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GDNES - The Prelude of World War 6

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  • To NAC:

    I would like you to give me the money, resources, equipment, and technology that would allow me to upgrade my navy and space fleet to medium within two months.

    In exchange, you get the Cloaking Device.

    - King Bolivar of Peru


    • Originally posted by SKILORD
      how are my tactics giovanni? lol

      They are great don't worry
      That's the kind of strategies I like

      To EPA Garrison Forces in Mexico City:

      Programs of the Political Parties:

      Democratic Leaugue:
      - Social warfare programs to increase the wealth and living of people.
      - Rebuilding of the core industrial system that got destruct after the war
      - Setting the military to a 90% defensive status, as to better protect the country from Fascist or communist rebel factions, and also to allow the EPA soldiers to go home.
      - Possibility of asking to join into alliance with EPA, or Freedom Pact.

      Communist Party of Mexico
      - Abolition of private property, "everything is for everybody".
      - Pubblic works as for Highways, Factories and so on.
      - Expenditure on Space Programs, in order to start colonization projects.
      - Protection of environment and nature.
      - Remain neutral in world affaires.

      Democracy For Freedom
      - Full scale rebuilding of Mexico's industries and productions center, in order to make Mexico competitive again.
      - Increasing of the military status, in order to allow Mexico to defend itself, and let EPa soldiers go home.
      - Tariff against foreign products.
      - Social programs (not specific)

      We sincerely hope you will fully support all those parties, as for a democracy is good, only when it rapresents every people, even the smallest minority.

      Many Greeting
      Paulo Gonzalez
      Gustavo Ramirez
      Raul Mana
      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
      The trick is the doing something else."
      — Leonardo da Vinci
      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


      • Due to the rise in the technological bar the EPA is researching the following:

        A cloaking device that can be used on large space ships and space ships attempting light-speed.
        Time=5 months / 5 days

        A scanner to detect any and all cloaked space ships
        Time= 6 months/ 6 days

        Reactive Space armor that absorbs the destruction of the new powerful weapons in the present
        Time= 7 months / 7 days

        Several new types of space ships such as:
        A new pocket stardestroyer which can out run capital ships and can out gun cruisers.
        Time= 4 months / 4 days
        A missle boat which carries a varity of missles [DUH!] whcih can decimate any capital ship.
        Time= 3months/3days
        An Interdictor which can track and out run any ship even in lightspeed.
        Time = 5months/ 5days
        An EMP cannon that only shuts down weapon systems.
        Time= 6months/6days

        ((OOC: My original fleet looks like the Imperials from Star Wars. All ships as or larger than a cruiser can carry smaller ships like fighters and bombers.))


        • To the NAF and Peruvain Governments: WARNING!! The claoking device can not support the cloaking of a large space ship or a ship sttempting light-speed. That is why it is best used on small fighters and bombers. I am currently making a cloaking device that can withstand the mentioned situations.

          To NAF: We will engage destroying the Cuban space fleet and will send the ISF star destoyers Vengence, Red Wolf, and Apocalypse to assist you.


          • To Mexico: The EPA is going to add some ponts to the treaty.

            1. Mexico may not upgrade its forces in any way without express written consent from Baron Harkonnen.

            2. An open door policy to foreign trade.

            3. A space program can only be engaged if the full intent of the program is made public and the EPA agrees with it.

            As such the communist party is in violation of section 3. And the Democracy for Freedom party is in violation of sections 1 and 2. They must ratify these or face dismantle.

            Yours In Fellowship,

            Baron Gustav Harkkonnen


            • The NAF condemns the harshness of this treaty but makes no move to stop it.
              Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


              • Diplomatic Message to all Nations

                In this new age of exploration and peace we propose trade treatys and non-agression pacts with all freedom-loving nations. Our offer is closed to any communist or facist nations, however. The Chinese Dynasty can't right all the wrongs done by our great country in the past, but we can begin to move in the right direction, hopefully with support of the rest of the civilized world.

                Emperor Cho-Min of the Chinese Dynasty

                SECRET Message to NAF

                We have heard of your recent troubles with Cuban space pirates and the recent seizure of their space port. We feel the need to help bring an end in other countries what strangled our own so badly, so to this end we are offering some information that could be helpful. Though we can't make this public knowledge, we hope you will take this into account when dealing with us at later times.
                *Included is a map detailing Cuban nuclear missile silos and military bases.

                Emperor Cho-Min of the Chinese Dynasty

                General News/Changes/Announcements

                Quelling of communist rebels and securing of all Chinese provinces continue. Small coronation ceremony held in Beijin for Emeperor Cho-Min. First elections held for Chinese parliment, all openly and even a few former communist candidates losing in landslide elections. First order of buisness is reforming the laws made by communist goverment, and better representing the people. The Chinese Dynasty however, unlike many other Constitutional Monarchys sets the Emperor as the ultimate power, with the parliment right below him.

                Military rules and restrictions enforced, many desertions from hard-line communists and those who didn't meet the requirements. Somewhat newer equipment and training begun on soldiers left. Navy and Air Force also under review for new rules and restrictions, not expected to be as bad as the Army though.

                Emeperor Cho-Min announced plans for space colonization, citing nobel prize wining Chinese scientist theory on how the asteroid built could be mined and lived in by almost a limitless number of Chinese citizens. Work begins on retrofitting and bringing up to date the tiny Chinese space fleet. Consisting mostly of exploration and scientific vessels, China has had no actual colonization or military space vessels. Construction has now begun on these vessels, to protect Chinese interests and to reach the goal of colonizing the asteroid belt.

                Many Chinese scientists trained around the world after having left China for various reasons(most of them due to communist aggression) are returning, helping to spur research and improve Chinas technology slightly(still behind that of other nations, though).

                Another cultural revolution, this time by the people and not by those wanting power has begun. Many Chinese citizens having known nothing but war are eager to learn of the past and their glorious Empire that has spanned throughout many years. Also new relegious freedom, temples and even churches are being revived all around China.


                (Not Mentioned Above) All alliances with Russia and Cuba broken.

                Diplomatic Message sent to all nations

                SECRET Message sent to NAF

                Military to decrease from Gigantic to Huge in the next 6 months, but as a result going from not-very-advanced in tech and training terms, to regular or standard.

                Space fleet retro-fitting and construction, 1 Battleship, 2 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers, and 5 Colonization vessels to be made. Once completed space fleet will upgrade to Small(will need to have not very advanced because lack of development and refining of space technology). Estimated time is 6 months.

                Colonization and mining of asteroid belt, to begin after completion of space fleet, estimated time unknown.

                OOC: Oh yeah, nice name Baro, didn't know Apolyton had any Dune fans.
                "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                • From this day forth, Japan wishes to be known as PARTY INC. and to commemorate this, a party is started, it will be a 1000 year party time, we invite all nations to join us, pledging total neutrality in further warfare, our military buildups are only to defend our holdings. We trust as we no longer are agressors, that all nations will protect us to have a peaceful grounds for negotiation.
                  First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                  Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                  • OOC: Eh?
                    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                    • OOC: sorry, brother got control of my name for a minute, I'm as surprised as you
                      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                      • OOC: Ah ok, that was pretty odd. Heh, was figuring it had to be a joke or something.
                        "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                        • ((OOC I'm gonna leave the post up tho, it's kinda cool
                          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                          • To China: We accept your non-agression pact.

                            To The NAC: I agree with you about the Mexico treaty, it seems very harsh. We will take no action to stop it, however.


                            • Election Results
                              Democratic League: 45%
                              Democracy For Freedom 30%
                              Communist Party of Mexico: 25%

                              Total percentage of people who voted: 56%


                              MEXICO TODAY
                              The free voice of Democracy

                              Mexican Democracy already over?
                              As a new Democratic nation, Mexico started the worst way, these elections are not real, as the people was extremely influenced and scared by the words of Baron Gustav Harkonnen
                              To Mexico: The EPA is going to add some ponts to the treaty.

                              1. Mexico may not upgrade its forces in any way without express written consent from Baron Harkonnen.

                              2. An open door policy to foreign trade.

                              3. A space program can only be engaged if the full intent of the program is made public and the EPA agrees with it.

                              As such the communist party is in violation of section 3. And the Democracy for Freedom party is in violation of sections 1 and 2. They must ratify these or face dismantle.

                              Yours In Fellowship,

                              Baron Gustav Harkkonnen
                              This document, released to the pubblic from the DFF, is signed by Baron Harkonnen himself, and goes against any principle of Democracy, and nation's self-determination.
                              The EPA not only imposed an extremely harsh treaty to Mexico (after they waged war to us, claiming they were helping us), but they are directly interfereing with Mexico's internal policies, and Mexico's DEMOCRACY, that they declared themselves the protectors and paladines.
                              -"We went from a dictatorship, to another, but foreign tiranny"- shouted Raul Mana, secretary of the DFF.
                              -"This is an injustice, and goes against the concept of Democracy itself"- Declared Guastvo Ramirez, leader of the CPM.
                              How not to agree with them.
                              Th only party that about the issue said simply "No Comment" was the Democratic League, the only party that benefited from this treaty changing.
                              Luckily enough, the DL couldn't manage to have a full majority in the parlament, so that a little bit of Democracy will still be in this re-born subjugated nation.


                              As Paulo Gonzalez, secretary of the DL, and elected president, read his newspaper, he want on anger.
                              How could they say that, he thoght, a true leader is one that do the best for his people, and angering the EPa would mean just another war.

                              He knows that now his country has not a full-support of him, he knows that. He knows how the Communists are truly the most supported, but he also knows how to make them change opinion!

                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

