Mr Goober you should not really have left this unwritten for so long, as others have said the feedback you got with out actually delivering anything does show that people like your stuff.
Youre last piece was your best so far and we are looking forward to more from you.
I fail to see why you should feel so incensed by Scratch and I would say it is his work, IMHO he is a very necessary part of this forum. Hes an excellent writer and usually very funny to boot, and as said will usually change his stuff later.
He does the same to all the stories here, Comment!! for good ao bad, and that is my reason to see him as necessary. In my first piece he made several whacky predictions as I posted it some of which were ignored but some ideas that I used.
MY advice dont start a thread for a story untill you have at least some of it ready to post.
Youre last piece was your best so far and we are looking forward to more from you.
I fail to see why you should feel so incensed by Scratch and I would say it is his work, IMHO he is a very necessary part of this forum. Hes an excellent writer and usually very funny to boot, and as said will usually change his stuff later.
He does the same to all the stories here, Comment!! for good ao bad, and that is my reason to see him as necessary. In my first piece he made several whacky predictions as I posted it some of which were ignored but some ideas that I used.
MY advice dont start a thread for a story untill you have at least some of it ready to post.