What'd you do, lurk since the beginning of the year??
I've been wanting to thank you for putting together the Must Read Thread at the top. That is the single most important thing for new players to look at. I know.
How much overlap do you play with? I probably will have to get used to it, so give me a little time to get it right. When playing for fun, I'll still probably use the wide spacing, just because it gives me less of a headache.
2) Continue your journey to the Dark Side.
I also am gonna drop a few of the medievil wonders in favor of (you guessed it) Knights. I'll let you know how this turns out.
As a side note, who are your favorite civs? I find myself playing with Egypt more and more, but I do not know if they will work best with this new approach.
If Arrian is reading this, I want to let him know that I'm not bailing on "our" approach to the game. (I say "our" because that style is my natural tendency.) I just want to see how good I can be. That might mean trying something new.