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  • Joker-

    I still think that gov't should be chosen by the public, or aristocracy, depending on the period, with guidance by the player, while the economic and other SE factors should be almost totally under player control.

    how are corporatist (like Germany), and Statist economies (Japan and France) going to be accounted for, they have much more gov't intervention than Us-style capitalism, but less state control than socialist economies.
    And, we should look more into what we think future SE choices as well, there should be a Green economic choice, as in SMAC, and room for Multinational Corporations, a la CTP, but more visible because of SE's diverse advantages.


    • James:

      I think both the gov and the rest of SE should be chosen by both the pop and you. In a democracy you could easily change from Laissez faire to capitalism, without the approval of the gov.

      About the different types of capitalism i have tryed to solve that problem by giving capitalism some subcategories, those being corporatism on/off (on as in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany), labour unions on/off plus 4 sizes of public sectors. Although me and Techno have had some pretty heavy disagreements about the bons and pens of these, ending in the extreme by us discussing what was the richest country: US or Denmark, this should be included, as the capitalism used in Brazil is REALLY different from that used in Sweden.

      I agree on your future SE choises, and have included a Green economics option in my model 3.0. I also agree on having coorporations included in the game. They should be individual AI's, and could give you more trade, but if they were powerful they could force you to do stuff or take trade and production out of your civ, and maybe even make your people unhappy for a while.

      BTW i have thought about giving Socialism a subcategory: Whether to use planned or market economy. USSR changed from planned to market somewhere in the 70s. Market would give +1 eco -1 pro (or something). What do you think?

      Finally i really think we should move to Maniacs new thread, as downloading time here is getting extreme.
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      - Hans Christian Andersen

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