There was a Rabbit screenshot posted too:
Naturally, I went ahead and saved this to my computer in case it gets taken down. So, what can we determine from this?
- Names of Rabbit cities: Watership Down, Valley Hutch, and Diggers Burrow. Based on simple logic, and knowledge of some famous books, Watership Down is/was the Rabbit capital.
- The chronology of the PAL/Rabbit war taking place. Rabbits had a single unit "Warhammer" in Watership Down, which was quickly killed and the city razed. There was a much more substantial battle at Valley Hutch, which PAL eventually took with some losses.
- The makeup of PAL's forces. PAL's army is/was clearly a mixture of axes and war chariots. Good combo for pre-catapult warfare, although easily defendable by a mixed stack.
- PAL's exact losses; PAL lost a "Biti" in 500BC (T95), whatever that is, then in the main battle, the fighting went something like this:
1) Rabbit axe kills "Egyptian A" (Now what would an axe defend against, logically speaking? Almost certainly a PAL axe on the attack. I think this was an axe vs. axe battle, therefore.)
2) Rabbit axe kills "Egyptian B", likely a second PAL axe
3) Rabbit chariot kills PAL war chariot
4) PAL axe kills Rabbit axe
5) PAL spear kills Rabbit chariot
And that's it, only one defender in the capital and two defenders in the second city. Although I fully support Rabbits' protest against PAL, their own idiocy is the result of their undoing. Where are the defenders?! With our C&D knowledge, we'll never be caught with our pants down like this - I hope, anyway.
Oh, and one final point of info: PAL lost 16k soldier points on their attack in 475BC (T96). The point value of 2 axes and a war chariot is exactly 16k (6k + 6k + 4k). I think we've got this one tracked out correctly.
Not sure how fair it is to use this info, but if the Rabbits post it, we're gonna take advantage of it!
Naturally, I went ahead and saved this to my computer in case it gets taken down. So, what can we determine from this?
- Names of Rabbit cities: Watership Down, Valley Hutch, and Diggers Burrow. Based on simple logic, and knowledge of some famous books, Watership Down is/was the Rabbit capital.
- The chronology of the PAL/Rabbit war taking place. Rabbits had a single unit "Warhammer" in Watership Down, which was quickly killed and the city razed. There was a much more substantial battle at Valley Hutch, which PAL eventually took with some losses.
- The makeup of PAL's forces. PAL's army is/was clearly a mixture of axes and war chariots. Good combo for pre-catapult warfare, although easily defendable by a mixed stack.
- PAL's exact losses; PAL lost a "Biti" in 500BC (T95), whatever that is, then in the main battle, the fighting went something like this:
1) Rabbit axe kills "Egyptian A" (Now what would an axe defend against, logically speaking? Almost certainly a PAL axe on the attack. I think this was an axe vs. axe battle, therefore.)
2) Rabbit axe kills "Egyptian B", likely a second PAL axe
3) Rabbit chariot kills PAL war chariot
4) PAL axe kills Rabbit axe
5) PAL spear kills Rabbit chariot
And that's it, only one defender in the capital and two defenders in the second city. Although I fully support Rabbits' protest against PAL, their own idiocy is the result of their undoing. Where are the defenders?! With our C&D knowledge, we'll never be caught with our pants down like this - I hope, anyway.
Oh, and one final point of info: PAL lost 16k soldier points on their attack in 475BC (T96). The point value of 2 axes and a war chariot is exactly 16k (6k + 6k + 4k). I think we've got this one tracked out correctly.
Not sure how fair it is to use this info, but if the Rabbits post it, we're gonna take advantage of it!