Team RB votes against a reload from the end of T124 but for a reload from the start of T125.
A positive event happened to TRB at T125 which is not guaranteed to recur upon reload.
Furthermore, it was possible to connect to the game and play after Templars timed out (see civstat). Player Hercules was made aware of this by posting and PMing.
Team RB is against a vote to decide on whether we get our event or not. In-game diplomacy might have an impact on the decision. We ask for a GameMaster (Krill) decision. Krill, you can have a look into our forum to read the reasoning behind it.
A positive event happened to TRB at T125 which is not guaranteed to recur upon reload.
Furthermore, it was possible to connect to the game and play after Templars timed out (see civstat). Player Hercules was made aware of this by posting and PMing.
Team RB is against a vote to decide on whether we get our event or not. In-game diplomacy might have an impact on the decision. We ask for a GameMaster (Krill) decision. Krill, you can have a look into our forum to read the reasoning behind it.
On top of taht it gives us a 3rd religion for a cultural victory.
Our opponents could vote for reload from T124 just to prevent us getting the spread.
I will post this is 30 mins.