PM). I'd do it myself, but I honestly don't know how to work the email.


                          • Email and pm sent.


                            • A reply from naldo:

                              Perfect we will trade in 3 turns

                              Sorry but we have to trade with PAL because we made this trade long turns ago.

                              Thank you.


                              • I assume they are getting Chemistry from PAL.

                                I wonder whether they will trade MT to Banana for Astro?

