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Babylonian Sucession Game - Join & Play or Just Read

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  • #46
    I'll most likely play my turns Tuesday. There's a 0.1% chance that I might play them tonight.


    • #47
      I'm afraid you just need to skip me this time. My life is busier than it should be.

      BTW, how are we going to handle the 1.21F patch coming out Friday?


      • #48
        I recommend we all get it on friday and just begin playing with it...


        • #49
          this game seems to be dying...


          • #50
            GAME WAKE-UP CALL!!! Time to revive this game.

            Journier has had 6 days to play, and he hasn't.

            It is now rotten999's turn.

            I have the 1.21 patch, by the time I play my next turn, everyone must have it.


            • #51
              I'm patched and ready to have at it...results should be up by tonight.

              I still think a suicide style rush could get us back in the game, provided we have time to set it up.
              Last edited by Rotten999; April 23, 2002, 18:09.


              • #52
                Well, I thought I did well.

                I can see why everyone was so afraid to play this turn, but come on! I doubt we'll have such problems on the next turn, what with my set-up.

                The Reign of Hamurabi the Compliant

                310: The Collussus of Babylon is completed! Merchants from around the world are drawn to the Babylonian capital like so much iron filings to a magnet.

                Peace is concluded with the Zulus for 60 Gold. We can afford 60 Gold. We can't afford more riots in size one cities.

                Speaking of which, three cities are in disorder. The mystery of the save no one wanted to play is solved.

                Science cut to 30%, without any discernable effect on research time. More gold, though. We'll use war to catch up.

                320: Disorder at Ashur. Units consolidate around Ashur to defend possible Aztec attacks.

                330: Mapmaking is discovered. Real useful on pangea, friends.

                340: Not much to speak of.

                350: Barracks completed at Babylon. Time to begin cranking out horsemen.

                360: Aztec take 60 gold for peace. Babylon is at peace with the world.

                370: A generation grows up without knowing the constant spectre of war.

                380: Golden Age ends. If that was our Golden Age, we need to get a dark age going, soon.

                390: Horsemen built. Remember the plan: Massive sacrificial offensive at border Persian cities, than make a cruel peace.

                400: Barracks at Ur

                410: Milwaukee Brewers have won four straight.

                420: Temple at Ashur. Happiness is starting to get back under control.

                430: Horsemen built. Soon we will have revenge!

                440: Tonight's game: Milwaukee vs. Montreal. I like their chances.

                450: Isn't peace great?

                460: The beer is cooling in the fridge for tonight's game.

                470: Akkad completes Temple.

                480: Pay 24 Gold in tribute to Persia. Soon we will punish them a hundredfold for this rapine!

                Horseman built.

                490: Our forces gather around Ashur.

                500: Horseman built. Our army is becoming respectable.

                Hamurabi the Compliant dies of chronic agreeableness syndrome. His dying words: Strenghten our armies for a few more turns, and than we assualt Persia. We must have revenge against our Blood Enemies!

                Final thoughts: I managed to inact a coherent, practical plan to get us back to a semblance of respectability. The Persia border cities are ripe for conquest/destruction. After we grind down some of their empire, we can get a good peace. Rinse, repeat. Just wait until we have a good veteran force of Horsemen. Bowman can hold conquered cities. I really think this will be fun, if we don't give up one this game. I like the underdog role.

                Forget about peaceful development. We need to be on the same page. It's fine to pay tribute to stay out of a war. When we fight it will be on our terms.

                Again, we are consolidated near Ashur. When the army is ready (10 more turns or so) I trust you'll know what to do with it.


                • #53
                  The file.
                  Attached Files


                  • #54
                    no peaceful development ?? You've got the wrong guy going after you. I doubt we'll have much chance against Persia wo/iron, I won't attack until the military advisor says we're at least equal in strength...


                    • #55
                      Everything's in place, we can choke them out with our horsemen. Their border cities aren't connected, and I would suspect poorly defended. They're practically begging to be overrun.

                      I like peace sometimes, too, but at this level...


                      • #56
                        No war....

                        Highlights this time, no turn-by-turn (just for variety ):

                        World Headlines:
                        Aztecs found TUla near our borders in 550.
                        PErsepolis builds Leo's WOrkshop in 640.
                        Teotihuacan builds Sistine Chapel in 670.

                        Most cities grow 1-2, many now have entertainers for happiness purposes.
                        Babylon builds spearman and temple to combat overcrowding, it is now size 7!!
                        Workers were very busy....
                        We also advanced to the middle ages! (more details later...)
                        Only other highlight is that Ashur rioted in 540.

                        TOns of stuff:
                        First, in 500, I bought philosophy, math, and code of laws from aztecs for 1 gold per turn, 133 gold.
                        From 550-590, there was a big scare because some Persian immortals and musketmen were hanging around near the border. Later, we had to kick their workers out of our territory quite a few times....
                        In 630, I sold gems to Persia for currency, territory map, 24 gold, and 1 gold per turn. THey were then only cautious!!! THERE TERRITORY IS HUGE!!!!!!!
                        In 650, I checked, and they were polite!!
                        In 660, I sold Gems to the aztecs too for 18 gold, construction, and contact w/England. England is advanced but not as advanced as the other 3 people we know.
                        Current situation:
                        England and Aztecs-cautious

                        In 660, our offensive military gained its 20th unit!
                        In all, the offensive miltary has almost tripled and now has something like 8 bowmen, 16 horsemen.

                        No science discovered other than what we traded for. With construction, we advanced to the middle ages and because we're scientific got montheism. Since then we have not discovered anything, adn still have 30-something turns for feudalism.

                        We cannot attack Persia. A horseman swarm would be crushed by their musketmen.
                        This would be a noce time to be india and get war elephants...
                        Longbowmen will be very important for us for a long time, especially because we probably wont have any saltpeter (we've got just 1 desert square and 3 hills or something like that...).
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by civman2000; April 24, 2002, 21:54.


                        • #57

                          Above is the stack outside Ashur.
                          Below is the world map. Red=Babylon, Dark green (not much)=Aztecs, Light Green=Persia
                          Attached Files


                          • #58
                            Here's a quick overview of my 20 turns. I think I did a good job.

                            I decided to mainly improve things on the home front.

                            I decided that every city needed two defending units, either spearman, or later on, pikemen (yes, I got Iron fom the persians). Every city now has two defending units, except for Uruk, which isn't done.

                            By the way, Uruk is a new city. Built in 780.

                            I started a program of building marketplaces and libraries in all cities to improve our dreadful economy and research situation. I started with marketplaces first, and got some finished, which helped a lot.

                            On the foreign side of matters, things changed a lot.

                            We traded gems to the Persians for feudalism and iron.

                            We traded gems to the Aztecs for Chivalry and contact with the Americans.

                            The Americans want our wines and our gems, and we traded those for several assorted things.

                            We got the territory map of the Zulus, the Aztecs, the English, and the Americans. The English are really small, having been almost destroyed by the Americans.

                            Now that we have iron and can build pikemen and knights, we may want to consider an attack again. Knights actually have a chance of beating musketmen, and pikemen can hold offf against their knights. Not against Persia, but there is that one isolated Aztec city next to our territory...

                            Here's the file. By the way, everyone has to have 1.21 now.
                            Attached Files


                            • #59
                              Oh, and here's our world map.

                              Red = us
                              Light Green = Persia
                              Dark Green = Aztecs
                              Orange = England
                              Yellow = Zulu
                              Light Blue = Americans
                              Attached Files


                              • #60
                                IRON YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I think what really brought us into the world was the creation of the road between us and persia, allowing trade. Our gems and wines are the only thing we can offer anyone, but we can get nice stuff for them

                                PS: yes we cant attack persia unless we had a huge amount of knights and pikemen because we'd lose our iron.

