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1st Apolyton CIV3 TOURNAMENT : 15-30/November/2001

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  • 4 turn mod'd *don't count cause its cheating* conquest

    Before anyone calls me a cheater, I didn't reload once! Hey, none of my cities were size 214... 25 Attack 25 Defense 100 Movement Bowmen (treats all squares as road) make Babylon pretty tough.. haha. Especially when paired with 25 food 25 shield 25 commerce terrain. On a side note, I actually almost lost a battle to a warrior on grassland! That would've been hillarious. Now I gotta go edit my high scores, never going to beat (legitimately) 17840 or whatever it was...

    ps. just in case anyone missed it, I do consider this cheating and was just doing it for laughs :P
    Attached Files


    • Originally posted by Tilemacho
      *…actually the real population of my country was 220 millions and Babylons size 31 until last turn when I used all my slave workers to add to Babylons size…..I only did this to see how many workers I had but turned out to be pretty impressive…
      Nice trick! How many points did that extra 200 million add to your score? Just curious..


      • I think almost nothing because I did it in the last turn...but I suppose that if I had done this 20 turns earlier it would have some effect...
        BTW I don't think score depents on population as is in the stats but in the number of citisens... and this trick only added about 180 new specialists...
        One Life One Game...


        • Domination, 1325 AD. 4033pts,
          Agree, randomturn; No save/reload of course...
          Attached Files
          "- Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." - Oscar Wilde
          " jeg kan jo brukes til så mangt, du kan jo koke lim av meg såklart. Og lime bilder inn... i minneboken din."


          • when's the next tournament?

            I won't even post my savegame.

            I started a week ago and didn't have time to play much.

            So I'm in year 1000 AD or so and my score is also around 1000. Not even worth posting.



            • apparently, it's here. I'll look into it tomorrow.


              • Space - 1826AD - 2251pts A day late and a few dollars short. . .
                Attached Files


                • Where's the thread with the winners?
                  "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                  • Re: tournament rules, and fun

                    [QUOTE] Originally posted by Psyringe
                    My two cents about which rules should be specified for the Apolyton tournament and why ... feedback is welcome.

                    Sidenote to cgrecu: You argued:
                    > 1.It is impossible to be sure that the tactis was
                    > used, just by looking at th saved game.

                    The thing about trust is that it never works.It's ilke that saying with the drop of ink in abottle of water... Even if 99% of the players play by the rules and it's still not enough.
                    And do we do if all people have 2-3000 points and 3 or 4 have 5-6000 points, do we say "hey these people are obviously cheating".We would most likely be right, but everybody is innocent until proven guilty, and since we can't have any prove, it is useless.
                    Of course , there are always bugs and some can even edit he saved game (although this is not something that everybody can do).The only thing about these kind of things is that they can lead to unreasonable scores.So the best we can do is to keep the game scores secret, so these people don't know what score should they "do", and they may go beyond reasonable.
                    I know it's not the soultion.
                    The only people that could come with a soultion are the developpers, they could save in the game's history some statistics (like to save all battles and for each turn to save the money and other variables).This way it would be harder to cheat, if not impossible.


                    • its a noble thought cgrecu, and I totally agree with your view on cheating. I've decided just to give up though. It doesn't matter. There is absolutely no possible way to stop cheating. Even if the developers had large ammounts of security measures to do so. Any information on someones own harddrive that is not going through a server is not protecteable at all. They can always change it however they want, and theres nothing you can do. Hell, the industry can't even stop cheating when there is a server-client relationship. Theres no way some good intentioned optimistic civ3 players can either. This argument of stopping cheating is futile.


                      • first 14 out of 63

                        first three pages of the thread covered...

                        Frank Johnsonspace18781906
                        Gaius Mariuscultural18703046
                        Ghengis Thomdomination18682210
                        Roland Ehnströmspace17962464
                        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
               my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                        • Hey Markos maybe someone could help you to finish this job....???
                          One Life One Game...


                          • Originally posted by Tilemacho
                            Hey Markos maybe someone could help you to finish this job....???
                            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                            • When will we get the results of the submissions?

                              will there be a chart or something&?


                              • Markos, do you still plan to declare some kind of, uh, results for this tournament?
                                Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                                Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.

