Arrian's Deception: Eliminate every single AI in ur continent before they make contacts with civs on other continent.
Sometimes hard to pull out but definitely worth it. You can swindle and break any treaties/trades in your continent and have those past mischiefs erased when you kill off those civs before they make any contacts. Your past crimes become part of forgotten history and everybody else will still be Polite/Cautious with you.
Usually I gang up with everybody in that other continent. But even if you create a superpower, it's still okay. That superpower will probably convert to monarchy/communism sooner or later. And they will be backwards in terms of techs and improvements. Your goal really is to be more advanced techwise and develop all your cities with factories, etc.
If they get big enough or small enough, pull the plug and do not extend the alliance after 20 turns. Make peace with the superpower and trade them your techs. If you're aiming conquest, there is still time. Get to Tanks fast or wait for them nukes to fly
My motto: AI civs warring each other is better than having them trading with each other.
Sometimes hard to pull out but definitely worth it. You can swindle and break any treaties/trades in your continent and have those past mischiefs erased when you kill off those civs before they make any contacts. Your past crimes become part of forgotten history and everybody else will still be Polite/Cautious with you.
Usually I gang up with everybody in that other continent. But even if you create a superpower, it's still okay. That superpower will probably convert to monarchy/communism sooner or later. And they will be backwards in terms of techs and improvements. Your goal really is to be more advanced techwise and develop all your cities with factories, etc.
If they get big enough or small enough, pull the plug and do not extend the alliance after 20 turns. Make peace with the superpower and trade them your techs. If you're aiming conquest, there is still time. Get to Tanks fast or wait for them nukes to fly
My motto: AI civs warring each other is better than having them trading with each other.