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The Epic Tale of Navalon

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  • The Epic Tale of Navalon

    This is literally going to be an epic. At least to me. I dont think iv ever written as much as im going to write over the next few weeks.

    This story I’m about to tell you I began formulating way back when I experienced Civilization for the first time. I was in 4th or 5th grade at the time and fell in love with the game. This story has been shaped and developed over the many years since then (Im 17, almost 18 now) but has continued the same basic idea. The story starts out similar to how the original Civilization did, with a spirit-like being coming to you after your tribe had discovered the secrets of irrigation, road-building, and mining and granting you immortality (if I remember correctly) and telling you to lead your civ through time. I will write the story over a period of many, many installments, and the story is so long in my head that I don’t know if I will ever finish, even if I decide to continue after the first few parts. I know Im going to at least get into some gorey battles and stuff though, cant write an epic tale of empire without cool battles. They *will* happen , hehehe, gore galore, I garuntee it. (ill be nice and tone it done for the squemish)

    I request your feedback, be brutally honest, because if the story is not entertaining anyone than it is not worth my time to write . Just feel free to make any comment, suggestions, ideas, or queations. The story, after a lengthy sci-fi/fantasy opening and background story, follows the birth and growth of a small city-state (fictitious, as you will see) into a flourishing empire through the leadership of a great hero. I wish I could tell the story through more dialogue but it would take way to long, so it’ll pretty much just be narration.


    P.S. The story will often revolve around a religion, which to my knowledge is completely, absolutely, one-hundred and ten % fictitious and in no way reflects my beliefs. Please, if it resembles your religion or any of your religious views being butchered or blatantly contradicted, please do not take offense, it is completely coincidental and it reflects in no way my beliefs or those of anybody I know (it gets pretty far-out - you'll see. just bear with me). Also note that good and evil are completely relative terms and so my inferred definitions of good and evil my not match yours entirely. You may think you’re the holiest person on earth and someone else the evilest, but that other person could very well believe the same thing (i.e. I think im good and Osama bin Laden is evil, Osama and his followers think he is the most pious man alive, and think me an evil infidel)

    Last edited by Kramerman; June 23, 2002, 04:35.
    "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
    - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
    Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum

  • #2
    The Beginning – Or the End?

    A countless number of years after the beginning of the Universe, a number so close to infinite it is practically so, the universe has grown dark, distant, and cold. The stars have burnt out that seemingly endless pool of energy granted to them at the Beginning, the Bang. The galaxies of burnt out stars, cinders of the past, have drifted far, far from each other as they were designed to do, leaving an endless void of darkness. Their resident interstellar civilizations now also dead, their structures, or what is left of them, towering feats of life, a testament for none to see of something truly great. This signaled the beginning of the end of the Cycle.

    At this point, the end of the Universal Cycle, The forces of Good and Evil march from their portals to the Void to fight the final battle, to finally affirm the victor of the Cycle. The Lord of Good and Cosmos [Greek for “order”] and the Lord of Evil and Chaos [“disorder”] lead their armies of a trillion-trillion-trillion souls, the essence of all sentient life forms that ever lived from the beginning of the Cycle to this point, to battle. The victorious Lord uses the essence of all the souls of the vanquished, to draw the mass and energy of the Universe back together. The mass and energy then “clumps” together, condensing into a zero-dimensional, infinitely dense point that then collapses onto itself before exploding into the Universe of the Next Cycle. At that instantaneous point in time, of the Universal Birth, the victorious Lord can influence the resulting Universe to be closer to his alignment. Therefore if Chaos won, the victorious Evil Lord would steer the resulting universe more towards unpredictability and chaos, whereas a Good Lord would aim it towards one of beauty and order. The resulting souls of this universe will then duke it out in the End, as they did the Cycle before this, and the Cycle before that, and the Cycle before that and they will fight again at the End of the next Universe, and continue to do so, but I do not know for how long; I know not if there will ever be a “true” End or if there ever was ever a beginning. Most puzzling of all, is where did this system come from? When, if ever, did it began, and who, if anybody/thing, created it?
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Good was hopelessly outnumbered. Too many souls of the past universe followed the path of lawlessness, anarchy, and disorder. The Supreme Being of Good accepted defeat, and the next Cycle was to be controlled by Chaos himself. Lord of Good tried to figure out where he had gone wrong, and what he could do to change the outcome of the next Universe, now that he had lost the advantage. He controlled the last cycle, yet somehow lost. He had plenty of time to think, though, he would fall into a deep semi-conscious comatose for 4 billion years after the new beginning, allowing Chaos his head start to guide the universe into His image. He had the advantage this time.
    When He awoke, he knew exactly what had gone wrong. He had become arrogant and passive, assuming since He had begun with control, that he could not lose. This time would be different. He would take as active a role as the Universe allowed in obtaining the control of the next Universe. Unfortunately, little activity was allowed between Gods and Life. He only had one shot, and had to make it work. After surveying the life that had come to exist thus far, the Lord of Cosmos spied a species, quite well balanced for their state in evolution with intelligence, physical strength, and versatility, as well as having an unusual natural tendency towards organization. He liked. He searched this third sphere from the local average star at that present and using his limited power of looking through time for a specific specimen, one of great power… He found one. Only this…One, would live very briefly, he and his mother and father would be killed during his birth. It would happen during a violent sea storm, where strong winds and finally a lighting bolt would snap and knock down a large tree and cause it to go crashing down upon their domicile, killing the family. He would not let this happen. Using much force, he forced an asteroid to hurtle towards the sphere, where it hit the atmosphere at a shallow angle and skipped off into space, but not without the force of impact breaking up the storm, and indeed, influencing the species significantly through the resulting rain of fire from the collision. Indeed, many myths and legends were born that day…
    "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
    - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
    Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


    • #3
      Ok, thats the setup, now for the real story. I' ve done a little more, and I think thats it for tonight. Ill try to post more tomarrow afternoon, i'll see howmuch time i have.

      Let me know what you think so far!

      "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
      - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
      Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


      • #4
        The Cradle

        Navapolis, named after the Greek mythological God Navayosus, son of The Greek warrior Goddess and God of the Sea, whose Realm was that of navigation and naval combat, was fittingly named, for it was a small (but fast growing), bustling, port colony of a powerful Greek city-state located on the tip of “toe” of the “boot” of the peninsula of Italia. It was a diverse town, where traders and merchants from all around the mighty Mediterranean Sea would come to re-supply on their long voyages, as well as trade their surplus wares.

        The colony obviously prospered with the influx of trade and also had many homegrown successful start-ups, such as the ship building industry, commercial fishing and even limited manufacturing of tools and such. The town also had a very diverse culture, with a high concentration of Greek colonists, locals native to the area, as well as many Latins, Etrurians, and Sabines from the north that came down to settle and even a few settlers from further north, from the mountains and beyond. Phoenicians, and peoples from Asia Minor, as well as Africans were not uncommon, most came as merchants who settled down to take advantage of the strategic position of the colony, others were sailors who deserted, and yet others just immigrated for a new and better life.

        However, the town was a Greek colony, first and foremost and it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows. The first governor of the colony was quite a benevolent and wise leader and he was most responsible for the town’s growth and prosperity. Unfortunately, he mysteriously died around the birth of our hero and his erratic, adolescent son took his place - suspiciously ready. He was the new “governor”, his name was Tyranicus, and he lived and ruled like a king, squandering any funding from the homeland to feed his own voracious life style, most notable for exotic foods being the glutton he was. He simply swept the “dirt” under the carpet when the King’s comptroller would come for inspection and collect taxes from the colony, and then he would return to his ways after he was gone. Tyranicus himself wasn’t bad initially, though he was an inexperienced leader being a mere 17 year old. But as time wore on he became more and more despicable. He would impose ridiculous laws and allow unthinkable things to happen, such as letting his friends select women to rape at will, and that is not to mention his paranoia that began to arise. He would often select townsmen at random and would publicly execute them, claiming they were against the city-state and would be examples to those who opposed him. Of course, at that time, no one opposed; but that was about to change. He was bringing ruin to the prospering economy, scaring many merchants away. The residents began to organize…
        "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
        - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
        Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


        • #5
          If I get time, Ill begin the next part tomarrow.

          Sneak peak: The rise of the as of yet un-named (you'll find out, hehehe...) hero and the revolt that would begin the fight of Cosmos vs. Chaos.
          Ive only scratched the surface folks. This is truly going to be an epic story.


          P.S comments, questions, ideas, suggestions, and critcisims are always welcome . I appreciate it.
          "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
          - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
          Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


          • #6
            pretty good...this should be interesting


            • #7
              History Altered

              During a frightfully violent thunderstorm, she went into labor. The woman would become a mother, her husband a Father. Just as the baby was being delivered, the sky outside the window lit up, bright as day. Wrapping the baby in blankets and clutching the wailing child to her chest, the couple went out to the front door of their meager home and saw nearly the whole of the town, in the middle of night, outside looking at the wonder taking place in the sky. The couple looked up and saw fire streaking across the heavens. Many wailed that the Gods have come for reprisal, others that the world was ending, yet most were surprisingly calm, at ease, watching the fires float and descend through the sky. That couple knew their child was special, for that was certainly why he was born during such a beautiful, terrifying, and enigmatic event . It had to be a sign from the Gods themselves. It was then that they named him. Annhyicus.

              The father came to Navapolis indirectly as a Greek sailor. As a boy he always wanted to explore the sea, being fascinated by its size and mystery. He always wanted to know what lie beyond the water and what lie beyond that. When still considered a boy by most, he struck out and got a job on a merchant galley. However, it was not the adventure he had hoped for. After many years toiling behind an oar, and a man with a whip behind him, he decided enough was enough. He jumped ship at the next port, Arbos, a small colony north of Navapolis. There the young man became a street urchin, begging and living off handouts from the governor. Then one day while trying to pick a large-waisted man’s pocket, his arm was grabbed.
              “What is your name, boy!” his voice boomed.
              “Um, Arius sir,” the young man replied meekly with a mix of terror and guilt in his voice and on his face.
              His choice was simple, be turned in and rot in the dungeon, or come work his crime off with that man. The man turned out to be quite a jolly fellow, owning a blacksmithing shop in the marketplace. He became somewhat of a father figure to the Greek, taking him in long after he’d paid off his crime and making him an apprentice. There Arius learned the trade of metal working and also met the girl that would be his wife. After marriage, they were off together to Navapolis, to start their new life. The Greek would never forget that jolly old man that had taken him in, when all others just spat on him.

              She was born as the only daughter into a nomadic family. They lived in the towering mountains of the north of Italia, where life was hard. Her mother would later tell her that her family, and that of her husbands, came from the dark forests even further north. When still a young girl this small family migrated down into the valley, where it was warm, green, and unwild as it was not in the mountains. There were settlements of people, many people living together in one place; the girl had never seen so many people before. And the farmers beyond the settlements worked with bountiful crops without fear of being slaughtered; the girl had never seen so much food. Her father got work helping a farmer with his crops, earning only a meager living but enough to support his family. After many years of toil, he died, a tired and worn out man, truly good of heart. The farmer’s family that he’d work for were kind enough to take in the crippled family in long enough for them to get back on their feet. The mother, now an older lady and her daughter almost a women began their trek south, to the large settlements they had heard about. There the mother would find work as a weaver and the daughter would find a husband. Their travel was dangerous, through the wild lands of warlike tribes – those of the Latins and Sabines, but they made it without incident to the northern most settlement of the South of Italia, Arbos. There the mother and her daughter found work weaving, and the daughter fell in love with a young metal worker. After her mother died, after a long hard life, with a short bright end, the young lady agreed to marry the man, and then they went south together to start their better life.
              Last edited by Kramerman; June 28, 2002, 04:57.
              "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
              - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
              Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


              • #8
                Sacred Encounter

                Annhyicus was a vivacious boy, full of activity; physically fit, he easily competed with the older boys in the foot races and throwing contests. He was smart too, quickly learning to read from his mother, who had taught herself to read not to long before. Though at times mischievous, he was quite well disciplined. He was often given a hard time by the other boys though, because he looked different, with lighter skin, hair and eyes than all the other Mediterranean children. These traits come from his mother, who was most respected in the town for her beauty, though boys never change and would pick on the kid that is different. When a young child, his family was poor, but as the years past his father’s metal working business prospered. He opened many shops in the forum and bought out much of his competition. His shops employed many workers, from toolmakers to armourers. Indeed, many additions were made to their hut on the cliff, until it soon became a coastal villa. The captain of the gaurd even selected his finely balanced bronze javelins to replace the old wood-shafted copper tipped javelins presently in use. The father never lost his love for the sea however, and his dream was to purchase or build some boat building facilities on the beaches north of the town, outside the walls. In the mean time though, after much prosperity in the past, the seemingly insane governor Tyranicus, or King Tyranicus as he now demanded to be called, was putting a crunch on the business by scaring away the merchants. That, as well as his many other wicked acts forced the colony to organize. The father, being quite respected in the town was part of the leadership of this movement, often hosting secret meetings in his home. They were planning an overthrow with help from units of the militia, though they had to be careful, most were entirely loyal to the governor and would rat out the resistance movement immediately. The governor, being paranoid as he was, also had spies who where his eyes and ears throughout the colony and looked for trouble. The movement worked slowly and carefully, and over a few years gathered many followers and supporters.

                ************************************************** ****************************************

                Late one night, on the eve of Annhyicus’ 18th birthday, he lay in his room unable to sleep. Tossing and turning, he had a pounding headache, which he thought odd because he rarely got such aches. Then he began to feel dizzy and perspired profusely as his room appeared to spin about him.
                “What is going on,” he thought to himself,” Am I dying?”
                What sounded like a thunderclap exploded around the now dreadfully frightened young man, quickly followed by a burst of light, the brightest, purest white light, emanating from the room’s north wall and flooding the room.
                “I HAVE BEEN WATCHING YOU BOY,” a voice sounded out, louder, deeper, and closer than any thunder-strike that Annhyicus had ever heard. “YOUR PROGREES HAS BEEN SLOWER THAN ANTICIPATED, BUT NO MATTER.”
                “Oh my…the Gods, they’ve come for me! Almighty Zeus, I am your slave!” Annhyicus yelled with a trembling voice. Filled with fear, he stood up to show he was brave and worthy, but immediately collapsed to the floor with dizziness.
                Annhyicus now found himself strangely at ease, though still sick to his stomach. He listened intently to this strange Light, bursting even brighter with every syllable. He learned the origin of the Universe, he learned of the Cycle, he learned of the cause of and purpose of that mysterious sky fire his parents told him about on every birthday, he then learned his mission.
                “How could I ever unite the whole of earth, especially in a single life time. I do not know if I can do what you have asked of me, Almighty Light.”
                The Light explained that time was quickly running out. It explained that if Annhyicus succeeds, than they shall not meet again until the Final Battle. He told the young man that he has been granted immortal life, that he cannot die of age, mild poison, or disease, though he definitely could still bleed and can die by wounds like any other man. He stated that Annhyicus should age to his late 20s or early 30s and then not age another day after that. He then implanted a ritualistic prayer in the young man’s mind that he shall use to call upon the essence of good and infuse it upon an object or person of worth. By doing so he can greatly increase the strength of an object or lifespan of a person in proportion to their worth, but if they are not worthy enough, object or life form, they shall be instantly annihilated. The Light, now just a glimmer, and the voice just a whisper, said farewell to Annhyicus and wished him well on his quest. Then with a flash and bang as powerful as the first, the light disappeared, the voice was no longer, and young Annhyicus remembered nothing more until morning…
                Last edited by Kramerman; June 28, 2002, 05:21.
                "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                • #9
                  Still much, much more to come. Sorry it took me so long to do this last part, I did not have as much time as i had anticipated this afternoon. I should have the next part up by tomarrow night, I've already started on it.


                  P.S. Tell your friends!
                  "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                  - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                  Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                  • #10
                    WOw this is great! It could be spaced out a little more but the story is incredible!


                    • #11
                      Yeah sorry about that, I have overlapped in a couple of places, and I am kinda dragging out the details of the begining, but I think it is important. After this part though I hope to start to fly though the thousands of years of the story. I may just summarize huge chunks too.
                      Thanks for the feedback civman! Much appreciated!

                      "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                      - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                      Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                      • #12
                        The Morning After

                        “Annhyicus, come to breakfast,” she yelled from the kitchen to Annhyicus’ room as she made her way there. “Come on lazy bones, get up, its your big day,” the mother said with excitement in her voice.
                        “Come Adalae, let him rest. Besides, today is his day off from the shop, unfortunately,” the father said, leading his wife back to the kitchen.
                        “Why do you say that?” she asked.
                        “Because he is in the tail-end of making a beautiful short sword, jewel encrusted and everything, that I am to present to the king in a few days. Damn, that boy has a gift of craftsmanship finer than I’ve ever seen. Anyway, I hope it will throw Tyranicus off from any sense he has of me and any underground movement, since an incident last month when the militia constable walked in on a meeting. The cover story that we were organizing a business guild wasn’t the most convincing.
                        “I thought I told you to stop with that nonsense, Arius, if King Tyranicus does finds out he’ll kill all of us,” his wife stated with worry.
                        ”What, do you want me to have to sell another shop so I can put food on the table. I’m down to five. If business doesn’t pick back up soon, we might have to sell the house. And remember Mr. Kalshisa, the owner of the large wine shop in the forum, I heard he was arrested today on charges of ‘trying to poison the king’. We’ll probably never see him again. That filthy drunken governor just wanted to take his shop,” Arius remarked with bitterness.
                        “I don’t care Arius, I don’t want to take a risk like that, not after how far we’ve--- shhhh, say nothing to Annhyicus,” Adalae whispered as she heard her son approach the room. “Well! How are we doing this morning, sleepy head!” the mother said cheerfully, “Come, sit and eat, there is plenty. I picked these delicious grapes up from the marketplace this morning. So, child, or man, I guess you have become one today, how did you sleep last night? And what are your plans for today?” the mother asked inquisitively.
                        “Uhhhhh…I don’t know…uhhhhh… may I be excused. I’ve got much to do. Um, father, could I use some iron ore from your storeroom, I would like to begin a project today,” Annhyicus asked politely.
                        “Iron? Whatever for? That stuff isn’t cheap! Oh well, consider it my gift to you. Take as much as you need from the storeroom, of anything you need from the storeroom,” Arius told his son with a sense of pride,” With your skill, I’m quite excited to see how this ‘project’ of yours will turn out. Can you tell me what it is---“
                        “No,” quickly replied Annhyicus before his father even finished asking the question. “I must go now, I’ll see you all tonight,” the young man said as he left the room towards the workshop on the side of the house.

                        There is where he and his father tinkered with new ideas of metalworking and with other forms of construction. There he will begin his quest. He took some lumber and nails from the storeroom and began work on his alter that he would perform the prayer given to him upon. After several hours of work, it was finished and he then began planning that which he would bless upon it. He would fiddle with ideas in his head and in sketches for most of the rest of the year. He knew one thing, that it must be worthy of the power of the Cosmos. He then worked for another full year on his plans, spending every awaken moment and every minute of his spare time he had. He also worked hard to keep his project a secret.

                        Then late on the night of the eve of his 20th birthday, his project was done. He then spent the rest of the night performing the ritual to bless his project…the most stunning and beautiful armor, helmet, shield, and sword yet created on earth and perhaps more beautiful than any ever created. The next evening, he found his father to be most upset at the matched set, when he discovered Annhyicus in his room (he went looking for him after not seen him all day) at the tail end of the ritual with the set, to Annhyicus’ great surprise. His father thought the armor and shield to look strange, like nothing he’d ever seen before. And the helmet just vaguely resembled that of the Corinthian style with wich he was familiar. But that was not what upset him, he was throbbing with anger when he discovered that his prized jewels, a large pyramidal blue gem and two large white diamonds, where emplaced into the hilt of the sword, the blue one pointing down at the bottom of the hilt, and the 2 diamonds at the top and to either side of the hilt in the center of a beautifully carved compass rose - the symbol for Navayosus. His father yelled that he would deduct his son’s pay for his work at the shop until he had paid for the gems, though he knew a life time's work in his shops could not pay them off. His father then said he was in the middle of something important and was on his way somewhere, and didn’t have time to deal with this at the moment, but would when he returned…
                        Last edited by Kramerman; June 28, 2002, 05:00.
                        "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                        - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                        Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                        • #13
                          The Burning Cradle

                          As Arius hugged and kissed his wife goodbye and headed to the front door, it swung open. There appeared king Tyranicus through the door along with an entourage of troops.
                          “Ah, my faithful civilian Arius, master craftsman, and businessman extraordinaire, your life’s story is quite well known and an inspiration to all. But with pleasantries aside, I’ve come to ask you a few questions.”
                          “Oh king!” Arius exclaimed as he dropped to one knee,” I am at you service!”
                          “May I ask where you were on your way to. I assume you were going somewhere, having seeing you embrace your wife, such a pretty woman she is by the way, and head for the exit of your home,” the king asked with a grin on his face.
                          “Uhhh, I was just on my way to check up on my shops---“
                          “Isn't it almost dark? Why, aren’t they closed now?”
                          “Well, yes, but I would like to see---“
                          “Enough games!” Tyranicus exclaimed, cutting off Arius once again,” You were on your way to a meeting, a secret meeting, as you do at every time at this part of the week! Guards! Seize him! Take his wife back to my quarters and chain her. Then torch the house.”
                          “Sir, I believe they have a son,” remarked the captain.
                          “Find him, and kill him,” remarked Tyranicus, with nonchalance," I must deal with this insurection once and for all."
                          “Annhyicus! Run! Fetch my bow and light an Arrow and launch it towards the bell tower, it’s the signal---“
                          “Shut him up!” Tyranicus barked, with a soldier quickly punching the restrained Arius across the face.” No you idiot! I meant kill him! Tyranicus exclaimed as he shoved the soldier out of the way and thrust his sword, the very encrusted sword Arius had presented to him almost 2 years before, through his chest.
                          “NOOOO!” Adalae shrieked as the guards shoved her through the front door. “Nooo,” she said once more with painful cries and pleads, as she was wrestled away from the door. She cried and cried, with deep remorse and sorrow, having seen her true love be struck down before her and fearing the worst for her only child.
                          “Don’t cry woman!” Yelled Tyranicus as he jogged up the road behind them, on the way to the Governor’s Keep, “Soon you’ll know the touch of a real man….”
                          Last edited by Kramerman; June 25, 2002, 03:33.
                          "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                          - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                          Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                          • #14
                            disregaurd this... sorry
                            Last edited by Kramerman; June 24, 2002, 19:00.
                            "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                            - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                            Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                            • #15
                              The Burning Cradle Part II

                              Annhyicus, Hearing the commotion, was quick to gather his gear in a sack, and upon hearing his beloved father’s command, was off to the stable beside the house. There his father kept his bow and arrows, along with his horse, Archus [Arkus], or Arch as the family lovingly knew him. He was a powerful stallion, white in color and in the peak of his life. He had grown very powerful from carrying Arius on his hunting excursions outside the city gates and also from pulling heavy carts of oar and metal sheets from the harbor where Arius would purchase the raw materials he needed, back up to the workshops. Annhyicus quickly mounted the animal as he had done many times before, grabbed his fathers bow and some arrows, and was off, not knowing exactly what was going on or the purpose of his father’s instructions. Barging in to the closest neighbor’s house, and that of his childhood friend, he politely excused himself as hit lit an arrow aflame from their wood-burning stove. He ran outside, notched the arrow into his fathers bow, drew back on the cord as far as he could and loosed the arrow over towards the bell tower and out into the sea. The Bell tower was near the wall and was manned at all hours of the day by the bellboys, who took the lookout in shifts. If word came of approaching barbarians, as many did come this far south a few times a year to attempt to loot, pillage, and rape the rich city, then they would ring the bell like crazy to warn the town and alert the militia to get to the walls (Navapolis had only a north wall, that stretched from the bluffs on one side of the peninsula where the town lie, to those on the other side). The bellboys, though, were also apart of the insurrectionist movement and were instructed, upon seeing a flaming arrow fly near from the south of town, to ring the bell three times then pause, then ring it three more times and pause and continue to do so several times. This was the signal for the militia and guard units that were rebellious as well as those citizens that too had had enough, to rise up and rush the Keep in the center of the town.

                              Indeed, after several rings, the revolutionists had realized what was going on, and rushed outside to their prearranged meeting places to organize. Arius’ armourers had been stockpiling hundreds of simple swords and maces along with many other devout citizens and they distributed them quickly at this moment of congregation. Tyranicus and his guard were only a few blocks South from the gate of his keep when the bell rang out. Confused at first because it was not the all-out ringing that signaled a barbarian raid, but an ordered ring. Then Tyranicus noticed many people gathering in the alleyways, distributing weapons among them. He immediately realized what Arius had shouted just before his death was a signal to begin the fight. This was his nightmare scenario that he had been preparing for throughout his rule, only, to his surprise, it had caught him completely unprepared! He could hear the fight inside the keep roar up as loyal guards fought the disloyal guards. He could see in the distance, atop the keep’s south wall soldiers, just moments before comrades at arms, now bitterly attacking each other. Inside the keep, fortunately for the governor, he kept his most loyal guards and they greatly outnumbered the insurrectionists that were also there. Though some of the loyals switched sides in seeing what was happening, it mattered not to Tyranicus, for moments later the superior numbers struck them down. All devoted militiamen, nearly 200, quickly gathered in the keep. Some of the organizing citizens saw the governor nearing the keep and several dozen attacked, though the professional guard of 10 were able to hold them off just long enough for Tyranicus to drag Adalae through the gates with the portcullis smashing shut behind them. As night fully set in, torches were lit and those guarding the keep could see thousands of flames wrapping around the keep like the flaming tendrils of Hades. With a strike of thunder, the clouds opened up and rain poured down. The soldiers were ordered to guard the walls, and they waited, in the rain, mud, and darkness, pierced only by the occasional bolt of lightning and the constant roar of the mob outside, they waited…dreading the moment when they would be forced to fight those they once protected.
                              Tyranicus dragged Adalae inside the building. Clearing everybody out, cooks, servants, and entertainers, demanding they guard the walls. Once they were gone, he threw Adalae down. She kicked and screamed, but there was nothing she could do. She felt completely powerless. She could not stop her husbands death she knew nothing of her son, she was lost, without hope. She gave up, traumatized by that day’s events; her stare became blank and her voice silent. Tyranicus only laughed a wicked laugh, finally, after so many years of lust, he finally had his way with her…
                              Last edited by Kramerman; June 28, 2002, 05:02.
                              "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                              - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                              Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum

