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1st Apolyton CIV3 TOURNAMENT : 15-30/November/2001

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  • I agree with everything you said, and you said it much more eloquently than I could.

    I'd like to hear from someone if they think a Conquest/Domination strategy could possibly be beaten, in either score OR time of victory.

    Blood: What did you pop out of your huts? I know there were like 4 or 5 that I got.


    • Space Race (2265)

      I won the Space Race with a score of 2265.

      Attached Files


      • I got mathematics in one near greeks. Other than that I either got barbarians (twice) and died or 25 gold (all others).

        oh and i never had a city change hands due to culture - we all had basically zero culture
        Out4Blood's Rise of Nation Strategy Blog


        • Too big and too slow


          Finally I've decided to submit my game. The score is not so big: something around 5200, 600AD, Domination Victory Type. The game was cool . Happened right before I've finished romans - Greeks were still alive but romans bothered me too much with their numerous legions (I had just horseman at that time - but a lot of .

          The only technology I've researched myself was the Chivalry - I wanted knights badly.

          Funny thing during the game has happened to me: one four or five my cities were attacked by massive barbarian assault. Actually I had to sell two of them to Chinese guys when I saw the horses hordes approaching them: had no wish to loose my units/money .

          Has anyone had such an experience? Does anyone has a strategy how to prevent this or what is the best policy for defending your city in such cases.

          Attached Files


          • How can you get a domination victory so early?
            I'm playing a game now with similar settings(pangea, regent) with the Romans... And while my legionaries kick everyone's asses they move too slow... My research is barely moving and the AI doesn't want to give me a thing.
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • 2 Eli

              Well, no research (at 0%), no culture, no new cities - only some workers and many, many fast units. Check the replay of the saved game - I haven't founded a single city until the very end of the game.
              All the technologies you get from your opponents for temporarily peace treaty. After you've got whatever you wanted to just continue the war.



              • Sounds very cool! Tho....not being into the rush strat, I can tell already that my score won't even be in the top ten....still, I"m interested enough to dl the map and give it a go....

                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • I am going to try something totally different: Domination Victory by a mixture of Culture/Tech Superiority/Trade/Diplomacy/Limited Wars without ever using Forced Labor! Should work with the Babs.

                  One thing about the Despotic Conquest strategy: Don´t you get insane amounts of unhappiness?
                  Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                  Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                  • 10806 - 1350 BC conquest

                    I'm not going to pretend that I achieved this the first time through without any reloading. However, I figure that just puts me in the same boat as the other top submissions; I probably just reloaded more times.

                    Basically, I figured out the correct sequence of early moves to get a Settler out of the first hut and Warrior Code out of the second. Then I started doing nothing but cranking out Bowmen, and sent the first ones to the east. The workers I captured at Tenochtitlan were quickly converted into valuable front-line Bowmen via the despotic whip, and things just accelerated from there. It didn't hurt that I was able to demand an Aztec-respawn city that was near the Greeks.

                    I relented a bit on the micromanagement over the last 15 turns or so, so it should be possible to improve the score a bit... but I suspect it won't be possible to beat the conquest date by more than 5 turns or so without genuine cheating, simply because of movement limitations. (While if I memorized all the moves I made, I should be able to reproduce this result without any cheating or exploitation whatsoever, in principle.)

                    *later edit: file deleted because you can't get a replay from it. Look on the next page for the correct file.*


                    • Re: 10806 - 1350 BC conquest

                      Originally posted by Dog of Justice
                      I'm not going to pretend that I achieved this the first time through without any reloading. However, I figure that just puts me in the same boat as the other top submissions; I probably just reloaded more times.
                      I was under the impression that both replaying and reloading were no no's in this tourney? Restarting till you get a settler out of the first hut is going to be worth a couple thousand points in any game with these settings (if taken advantage of properly). Knowing the map beforehand can be worth just as much, and reloading often also makes a tremendous difference if you understand how the "random" number generator works. Its good to see that people are being honest about the circumstances regarding their games though. And a score that high Dog, very impressive even with reloading and replaying.


                      • Originally posted by Comrade Tribune
                        One thing about the Despotic Conquest strategy: Don´t you get insane amounts of unhappiness?
                        The key is to keep one unit in the town policing, and keep the city at size 1. Also having a good network of roads helps by bringing luxuries, with the benefit of speeding troop movement as well.


                        • Dog of Justice - nice score! I am suitably impressed. Although, waiting to get setts and warrior code from huts is kinda lame...

                          Aeson - IMO, saving and reloading should not be a no-no. It's stupid to create unenforceable rules. (it's also stupid to have a tournament when you can mod the .bic files, but that's another story). I saved at various points when I was making risky strategic decisions as well. As Brice Willis says, " there are 2 kinds of people, those who save and reload and those who lie about it." Even with saving - a 1350 BC conquest is very impressive. Dog is correct when he says that it may be impossible to beat with due to move restrictions.

                          I think we have a winner!
                          Out4Blood's Rise of Nation Strategy Blog


                          • Dog nice score man!

                            I think anyone who pretends that people are not going to reload huts, or reload battles is living in the clouds. It's still fun to see who can do the best. I started another game, but I'm not going to bother finishing it since Dog showed it could be done. Knowledge of the map and different conquest strategies will allow for this.

                            Blood, and dog do you guys think that monarch or emperor would have made this strategy harder?

                            I still realize no matter what you do popping huts for settlers and certain techs is always going to be possible, and telling people not to do it is not going to stop them, so it's really stupid to try and set the rules that way.

                            Dog, did you use only bowmen the whole time? I'm assuming you also reloaded battles?


                            • dog: is that save file after you completed your victory? When i take the turn it does not trigger a victory. And when I retire it just shoots me back to the main menu. I'm interested to see the replay etc.


                              • Saving and reloading...

                                The point isnt whether or not you can enforce the rules. I was just wondering if it was an acceptable way of playing or not in this tournament? Not everyone saves and reloads, and not everyone takes advantage of rules that can't be enforced. I don't really care if someone beats me by cheating, there's really no way I can know if they did or not. But I do care about seeing how well I can do given a set of rules. I'll always know if I played by the rules or not, and thats the only thing that matters to me. If saving and reloading is legal, why not hex editing of game files? Its just as difficult to enforce, and actually takes more skill (though not particularly civ related skills).

