Originally posted by ducki
Gus, the scenario you describe is simply part of every non-expansionist civ.
Gus, the scenario you describe is simply part of every non-expansionist civ.
I just said that Aeson's description of a scouting opening doesn't work well for the Aztecs. He advocates leaving your starting city completely undefended while you pump out scouts and a granary. This just doesn't work for the Aztecs.
The correct thing to do with the Aztecs is to behave as if you're making an Archer rush. Your goal is 4 cities with Barracks with at least 2 decent tiles each doing nothing but pumping out warriors, only you need 10 Jaguar Warriors to attack a city instead of 5 Archers.
You continue to attack, occasionally extorting tech and changing targets, until upkeep become prohibitive. You then switch over to Horsemen, who cost 3 times as much as a JW but are only twice as effective, but cost the same to maintain.
You can expect a relatively unproductive Golden Age, but you're going to be so much stronger than anyone else that you'll quickly have control of your starting landmass.
- Gus