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Team Info and Contacts - Rabbits

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  • Hi Rabbits,
    since our diplomacy corps has changing member, please use eMail for communication, instead of PM.

    As mentioned earlier, we would like to help you in your fight against PAL, especially since the iron ore underneath Eisenburg holds a key to the success of PAL on your continent. TeamRB has helped you before with crucial techs at a heavy discount. At the moment, as you no doubt are aware, we can only give you Literature and Drama, since all other techs you can currently research, we traded for and hence cannot trade further.
    Literature opens up Heroic Epic, which you probably could built with your marble straight away?
    The key tech to get more valuable help coming your way is clearly Metal Casting, as this opens up Engineering from us and Machinery from Banana. We can certainly help in convincing Banana to support you, as we have good relations with them. Alternatively, you should try to talk to Banana about giving you Feudalism for Longbows and Vassalage.
    As far as direct military help is concerned, you must know that we are in a war against Imperio and the "other civ, that you have not yet met" since a long time. This has put quite a dent into our development. Apart from that we are furthest away from you and have no means to reach you through multiple hostile and closed border territory.

    However, please keep the lines of communication open.

    Yep, they already have Monarchy. They also got their own source of Marble (quarried but not roaded, I believe.)

    Thoughts on the draft?



    • Looks good to me.


      • I'd add that we already helped Banana with their new city micro, and we be happy to offer such advice to Rabbits.

        Also, the bit about MC opening up Eng is wrong, as Machinery allows Eng, so this should be reworded slightly. I don't think we want to put too much emphasis on MC, either, so I wouldn't describe it as 'key', so...

        Hi Rabbits,

        Since our diplomacy corps has several members, let's use eMail for communication instead of PM. We hope that's OK for you.

        As mentioned earlier, we would like to help you in your fight against PAL, especially since PAL getting the iron ore underneath Eisenburg would be bad news indeed for both you and Team Banana.

        TeamRB has helped you before with crucial techs at a heavy discount. At the moment, as you no doubt are aware, we can only give you Literature and Drama, since all other techs you can currently research, we traded for and hence cannot trade further. Literature opens up Heroic Epic, which you possibly could build with your marble straight away?

        One tech you may want to research yourself is Metal Casting, as this opens up Machinery from Banana and then Engineering from us. How long would it take you to research it?

        Alternatively, you could try to talk to Banana about giving you Feudalism for Longbows and Vassalage. We can try to convince Banana to support you, as we have good relations with them.

        As far as direct military help is concerned, you must know that we are in a war against Imperio and the "other civ, that you have not yet met" since a long time. Apart from that we are furthest away from you and have no means to reach you through multiple hostile and closed border territory.

        What we can offer right now would be some empire management advice: we already helped Banana with their new city micro, and we be happy to offer similar advice to Rabbits.

        We look forward to your feedback.

        Best Regards



        • Yep, that should do the job.


          • Hod did we help Banana?

            I would like to keep that last sentence out of the message. They have quite some veterans on their team. We don't want to come over too patronizing.



            • Swiss' is much better - especially the first sentence. However ...

              What we can offer right now would be some empire management advice: we already helped Banana with their new city micro, and we be happy to offer similar advice to Rabbits.

              ... aren't the members of this team pretty good at civ? They might take this the wrong way (ie teaching your grandmother to suck eggs). What about ...

              What we can offer right now would be some empire management advice. I know this isn't much and you probably have this under control, but we have shared some insights that have helped Banana with their new city micro. For example, where are you planning to build your Heroic Epic wonder so that you can boost unit output?
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              • We didn't actually help banana did we? I thought we decided against it because it comes off as patronising. Maybe we should take that part out. Otherwise it's a well written email.


                • He asked for city maintenance costs for new cities which we provided.

                  Offering advice that we already gave too another team shouldn't sound patronizing, but we could re-phrase it to 'let us know if we can help with anything else'.


                  • Which is what we offered earlier today.

                    Take out the managemnet thing and send it to their eMail and PM to theViking.



                    • email & pm sent without management help sentence.


                      • Got this back via PM from the Viking:

                        Thank for this and earlier help, I have never played a MP game before and are mostly relaying on more experienced players to do the diplo stuff. Our current research rate is very low at the moment because of our large army.
                        I hope we get a more detailed reply via email!


                        • EDIT: wrong thread


                          • No reply to our email, so I PM'd theViking:
                            Hi again,

                            We didn't actually get a reply to our email yet Though we realise we can't be much help to you guys at the moment, it would be great for the relationship between our teams to maintain a regular dialogue, so that we can move quickly when an opportunity to help does arise.




                            • I think we need to find some way between us and Banana to gift them both Gunpowder and Nationalism (for free). If PAL can cold war proxy, so can we.



                              • Good point, darrell. Hmmm, let's see...

                                We can get them to Gunpowder fairly easily: Banana provides Machinery, Feudalism, and Guilds while we provide Gunpowder. We just have to a) convince Banana it's in their interest to gift all those techs and b) wait for Banana's NAP agreement with PAL to wear off.

                                Nationalism is more of a sticking point. We can gift Aesthetics, Drama, and Philosophy to Banana, but we can't give them Civil Service (since we traded for it with PAL). However, if they can somehow acquire Civil Service, everything else can be provided by us.

                                Maybe something to start thinking about?

