SWPIGWANG: It's great to see there is someone who agrees with me! The SE systems that I have seen would literally give even the civ veterans splitting headaches.
A simpler system could have three sliders , that is all you need. A slider for GOVERNMENT, ECON and IDEOLOGY.
If you don't like sliders, I would support the following system:
-total freedom
-free market
And that is it, not more complicated than that. Why do you want more choices when they just overlap and make the SE redundant and more complicated?
The combination you picked could determine the name of your government type. For example, totalitarian + planned would give you communism, democracy + planned would give socialism, totalitarian + religion would give you fundamentalism etc... For combinations that the game does not have a name for, the player could name himself/herself.
A simpler system could have three sliders , that is all you need. A slider for GOVERNMENT, ECON and IDEOLOGY.
If you don't like sliders, I would support the following system:
-total freedom
-free market
And that is it, not more complicated than that. Why do you want more choices when they just overlap and make the SE redundant and more complicated?
The combination you picked could determine the name of your government type. For example, totalitarian + planned would give you communism, democracy + planned would give socialism, totalitarian + religion would give you fundamentalism etc... For combinations that the game does not have a name for, the player could name himself/herself.