I tested the marble site by creating a city 1 tile W of the southern marble. It will be connected to the capital once the marble is roaded (2 worker turns) and quarried (6 worker turns). That will take 1 worker 8 turns, or 2 workers 4 turns.
The war_game doesn't have any workers so I don't know where they currently are to see if we can get another worker down there.
Once we have marble at the capital, we can finish the Oracle (150 req) in 6 turns (capital can put out 14 raw hammers) and the Great Lib (350 req) in 13 turns - all turn counts ignoring any forest chop (3 turns, 20 raw hammers).
The capital can build a worker in 5 turns.
Is it worth sending another worker to help with the marble? A worker from the capital can get there in 5 turns. From Pink - 3 turns, from China B - 7 turns.
The war_game doesn't have any workers so I don't know where they currently are to see if we can get another worker down there.
Once we have marble at the capital, we can finish the Oracle (150 req) in 6 turns (capital can put out 14 raw hammers) and the Great Lib (350 req) in 13 turns - all turn counts ignoring any forest chop (3 turns, 20 raw hammers).
The capital can build a worker in 5 turns.
Is it worth sending another worker to help with the marble? A worker from the capital can get there in 5 turns. From Pink - 3 turns, from China B - 7 turns.