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Turn Players' Thread #1

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  • #61
    Big, big turn indeed. Nice job popping a second scout, that was all skill. Based on the scout, it looks like we're located directly to the west, which may (briefly) throw off their team.

    As far as moving the scouts, I think the best move is to swerve the original scout back to the northwest to explore the region directly south of our capital. I'd move the new scout south, and push further into the blackness, to see what we can find there. (In other words, one scout finishes surveying our local region, while the other one tries to find the ends of the continent.)

    Another fun thought that came to me: we could try renaming our new scout on the border to "Scout #3", to make them think we have 3 scouts. Have to do it before anyone logs in though.

    I'll save diplomacy thoughts for the specific Templar thread. (We should definitely contact them right away, but need to work out the substance of the message as a team.) Also - we haven't actually found Imperio, have we? I noticed that mostly_harmless bumped that thread as well.


    • #62
      Originally posted by sunrise089
      Why would Winston (our worker) approach them at all?
      Right, ... why would he indeed.
      Of course I meant the other scout. Stupid me. Luckily I have no important job in this demogame.
      Originally posted by Sullla
      I noticed that mostly_harmless bumped that thread as well.
      Yep, my fault. I misclicked on the Imperio thread initially.



      • #63
        I pressed enter and ended the turn because I didn't want to hold up the game while we are deciding what to say to the templars. By the way, were we going to say hello in-game or via the forums? The turn is still ongoing (other teams have to play) and there are 21 hours left.


        • #64
          If we say hello via the forums, we give away the info that we met each others to all teams.
          Can we contact them via the ingame diplo screen & chat functionality?

          And once their diplomat has contact our diplomat, they can then converse via eMail or pm?


          • #65
            The best way to contact them is through the team email. Ruff has already typed up a message that looks good (posted in the Templar thread).

            I had thought earlier that we might want to beeline Code of Laws, both for courthouses and for the religion located there. With the possibility of friend co-religionists nearby, that would become a lesser priority.


            • #66
              I would suggest moving the scout that discovered Templars north-east around their border, reinforcing illusion that we came from south-west.


              • #67
                I've finally looked at the save, and here are a few notes:

                1. We will get 2nd border expansion in 9 turns (same time we'll get BW). This will put another peak tile into our cultural area, revealing a lot of tiles to the south of the capital. So I suggest moving original scout NW-SW onto a hill and continuing in the general south-westerly direction from there.

                2. New scout should move North-East around Templar border, to reinforce illusion that it came from south-west, and to learn more about lands along our future border.

                3. Our city still shows up on top5 cities list, so everybody knows that we went worker first.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Zeviz
                  3. Our city still shows up on top5 cities list, so everybody knows that we went worker first.
                  Not necessarily.
                  Our city name is not revealed to them.
                  They only know that two civs went worker first. Which civs, they can only derive from having a close look at the ingame points.



                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Zeviz
                    1. ... So I suggest moving original scout NW-SW onto a hill and continuing in the general south-westerly direction from there.

                    2. New scout should move North-East around Templar border, to reinforce illusion that it came from south-west, and to learn more about lands along our future border.
                    I agree with that. The new scout should move 1NW 1NE to finish 1N of the sugar. It is open land but relatively safe from attack by animals having to cross the river.
                    The new scout can then go on exploring the land to our east, hopefully tracing the coastline for trade routes with the Templars. From the Cloak & Dagger departmenr we know that the Templars sit on a coastal spot, so there is no way "around" them. Furthermore they will pop their 3rd ring in 5 turns (turn23) from the holy city culture. Keep that in mind when placing the scout.



                    • #70
                      Knowing that the Templars have a costal capital is actually really important for scouting purposes. I can't emphasize enough once again how useful the Demographics spying has been.

                      Consider this another vote for mostly_harmless' suggestion to move the new scout up and around the Templars to the north.


                      • #71
                        Someone did play Turn 18, right?


                        • #72
                          As far as I know, Turn 18 is still ongoing. sooooo has not played turn 18 yet to my knowledge. We also have no reply from the Templars yet. Is it worth to contact them in game via the chat as well?



                          • #73
                            Turn 18 will be played in a few hours. We still have 20hr left and 2 other teams to play.


                            • #74
                              Right, double the complications now with two scouts! I was reminded that our scouts have no names so I named them Sharon and Tracy. No news of where Doreen is.

                              Tracy (our new scout) headed around the north side of the incans.

                              Sharon (old scout) spotted a lion and headed onto a more northern hill than the one she originally intended to climb. Only to spot another lion which will surely attack her next turn!


                              • #75
                                You've killed Sharon!

