Sailing time of 2nd EPAEF= 1month/1 day
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GDNES - The Prelude of World War 6
The Fartmobile, now perfected by Japanese ingenuity, although increasing production and effectiveness almost tenfold. ((nine and a half-fold if you wanna be a **** about it)) However, the Japanese social life is changing rapidly to accomodate this new gaseous lifestyle.
Result: Army movement increased dramatically, reproduction remains about the same, Vehicles do not require oil when made in Japan.
This tech is for sale for one of the following.
A Large Mercenary Army
A Medium Mercenary Army of First Class Tanks
There really isn't much else we want atmFirst Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
Originally posted by The Bloody Baro
To Fascist Dictator: The oppresion of your people is reason enough. Since Fascism is so great explain why fascist nations are either not powerful at all or get powerful than get their butts handed to them. I would also note that you are so pitiful that you force your men into service by kidnapping their families!
How can Europeans know that?
IC: Dictator:
"so... are we ready for the attack General?"
"We need on more day sire, in one day our forces will be invincible.... Europeans will have no chance... we are playing with the 'field advantage' " said Magana
"good.... attack them"
"ehm.... sorry sire?.... I thought you wanted to wait"
"it is one months that we are waiting... I don't want those Euroscum in here any more...... ATTACK THEM...... DESTROY THEM"
And he shut th door with a big slam.
General Magana could not anything... but to obey the order.... many Mexican soldiers' life could be spared by waotong.... many more European could be imprisoned... instead hove been killed.... but orders are orders.... and he wanted to see his family again.
Field General Carlos Terra could not believe his eyes, when the order to attack was trasmitted.... he asked for a confirmation four times... and four times the answer was:" You gotta do it"
He charged up his troops, as only a great military leader could do.... and than simply said :"Let's do it"
The same night, when the Europeans were ready to sleep, the Europeans guard shouted "they attack!!! Alarm! They attack.... Those bloody Mexicans are here!!!"
He could say these words only once...a bullet went throug his head.
The attack began.... the overwhelming number of Mexicans was supllying to the technoligal backwardness, they knew the place better, and the night was favoring them, airplanes were flying on the sky... looking for any wondering tanks, or infantry.
The Mexicans forces were dominating... but those soldiers knew it was all invane, the Europeans wpuld have landed with more soldiers, and soon other nations would have start pressing on the Mexican borders.
The air superiority of the Mexicans was a big the Euro stupidly enough, didn't brought any planes with them.
The A-26 Planes squadrron were hitting the European divisions on the beaches, as the armors and infantry was taking care of the others.
The day after this... all it was of the battlefield was blood, dead bodies and a few wrecks.
Only a Mexican Dictatorial Flag was still waving.... covered with the blood of Europeans, and Mexicans soldiers!
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
((OOC: Sorry about the family thing forgot about the reality police.))
Field Marshal Muller was looking a little aprehensive. He had to give the Baron a not so good report on the recent Mexican attack. But he had an Ace up his sleeve.
" What is the current news on the front? " asked the Baron.
" Well sir they decimated the 1st infantry along with the recon units, and the beach head has been bombed by Mexican aircraft. " Muller waited for the blow to fall.
" Damn, those troops were sent because of my orders. Well appartions will be made to their families. Now what can we do right now? "
Muller walked over and whispered something in the Baron's ear. Then the Baron started to laugh.
Back at the battlefield...
The Field General was looking at the battlefield, it was disgusting. But something was wrong.
" Intillegence told me they had 2 more tank divisions. Well where the h**l are they? "
" Right behind you @$$hole!! " The Field General looked behind him and saw the most terrifying thing in his life. Rank after Rank of tanks staring down on him. " 1 chance to surrender and thats all you get. " Some of the troops raised their hands and walked forward.
" Till DEATH!!! " The field General shouted and as he was drawing his pistol he was ablitorated.
Military actions.
1. The INF Black Dawn and Last Stand have arrived. The fighters an bomber are seeking out any and all Mexican planes to gain complete airsuperiority.
2. The Elite 106th airborne has parachuted into Mexico City to capture the Mexican dictator.
3. The Elite 21st and 92nd armored link up with the 29th and 96th armored and are making an all out run to Mexico City before the Paratroopers can be slaugthered. Time= 1 month/ 1day
The EMCF are completed. They are now heading to the moon to set up colonies there. Time to reach the moon= 1month/ 1day.
Originally posted by Metaliturtle
REALITY POLICE! you really shouldn't have a large army any more Mexico.
Why I shouldn't!
I increaded My GPN expenditure on Military up to 20% (see few post ago)
Plus.... Europeans attacked with only 6 divisions....WITH NO AIR SUPPORT!
I never see an invasion on a foreign land working with such a cheap army.... come on!
Plus... Germany in WW2 was very tough to invade... even thous they had almost no military left!
I think maybe it was unreal they resisted one month on the shores, not that I pushed them back!
(Next time, He'll get smarter and bring more troops and PLANES, keep a bombing with missiles from aegis and subs, protected by submarines and battleships... attack on many fronts...... and you'll see that he will beat the crap out of me)
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
IC: (No side)
The Anti-air guns and missiles shoot down a few of the Europeans aircrafts, althoug not enough.
In a spectacular Air battle, (one of the most spectacular in history since the fight on Madrid during WW4, between former USA and Europe), end up in a big kaboom.
23 Mexicans planes were shot down, only 15 Europeans one.
(Rebel side)
The European paratrooper knew how lucky he was to be alive, he managed to land in the neighboring of Mexico City, while most of his companions were killed, by Mexicans plane or by the infantry.
Mexico City looked like a real stronghold, a few rebels who scouted him, and cured him from his wounds told him that in Mexico City the soldiers were too many, too many yanks waiting on the outside, too many infantry patroling the streets of the city.
A direct attack on the capital was a real suicide, they had to find a way to first force those troops out of the city, in order to make attack them on the open.
The main rebel encampment was in the country around the city of Hermosillo (near the pacific coast on the north, close to Californian peninsula), of the Europeans were to go there, they would finally have a base on Mexico, and they would finally meet with the rebel, in order to organize better and more sneaky attack.
Cause this way, the rebel said, they are just sending in man in order to be slaughterd by the fascist.
The European paratroopers, hearing these words, understood the problem of the Europpeans attacks, and why they were not working the way they should of.
"We are just attacking the capital.... that's true.... but we thought the rest of country was supporting us"
"Not enough people support you, and the few that does, are too afraid of the Fscist to show up.... belive me... if you just kill the dictator, another one will raise instead of him.... but if you kill his power.... finally Mexico will be a free country"
OOC: Bloody Baro.... read very carefully this... there are many hints for you"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Originally posted by The Bloody Baro
So what do you think of my counter attack Giovanni?.........
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Japan Pulse cannons fire upon Mexican production centers and army barracks in the night from space, the fleet disappears before countermeasures can be made.First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
The Peruvian Government Update:
Since Peru has no spaceships, we have been trying to devise other ways to use the Pulse Cannon. We have had 2 successes. The technologies are for sale to our allies.
First, we have developed a lightweight and small but strong hand-held version of the Pulse Cannon. It's a very effective Anti-Tank and Anti-Air weapon. It's also effective against large masses of enemy infantry (but not as effective as against tanks and air.)
Second, we have the Pulse Missile. It can devastate small enemy cities, and can destroy parts of larger cities. It's like a Nuke, but without all that bad radiation.
In other news, our Navy upgrade has been completed. It is now size Small.
Our Space Navy upgrade has 7 months to go.
Dictator Juan Hernandez Nero looked at his nation, as the big strenght of his state was gone, his all people was now gathering at his palace... begging for peace!
The Japanese attack was devastating.... every industrial city was now just a big hole in the terrain, many barracks were burning, and too many people were dead.
Juan was an evil dictator, but he could have never imagined that all these people, claiming to be defenders of justice, freedom and democracy.... were ready to commit such an horrible thing to a nation.
Many innocents lives were gone now, taken by surprise during the night, Mexico City itself had lost half of its population... and buildings.
Evrywhere where the Pulse Cannon striked, there was nothing but desolation.
Juan know now, at what point are these democracies democratic, as they didn't alow any country, different from them, to exist... and they attacked for no reason.
Juan is evil, but he is a smart man.... and he knows when it's time to, surrender.
He took is pen and a piece of paper and wrote:
"We had enough... now we want peace"
Not a word more!
OOC: You Metaliturtle, evil guy...... I was having so much fun being the bad guy for once.... and you ruined everything..., grrrrrrrr"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
To Peruvuian Government: The EPA will give the Peruvian goverment technology that would allow them to upgrade their fleet in 1 month for an allaince against Fascist Mexico.
To NAC: The EPA requests that you allow EPA air sqaudrons to base inside your territory. The Baron realizes that we need a full scale invasion to destroy the Fascist scum and needs these airbases for bombers and fighters.
At the Black Palace in Berlin
" What!?! " Yelled the Baron.
" The Paratroopers were complety destroyed. However the one who did survive sent us some plans that the rebels have. " Field Marshal Muller had to give the bad news again.
The Baron looked over the plans and said " Fine divert the 21st and 29th to reach the rebel encampment. The 92nd and 96th are to surround Mexico City and they are to follow a policy of 'no one goes in or out'. Commence Massive bombing of Mexican production establishments and training areas. I realize that these short landings are not going to work. Deploy Carrier group Destruction to Mexico. Send the 3rd, 8th, and 23rd army groups to Mexico. How many divisions do the groups comprise again?"
" Well the 3rd is made up of entirly elite divisions of the 204th, 86th, 91st, and 100th armored. Plus the 6th, 7th, and 8th artillery companies are present along with the 4th Anti Air battalion. The 10th and 14th infantry are present also. The 8th & 23rd compries the same amount of troops and equpment just different divisions. "
" Also get Sky Marshal Vietmeir to prepare his air squadrons to be shipped to America should the NAC accept our request. "
" Plus I want our rain missles* deployed on targets in Mexico along with regular crusie missles. "
" Yes Baron. "
* A rain missle is like a giant cruise missle that splits up in mid-air into 20 large missles that indepently tracks seperate targets.
((OOC: When I posted my last post i didn't see your post))
IC: TO Mexican dictator: The attacks were to show that we will not stop unless the following is done in Mexico:
1. A Democratic Government
2. An EPA garrison to enforce this government
3. The reduction of your army, navy, and airforce to small and the dismantling of your Space fleet.
I will halt my troops [and I expect you to do the same] so that these negotians can continue.