Originally posted by Ethelred
The AI does have some special advantages though. It knows the resources position on the maps before they have the tech for the resource. I am pretty sure they have to actualy mapped the area but they may have a knowledge of the resources even before they have done the mapping. That point is not certain.
The AI does have some special advantages though. It knows the resources position on the maps before they have the tech for the resource. I am pretty sure they have to actualy mapped the area but they may have a knowledge of the resources even before they have done the mapping. That point is not certain.
There is one other thing that the AI has an advantage over humans, which has more to do with the possibility of the AI to be very meticulous: the AI knows at the moment that barb camps spawn on known, but darkened tiles (I mean within the second level of Fog of War) where they are. But, humans can see this too. If you take any unit, drag a movement line, and then go over all covered (but known) tiles, sometimes you see that you can't move there, and the line will disappear. This is because there is something in there that won't let you enter that tile (without a fight). Many times, this is a barb camp.
Humans don't go around chasing all covered tiles until they see there is something there, but for the AI this is easy, it has a map of restricted tiles, and if these don't match with what is known of cities-units, there is a barb camp. I'm fairly certain that this is not the way it works, but as a simplification of an explanation it can count.