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The worker thread

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  • #61
    You're slightly off regoarrarr, which is understandable since you can't log into the game! Let me give you the picture of the capital again:

    Winston's current plan is to build a cottage on the tile he just chopped, then probably pre-chop another forest. He'll be the worker at Airstrip One in position to build a winery when we get the appropriate tech.

    Parsons, on the left, is going to build the road connection to Pink Peaks. It will take him 3 turns to move to the east, then about 6-7 turns to build the road connection. Figure 10 turns total for that mission, after which he's freed up for new duty.... good timing, since that's when we plan to get Monarchy and start growing again.

    Here's the picture of the planned road network again:

    Syme has to build the road connection through three desert tiles, so sadly that will take 9 turns. Once that's done, Syme will probably take over duty at Pink Peaks, pasturizing the cattle and mining the iron.

    O'Brien has another 3 turns to finish the cattle at Cape Town, then another 2 turns to road it. At that point, we'll have to decide whether to build the road to Pink Peaks or mine the plains hill tile for maximum shields (I personally prefer the mine first, since I regard the Cape Town/Pink Peaks road as the least pressing one, strategically). It will take about 10 worker turns to build that road whenever we do decide to start it.

    The worker we have planned at the capital will likely go to Pink Dot, which will need serious improvement once it can start growing again.

    I think that covers everything. Of course, the plans may change as new things come up...


    • #62
      I would favor having at least 1-2 workers in place at Pink Peaks so that we can get it up to speed (iron / cattle) as soon as possible after it's founded.

      What about starting Winston on building that road network toward Pink Peaks now and having Parsons do the cottaging / pre-chopping / winery, possibly in conjunction with the new worker?

      We do lose a few turns of a cottage, but the river hill tile (1/3/1) is not bad either. Probably made up for by the extra turns we'd have iron or cattle to work at PP.


      • #63
        Lets settle Pink Peaks first! ;-)



        • #64
          I agree that we shouldn't invest more than one worker into roading towards Pink until we know that we'll actually be able to settle there. I'd be surprised if Templars didn't plan to have a settler out shorty after discovering IW. So I prefer Sulla's plan.

          Also, what about training Settler for Marble, instead of another worker at the capital? It's very likely that Templars will try to go for that Marble spot if we get Iron from under their nose. (Unless they settle a city to contest Iron.)


          • #65
            @Zevis - I agree a second settler isn't a bad idea, but if we're that worried about a Templar settler any minute now, then why aren't we whipping our settler? I know we discussed the cost versus only saving a few turns, but if the consensus is Templars may beat us to the iron spot than almost any cost is worthwhile.


            • #66
              Can we single-whip or would it be a double?


              • #67
                It would be a double whip I believe to speed up the settling process by 2 turns iirc.



                • #68
                  @M-H: I continue to defer to Sullla's wisdom about the high cost of whipping the settler. We just need to think 1) how likely is it that the Templars will make a settler first, and 2) how likely is it that we will beat them to the spot by whipping.

                  The consensus seems to be that "1)" is very likely, so how likely is "2)"?


                  • #69
                    There is also question 3: How likely it is the Templars will settle in a way that prevents us from putting Twin Peaks in our chosen spot?

                    My guess would be: 1) almost guaranteed; 2) very likely; 3) unlikely, but we need to analyze the map from their point of view.

                    The reason not to whip is that, unlike Cape Town, in this case we are unlikely to fully lose the location. Even if they settle close to iron, we can put our city at minimal distance and apply as much culture pressure as we can.

                    EDIT: In fact, it might be if Templars found their city first, because if they see Pink Peaks, they can still place a city right next to iron, while if they don't see it, they might settle farther away. (For example, on a spot I had marked some time ago.)


                    • #70
                      Let's stay calm guys. A double whip for just 2 turns can only be justified if we are guaranteed to beat a settler to a spot. Right now we don't know anything about templars' plans (and won't do until it is too late) so we shouldn't whip. I think these discussions and questions tend to whip up paranoia and people revert to drastic action that they would never (and should never!) attempt in their own SP games. Not that discussions such as these are bad, but we need to be wary of this kind of thing. Remember that plan to sail 6 chariots to kill PAL?


                      • #71
                        Yeah! What happened to that? ;-)

                        No, I agree. It (whipping the settler) has been discussed before and discarded.

                        And this should really not belong in the worker thread.



                        • #72
                          I created a Google Doc to try and plan out our worker / city actions. Anyone signed in with the Realms Beyond gmail account can access and edit it - if you want to grant permissions to your personal google account to make it easier that's fine too.

                          Feel free to edit it similar to a wiki - or discuss in this thread

                          A note on how I formatted it - I used the numpad directions, so 7 is NW, 8 is N, 9 is NE, etc.

                          I tried to guess from the turnplayer thread what the next actions are, but if folks have other thoughts / ideas, feel free to either edit them in or discuss them here.

                          We can also talk if it's easier to just have one person update vs. multiple - I can see advantages and disadvantages to both ways.


                          • #73
                            Care to let me have a peak, regoarrarr? You know the account details, obviously I wouldn't require the ability to alter it...
                            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                            • #74
                              Perhaps O'Brian can road towards Blue Dot (completing road to A1 first), and Helmholz build a more direct road between Cape Town and Pink Dot. It's not going to be safe to keep workers next to Imperio borders with NAP expired, and we do need the actions suggested done by some worker.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Zeviz View Post
                                Perhaps O'Brian can road towards Blue Dot (completing road to A1 first), and Helmholz build a more direct road between Cape Town and Pink Dot. It's not going to be safe to keep workers next to Imperio borders with NAP expired, and we do need the actions suggested done by some worker.
                                I agree with this.

