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SNESA2: Ad Infinitum (No MOD's!)

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  • The leader of the Pacifist Party has accused 12 top Martian Way officials of having paid the New Chrse terrorists three days before elections. The leaders call it a "lying political stunt to gain votes and nothing more," and call for the Pacifists to be banned as a party because of illegal campaigning, and have sued the party for slander.

    However, whether true or false, these claims had the following effect on the elections:

    Pacifist: 54%
    Martian Way: 6%
    Conservative Peaceful Party: 4%
    Militarist Leftists' Organization: 11%
    Isolationist Party: 7%
    The Real Right: 5%
    Other: 13%


      Summer olympics in sofia: Opening ceremony
      Everything went well during the Opening ceremony of the summer Olympics in Sofia, the crowd cheerd as all the countries and flags walked in the stadium.
      Only two coutries were absent: Mars, wich said they couldn't attained, and Sweden, wich refused to let their athletes plays in "enemy territories".
      Persian athletes were cheered on when they entered the stadium by the large number of Persian immigrants leaving in Bulgaria, most of them refugees.

      End of Reconstruction
      Today the last brick was posed into the Italian city of Firenze... the most hit by the war, Italy will from now be able to concantrate more money on other issue... like the Scietist research that will help against the Nuclear Winter.

      Famine in Switzerland
      The Swiss province of Italy has ended a few months ago the food that they had spared for the Nuclear winter, they will from now receive food from the areas of Northern Italy, we don't know how much the food will last


      Italian Stats and Projects
      Trainment of Space Pilots: 2 years to Large
      Reconstruction: done
      Olympics will start: now
      Scientific research: XX years
      Denuclearization of military: 14 years

      Name: New Italian Empire
      Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Italian Moon Base, Galapagos Italian Military Base.
      Population: 237 milion (135 Europe, 76 Venus, 19 Moon, 10 Phobos)
      Biological Warfare Sick: 0.5 milion
      Biological Casualities: 4.5 milion
      Nuclear Winter Sick: 23 milion

      Army: Large
      Navy: Medium
      Air Force: Medium
      Space Fleet: Medium (growing)
      Nukes: 350 (-25 each year)
      Interplanetary Nukes: none
      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
      The trick is the doing something else."
      — Leonardo da Vinci
      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


      • The PAcifist leaders are found guilty of illegal campaigning and are out of the political picture. New party strengths:
        Pacifist: 12%
        Martian Way: 9%
        Militarist Leftists' Organization: 32%
        Isolationist Party: 10%
        The Real Right: 31%
        Other: 6%


        • Italy is concerned on how the Martians voters are splitting up between the extreme left and the extreme right.
          Italy will not support any Communist or Fascist Martian government.

          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • The MLO is not extreme, it's just a place for liberals who do not want Mars to continue being pacifist. It's hard to say whether the Real Right is extremist, they are essentially a party which disliked the Martian Way's over-imperialist and Martian superiority ideas and is now catching lots of ex-Martian Way member who left because of the scandals, but these members have brought the more extreme ideas of the Martian Way with them.

            MI has officially aligned herself with the MLO.


            • The Munich Reporter
              The German Paper of Politics and Such

              ELECTION SPECIAL!

              Soon, the GDFR elections will take place. There are a myriad of candidates, so we can't list all of them. Instead, we will list the four major categories of views the candidates have on the Genecom situation, since that is the most important topic this election.

              The categories:
              1. Learn to live in harmony with the Genecoms; accept them into our society.
              2. Send the Genecoms to a new homeland, either on Antarctica or on one of Saturn's moons, and let them live in peace there.
              3. Commit genocide and kill all Genecoms. (smallest category)
              4. Use an intellegent, smart, thinking-man's solution to solve the problem.

              Keep reading The Munich Reporter for the Election Results!


              • NAF goes isolationist.

                Chancellor Trent falls from power in vote of no-confidence. Isolationist party gains majority government. Diplomacy placed on hold. All military actions placed on secure mode. No new actions, policy is to secure whatever the NAF already has and protect the continent. Isolationist leader Kerri Belore is named Chancellor. She is more moderate than her predecessor Senator Lungwalla, who was in turn more moderate than the insane Senator Evensong. However, she remains an isolationist in principle.

                Very little news out of continental NAF due to Isolationist freeze on media and foreign travel.

                What made Trent lose control to the Isolationists? It may be years before the outside world discovers the shocking truth but rumour has it that there's something funny going on in the UK - including the return of Mahatma Woz. But we don't know for sure, Chancellor Belore is a strong proponent of the continental federation and an advocate of union with the UK, but her Isolationist policies and heavy-handed tactics have shut down freedom of the press.

                NAF abstains on all UN votes except to maintain the status quo. We will maintain our existing commitments to fighting nuclear winter and other research. No new initiatives will be launched. Existing trade deals will be phased out and all debts repaid over 4 years.

                OOC: I'll be away a few days so just leave the NAF out of things for a while. My explanation is that we've gone "Isolationist" - meaning we're not interested in the rest of the world unless our security is threatened. Remember we have NAPs with everyone and if that fails, we still have a powerful military (largest on planet) and a powerful economy to sustain it. No attempts to kill the NAF while I'm gone please!

                Don't worry, I'll be back! And with a good story too!
                Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                • "Outreaches I and II are completed" the advisor announced toi the returning president, "We are sending 3 spaceships of colonists to Alpha Centauri as we speek"
                  "Excellent my freind."
                  Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                  • The United Lunar States

                    Our Hortoculture is feeding you earthlings now, you owe your lives , the lightness of your famine, to Mercurian Farmers. Soon you will owe them to those on fertile Alpha Centauri. maybe one day when you guys are done cleaning up and have populations high enough to support colonies you can join the ULS in the next solar system, which contains 4 planets that don't require domes! and eight other viable planets.
                    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                    • President Pluto was electedf unanimously in elections this year.
                      Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                      • Party Stengths:
                        Pacifist: 3%
                        Martian Way: 14%
                        Militarist Leftists' Organization: 21%
                        Isolationist Party: 13%
                        The Real Right: 41%
                        Other: 8%

                        The Real Right is in power. The terrorists who destroyed tha asteroid have finally been found, and the governmnet claims that they have connections to all of the Earthling Martian colonies...


                        • ROMA NEWSPAPER

                          GALILEIANUS DISCOVERED
                          After many years of trying and trying the scietist research le by two of the greatest Italian minds (Leonardo and Galileo) have come to a great discovery.
                          Looking for a way of contrasting the effects of Nuclear Winter and the widespread of famine (that thanks for the help from the ULS and the Italian colonies in Venus was not too bad).
                          The solution that the reasearcher founded about 5 years ago permitted to clean up several areas of the world... but was extremely expensive to produce (about 1 milion NAF dollar for a squared kilometer), the two scientist have been looking for a way to replace the element Umn, that was the one that give this bg expenses in production. The two scientist started mixing together elements and chemicals founded in Venus, espcially the one founded in the acid rains of Venus. After five (5) years of hard work they founded that by mixing one of the chemicals of this Acid rains, with a chemical founded always in Venus, Nitrogen and Krypton they managed to create a solution whose properties are extremely similar to Umn. This solution was then substitute in place of Umn in the creation of the Galileian solution.
                          Th new solution had been called Gelileianus.
                          Emperor Raffaello and Prime Minister Del Piero both agreed on sharing the results of this research to any nation that ask for free. "This is an issue that touch every nation of this planet, as well as every nation of this solar system, we can not and we shall not keep this secret for us, but we rather share to any nation of this world, former freinds, ally and even former enemies" declared PM Del Piero in a press confernce.

                          NO MORE IMMIGRATION TO THE MOON
                          The Italian population in our moon base now exceeds 20 milion, according to the edict of Rodolfo Bortolini of the 2078 that was signed by the former Emperor of Italy and the former chief of the Rebel of the moon, that later proclaimed the United Lunar States, the population of any of the colonies of the moon should never be more than 25 milion, the population of the colonies is now very close to this limit, in order not to exceed the limit immigration there is not allowed any more, the only way that population there will grow is by natural growth.


                          To NAF and GFDR (secret): it is long time that our spy network in the Genecom population is not reporting anything "not normal" we wonder if it is the same with the Genecoms living in your areas, anf if it is not the prelude of something extremely big and painful.

                          To ULS: Thank you so much for the help you gave to Earth in all those difficult time, we wish to repay your kindness some way.

                          To Mars: We welcome the new leader of the Martians, we hope you to be a wise leader like MI (the real one, not the Usurper), we support your quest against space terrorism.


                          Italian Stats and Projects
                          Denuclearization of military: 11 years
                          Scientific Research: done

                          Name: New Italian Empire
                          Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Italian Moon Base, Galapagos Italian Military Base.
                          Population: 240 milion (137 Europe, 76 Venus, 20 Moon, 10 Phobos)
                          Biological Warfare Sick: 0.5 milion
                          Biological Casualities: 4.5 milion
                          Nuclear Winter Sick: 23 milion

                          Army: Large
                          Navy: Medium
                          Air Force: Medium
                          Space Fleet: Large
                          Nukes: 275 (-25 each year)
                          Interplanetary Nukes: none

                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • NAF, Russia, Germany: We have discovered some particularly rich veins of Galileianus near the capitla of the state of Kuiper. We would be willing to lease use of all but 2 of them to you in exchange for at least soome of your colonies.


                            • OOC:
                              Ehm... Galileianus is a solution that must be produced ina laboratory by mixing several chemicals some elements coming from Earth, and some from Venus....
                              It sounds kind of unreal to just find it like that, after all the effort (and the years) that we spent to discover it. (it took me 15 years of game to just discover how to produce it).

                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • We've found a solidish form, we've confirmed that that's what it is.

                                OOC: Reality police, don't jump on me yet, I have a perfectly good explanation for it coming up...

