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SNESA2: Ad Infinitum (No MOD's!)

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  • Australia agrees with:

    1, 1a, 1b, 1c
    but NOT 1d

    To send a force out should only require a majority (4/7)

    2) Yes, to anti-cloning

    3) Yes to anti-conscription

    4) Yes to Olympics in Sofia (are we like the IOC too?)
    but Olympics should go on a 5 year schedule


    • wait, since when was a 2/3rd vote needed??

      Yes: 1, 1a,b,c, 2, 3, 4
      No: 1d


      • erm, how is a small nation such as me supposed to equally fund it when we make the least amout of money? (due to stock market crashes from the nukes, people got scared wanted thier money blah, blah, blah)


        • What about saying that the payment is proportional to the economic strength? Beacuase pf your argumetns I change my vote on 1b to no


          • Originally posted by civman2000
            wait, since when was a 2/3rd vote needed??

            Yes: 1, 1a,b,c, 2, 3, 4
            No: 1d

            wait civman, whose 2, 3, and 4 did you agree with mine or Captains?


            • They're the same (you don't have a 4 but 2 and 3 are the same).


              • NAF list

                Yes: 1, 1a,1b,1c, 2
                No: 1d,3

                **Classified **

                The Chinese Olympic team are having soccer (football) practices everyday

                The Chinese track team is very fast. They practice every day, all day (3 hours,1 hour break,3 hours,etc...) China is searching everywhere in China for fast people. Even two infantry were put on the team.

                Everyone knows the Chinese will win in Ping-Pong so the team is just having 1 hour practices every other day


                • UN meeting:
                  Italy vote yes to: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2, 4
                  No: 3 (Italy think conscription should be allowed, but only in times of real need./ i.e. Incan wars)

                  In answer to the Japanese representative, I'd say that, since the UN should make the interests of all nations, it should be financed by all nations equally.
                  That way, every nation, no matter how big or strong they are, will have the same power and voice in the UN.


                  The Italian citizens are getting prepared for the big events, the economy had a real explosion, thanks to the large amount of tourist, and athletes that go visit the site of the future Olympics.
                  Sofia is preparing for the event, the city has been literally rebiulted, streets looks nicer, palaces repainted and a new huge stadium just outside the city has been constructed.

                  The Olympic teams
                  "The Italian soccer team looks stronger than ever", declared Headcoach Facchetti, "this group of young people has a great team spirit, and the great skills of some of them should bring us the gold on this competition."
                  But Italy is not only soccer, also the swimming team looks really strong, and is ready to fight for a gold, evebn though the Australian and NAF teams look really good as well, but just like the ancient Olympic of Sidney 2000, Italy may collect much more medals of what we expect from that competition.
                  Italy aims at the minimum goal of 7 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze.
                  Italy's strenght are: Soccer, biking, marathon, swimming, sailing, judo, sword(what is the correct name?), long jump, Volleyball.
                  Italy weakest are: Sprinting, baseball, high jump and track.
                  Many athletes are preparing for the events, and with the help of the "home field" we should be able to do extremely good these years.


                  Italian Projects and Stats

                  Reconstruction: 2 years
                  Olympics will start in: 2years
                  Scientific research: XX years
                  Denuclearization of military: 15 years (stopped for two years)

                  Name: New Italian Empire
                  Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Italian Moon Base, Galapagos Italian Military Base.
                  Population: 233 milion (134 Europe, 71 Venus, 18 Moon, 10 Phobos)
                  Biological Warfare Sick: 0.5 milion
                  Biological Casualities: 4.5 milion
                  Nuclear Winter Sick: 22 milion

                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Medium
                  Space Fleet: Small
                  Nukes: 375 (-25 each year)
                  Interplanetary Nukes: none

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • OOC: Sorry guys, I've been away a couple of days.

                    We vote for 1, 1c, 1d, 2, and 4 for the UN.

                    I tallied the votes for the UN, and here are the results:

                    1) Creation of IPF force: passes with 100% vote.
                    1a)Equal contribution of military power and manpower by all nations of the UN: Passes with 83% vote.
                    1b)Equally funded by all nations: passes with 67% vote.
                    1c)Head of IPF elected by a 2/3 vote in the UN: passed with 100% vote.
                    1d)IPF only sent on mission by a 2/3 vote in the UN: fails with only 50% vote.
                    2)Anti-cloning: passes with 100% vote.
                    3)Anti-Conscrpition: fails with only 33% vote.
                    4)Olympics in Sofia: passes with 100% vote.


                    • ROMA NEWSPAPER

                      Elections in November
                      It is time to hold new elections in the Italian Empire, the Elections will be held in October, and the Prime Minister will take office in February of the next year.
                      The candidates are:
                      • Federico Del Piero, from Padova, the actual PM, of the Green Party
                      • Dejan Asanovic, from Split, of the Colonist Party
                      • Gioacchino Barbareschi, from New Venezia (Venus), of the Federalist Party
                      • Ciau Popescu, from Bucarest, of the Isolationist Party

                      The poll gives so far the majority to the Green Party, with a 7% lead over the Isolationist.
                      Green: 45%
                      Isolatinist: 38%
                      Colonist: 10%
                      Federalist: 7%

                      The Emperor will have full power from October to February, due to the absence of a PM.

                      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                      The trick is the doing something else."
                      — Leonardo da Vinci
                      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                      • To the World: We regret to inform you that we cannot join the UN if we must pay more money than we make. However we will be willing to lend any assistance it may require in the form of troops, supplies, etc. We hope you can make an exception to the rule for us so that we may join.


                        • To Japan: We think you should work harder on your economy to increase it. We would send you money right away but we feel it would go to waste. You should set up some plans and we will be happy to help with money.

                          If you go with the plan for our PAR medication ((that helps with the after affects of the nuclear war if you haven't read about it)) that China already produces and sells in many countries including you own we will allow you to keep 20% of the profits made in your country which will make you a nice profit.


                          • Mars will not particiapate in the Olympics because the lower gravity on our planet (or is it higher? I think earth is slightly beigger than mars...) would make our athletes too weak to compete on earth. However, all colonist teams as well as separate "national" teams that exist for each of the Empire's 13 Grand Territories are invited to Marsopolis for the Martian Olympics.

                            THe Pacifists still control the nation, though other parties are growing:
                            Pacifists: 59%
                            Martian Way: 23%
                            Conservative Peaceful Party: 15%
                            Other: 3%


                            • To China: We are currently working on rebuilding our economy, we have been since this depression started. Sad to say though I don't see things picking up anytime in this decade, as much of our production goes towards rebuilding and very little goes towards exports. We will go with your plan for the medication, but what do you want us to do you weren't clear on the point.

                              To Italy: Is there any possible way we can get some of your solution? We'll just go for 100 square meters. One last question though, don't worryyour answer won't affect wether or not we buy it. Is it safe to put it in cattle grazing fields?

                              To the UN: The rebellion in the Phillipines is gaining ground fast. We have been told that the rebels are killing innocent people without cause. We are requesting your help, please send peace keeping forces at once!

                              uncontaminated fish farms= 5 years
                              kelp and algea farms= 6 years
                              (I know we haven't finished researching them but we can begin building the structures which is what takes the longest)
                              Long term research:
                              Kelp and algea farms= 3 years
                              cheap alternative to Umn= ? years


                              • To Japan:
                                Our solution was never tested yet, but our scientist believe it should work good on cattle farm, as long as the animals are kept into the cleaned area.
                                We did not produce enough solution to sell it, as I told you, the cost of production of Umn is extremely high, and our economy suffered greatly from the Incan war, so we prefere start working on an alternative chemical to the Umn, our scientist said they founded a chemical very similar to Umn on Venus, but it highly volatile, so we still have big problemes of transportation of the solution on Earth, and once used, the effects won't last long.
                                On the other hand, our solution with the new Chemical (the element name is Venusiarum) in place of Umn is working greatly as fertilazer in the Italian colonies in Venus.
                                We will be glad to help your people with food from Venus, since soon or later Earth food supplies will finish.
                                But we cannot sell you the solution right now, cause we produce only a very few amount for testing.

                                To Mars: We are sorry that you'll not partecipate on the Olympics in Sofia, we hope that your athletes will do a better trainment to get ready for the next Olympics. But we ask you not to start a Co-Olympic, there might be many problems with two Olympics going on at the same time.
                                Why don't you candidate Marsopolis for the future Olympic, after the ones which will be held in Sofia.

                                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                                The trick is the doing something else."
                                — Leonardo da Vinci
                                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

