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BRC's game

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  • #16
    What'd you do, lurk since the beginning of the year??
    Haha.... close. I've been in this forum reading since the middle of August. Just reading everything that you guys have written.
    I've been wanting to thank you for putting together the Must Read Thread at the top. That is the single most important thing for new players to look at. I know.

    How much overlap do you play with? I probably will have to get used to it, so give me a little time to get it right. When playing for fun, I'll still probably use the wide spacing, just because it gives me less of a headache.

    2) Continue your journey to the Dark Side.
    Dominae (thanks again) was able to shed some light on my build cues. I am gonna start putting off most of my banks and universities, so I'm gonna have to find something to fill these spots (Knights and Knights).

    I also am gonna drop a few of the medievil wonders in favor of (you guessed it) Knights. I'll let you know how this turns out.

    As a side note, who are your favorite civs? I find myself playing with Egypt more and more, but I do not know if they will work best with this new approach.

    If Arrian is reading this, I want to let him know that I'm not bailing on "our" approach to the game. (I say "our" because that style is my natural tendency.) I just want to see how good I can be. That might mean trying something new.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BRC
      As a side note, who are your favorite civs? I find myself playing with Egypt more and more, but I do not know if they will work best with this new approach.
      Egypt is very powerful, and consequently is a favorite among the regulars here. As you turn to the Dark Side, you learn to appreciate the warmongering civs (as opposed to the builders), such as China, Japan...even the Zulus. You can play any style with any civ, but obviously it's best when you use your strengths to the fullest.

      I suggest you try Japan next; the builder side in you will be able to rely on Religious, and the Dark Side will beckon with Militaristic and Samurai.

      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #18
        You can't go too far wrong with China for a warmongers civ. It has a great UU that comes at a time when you can most benefit from a GA.
        Egypt is a great Chief to Regent civ (IMO), but above that level if you disable all but Dominate/Conquest I am not so fond of it. No yelling, I did not mean it can be used.
        So to me, how you like to play the games and at what level has a significant impact on what civs are optimal.


        • #19
          I'll give Japan and China a try next. I do like the thought of getting more Elites. I guess I'll just have to see whether I like religious or industrious more.

          I still am in the BC's in the AU game, so I'm gonna try and finish that up this week. Not a lot of free time.

          Hey, would someone want to write a thread on "The virtues of being expansionist?" I just ask because now would be a great time. I might end up doing one next week, although I'm afraid I would have to think it out a bit.

          Are any of the new civs worth it???


          • #20
            Originally posted by BRC
            Hey, would someone want to write a thread on "The virtues of being expansionist?" I just ask because now would be a great time. I might end up doing one next week, although I'm afraid I would have to think it out a bit.
            Aeson's 'Scouting' thread sums most of it up. I don't remember if he discusses Granaries, which is the other advantage of the Expansionist trait.

            Originally posted by BRC
            Are any of the new civs worth it???
            Yes. Celts are Vikings are really fun for warmongering; Ottomans are just plain good.

            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


            • #21
              Aeson's 'Scouting' thread sums most of it up. I don't remember if he discusses Granaries, which is the other advantage of the Expansionist trait.
              Good point.

              Yes. Celts are Vikings are really fun for warmongering; Ottomans are just plain good.
              I was looking at the Celts. Is their unit overpriced at the beginning of the game?

              I guess I'd like to have 3 or 4 civs that I can really do some damage with. How bout you?? (don't say all of them)


              • #22
                BRC, the celtic swordsmen are quite I wouldn't use them like normal swordsmen/immortals. After two games I played with the Celts, I think, I'd prefer to use them during my second period of war: I normally start with archers or horsemen, then -after my cities have grown big enough to produce these units quickly- I go for the rest of my continent. Later, you can combine them with Knigts to continue a powerfull attack


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BRC
                  I was looking at the Celts. Is their unit overpriced at the beginning of the game?
                  Actually I've never tried them, so my opinion is completely based on other peoples' experiences. General consensus seems to be that they're "fairly" priced, meaning you the Gallic is not abusive (which is a good thing). Personally, I would take a Mounted Warrior anyday in SP. Against humans, the 2-defense is probably more worthwhile.

                  Originally posted by BRC
                  I guess I'd like to have 3 or 4 civs that I can really do some damage with. How bout you?? (don't say all of them)
                  Heh, trying to choose your civs so that you can dominate in MP, eh?! I'm still not done trying out the various strategies, which is the best part of civ for me. I would get very bored playing the Romans every game, as some do. In MP, I usually stick to the powerhouses (IMO) like America, China, Iroquois and Aztecs, so I guess those are my favorites. I had a blast in AU202 with the English, though...

                  And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                  • #24
                    In MP, I usually stick to the powerhouses (IMO) like America, China, Iroquois and Aztecs, so I guess those are my favorites.
                    America is a powerhouse??? I guess I need to play around more with expansionist.

                    I had a blast in AU202 with the English, though...
                    I chose the mongols. I have horseman running all around, but I'm pretty depressed without Religious or Industrious. I just don't have a whole lot of infrastructure.

                    Heh, trying to choose your civs so that you can dominate in MP, eh?!
                    Maybe some day we can give it a go. (Praying for next patch)

                    Mazarin: Thanks for the input. I'd almost think that you would need something else to occupy your time during the buildup.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BRC
                      America is a powerhouse??? I guess I need to play around more with expansionist.
                      If you have the time, I suggest you try AU202 again with the Americans, at least up until 500-1000AD. My guess is that you'll be impressed. UU? Who needs UUs?

                      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                      • #26
                        If you have the time, I suggest you try AU202 again with the Americans, at least up until 500-1000AD. My guess is that you'll be impressed. UU? Who needs UUs?
                        I don't need the UU. I need the golden age. Are their any Expansionist Wonders????

                        A blast with the English, huh. What did they allow you to do in this game that another civ couldn't have??


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BRC
                          I don't need the UU. I need the golden age. Are their any Expansionist Wonders????
                          Sure: Colossus, The Great Lighthouse, Magellan's Expedition, Copernicus' Observatory. Actually, the Industrious part is harder to satisfy, since you only have Pyramids, Hanging Gardens and Hoover Dam as triggers.

                          Originally posted by BRC
                          A blast with the English, huh. What did they allow you to do in this game that another civ couldn't have??
                          The personal satisfaction to win with the worst civ. Also, the proof that there is no truly "bad" civ; although I never used the English UU very much (I did build 4 of them!), Expansionist and Commercial were fine traits on the AU202 map (hope that's not a spoiler!).

                          And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                          • #28
                            The personal satisfaction to win with the worst civ. Also, the proof that there is no truly "bad" civ; although I never used the English UU very much (I did build 4 of them!), Expansionist and Commercial were fine traits on the AU202 map (hope that's not a spoiler!).
                            Well, it is good to see that something drives you. No, that's not a spoiler. I have each civ cornered in their respective corners. I need to just start laying cities and make contact overseas, (wherever they are) so that I can upgrade and send the horsies over there.

                            Sure: Colossus, The Great Lighthouse, Magellan's Expedition, Copernicus' Observatory. Actually, the Industrious part is harder to satisfy, since you only have Pyramids, Hanging Gardens and Hoover Dam as triggers.
                            Yeah, I'm gonna have to do some experimenting. Maybe in a year the Americans will be my favorite civ. I've always wanted to fly an F-15.


                            • #29
                              I've played the Americans a couple of times, including AU 202. Let me set this straight: they are not my favourite civ (and far from this status. ) But they were great: expansionnist gave me a lot of goodies from the huts and contacts with everyone on my mainland, industrious allowed me to build roads right at the AI and making my archer rush MUCH more easy.

                              As for the F-15, don't bother. The game is pretty much sealed my then.

                              Get your science News at Konquest Online!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BRC
                                I'll give Japan and China a try next. I do like the thought of getting more Elites. I guess I'll just have to see whether I like religious or industrious more.
                                I think I made a thread on my leader search - before that, I averaged less than 1 per game.

                                If you want leaders, concentrate on happiness.
                                The happier your citizens, the longer you can war.
                                The longer you war (intelligently), the likelier you are to see leaders.

                                I was able to maintain a state of war from Horsemen straight through to Cavalry with no Disorder due to having 5 or 6 luxuries and plenty of temples, marketplaces, cathedrals, HG, etc.

                                I was able to get 5 leaders by Mil. Trad. because I was able to stay at war with only very short respites for shuffling defenders and reinforcements to whatever the new Front was.

                                Japan was great for this because the Samurai are, at the time you begin using them for offense, also the best defender available aside from Musketeers, so no need to produce pikes or muskets if you don't want - Samurai are as good as muskets for temporary defense and can quickly become part of your invasion force once replaced with a new defender.
                                "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos

