Wow...tough crowd...tough crowd.
But that's okay....and I certainly understand what you mean, and rest assured that the thread is not permenantly "devolving" into a non-stop discussion of rush tactics.
There is a certain subset of gamer (a...purist, perhaps?) who will accept nothing less than cities spaced exactly five tiles apart (no overlap in any city), and little or limited Despotic-Rushing. That's cool....and it's certainly a noble way to play. And, I *do* hope that the purists out there will not decide to simply leave the thread when the conversations here take a turn down some path that does not fit into their--very specific--playstyle, but I would also say this: Just as a Purist approach is perfectly valid, so too, is ICS and/or Despotic Rush,'s undeniably powerful. There are lessons we can learn from the approach. Segments of the approach we can use to improve our own games without giving in and making full use of the technique.
As students of strategy, do we not owe it to ourselves to discern *why* a given strategy/tactic/idea is so powerful, and do what we can to borrow some of the strengths of the approach, meshing it with our existing playing styles? Is that not the very essence of adaptation?
So...all that to say that I DO hope this thread can be a place where both Purists, Rushers, and every one in-between can come to talk about things that work, and WHY they work....and maybe take something away that will help to improve their game.....
(still working on the Aztec Civ as a portion of the ongoing article!)

There is a certain subset of gamer (a...purist, perhaps?) who will accept nothing less than cities spaced exactly five tiles apart (no overlap in any city), and little or limited Despotic-Rushing. That's cool....and it's certainly a noble way to play. And, I *do* hope that the purists out there will not decide to simply leave the thread when the conversations here take a turn down some path that does not fit into their--very specific--playstyle, but I would also say this: Just as a Purist approach is perfectly valid, so too, is ICS and/or Despotic Rush,'s undeniably powerful. There are lessons we can learn from the approach. Segments of the approach we can use to improve our own games without giving in and making full use of the technique.
As students of strategy, do we not owe it to ourselves to discern *why* a given strategy/tactic/idea is so powerful, and do what we can to borrow some of the strengths of the approach, meshing it with our existing playing styles? Is that not the very essence of adaptation?
So...all that to say that I DO hope this thread can be a place where both Purists, Rushers, and every one in-between can come to talk about things that work, and WHY they work....and maybe take something away that will help to improve their game.....

(still working on the Aztec Civ as a portion of the ongoing article!)