ok...um, it might be better if you skipped me this first time, I'm gonna be pretty busy today but free over the weekend
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Babylonian Sucession Game - Join & Play or Just Read
I played my turn, we're so behind in tech it's not funny.
Important Events during the Reign of Hammurabi IV:
800 - Ellipi is built near the elephant.
670 - Persia made small demands... we appease them... we're too young to die.
630 - The Exploring Bowman dies after running into a horde of 16 horsemen... hopefully they head to Persia!
610 - 12 Horseman outside ashur... a different group... but a spearman has just been built...
590 - Ashur holds of the barbarian barrage, we lost the spearman, though, we rush another...
550 - We lost another spearman in Ashur to barbs... rush again!
530 - Barbs destory the rush job in Ashur... sending another warrior to help defend.
About our hopeless tech situation... the Persians are in the middle ages. I found out when I got a message that they were building Sun Tzu's...
We are researching Literature. When we discover it, we must switch the pyramids in Babylon to Great Library... hopefully we beat Persia to Great Library.Attached Files
Here's the results.
General Observations: Monarch level.The level isn't entirely to blame, because of Pangea, all of our rivals are already in contact, and have united against us, of course. That explains the 500 BC Middle Ages.
We've got a hill to climb.
I strayed a little from the "leave Babylon on Pyramids" plan by building a worker first. If we don't improve the area around the capital...well I don't need to draw a picture.
Projected year that pop rushing in Ashur will stop causing unhappiness: 1950.
Projected year that someone finishes space ship: 1450.
I've changed some Spearman production to Bowman, in anticipation of war to come. We could use that golden age, too.
Proposal for dealing with Persia: massive horseman blitz.
Anyhow, here's what I did!
430: Worker commishioned at Babylon. Time to mine those grasslands and get some production going. If we don't get Great Library, we can always build Colossus, I suppose.
410: Aztecs extort 19 gold, world map. I fold faster than superman on laundry day.
390: Akkad founded where the first settler came to a halt.
370: Spearman defeats Barbarian warrior. It was a glorious victory.
350: Internal development continues.
330: Horses connected near Akkad. Again, a massive attack of cheap retreating units is our best chance for some conquest. If we can humble Persia, the Tech difference will vanish in a blink.
310: More exciting enter pushing.
290: Uruk founded near cows.
270: Hurrian encampment routed, avenging the dozens of barbarian victories over Babylon. It looks like the barbarian problem may be over.
250: Literature discovered. Next goal is monarchy. Looking forward to one turn government change.
230: Rumors of a wild seven-way war going on with the other civs.
210: Rumors prove inaccurate.
190: Ur builds Bowman, Ellipi Temple. Workers tasked for both.
170: Run into wall, bounce right off.
150: Ashur connected, giving us three luxuries. It would be nice to trade them, but the AI doesn't build roads. It still seems to get plenty of commerce, somehow.
130: Milwaukee/San Fran. enters eighth inning. Good guys down 3-2.
110: Bonds hit another homer in the first.
90: Eridu founded. We now have a secure Eastern border, and can start thinking about war.
70: Barry Bonds is due up after the break.
50: My run comes to a merciful conclusion.
Bottom lines: If we can win a war, it would help us a lot. We should start getting ready. They might get techs at a comical pace, but they still have to build units at a reasonably normal pace (thank goodness their's no AI "unit trading"). Horsemen are our best bet, in what will be a bloody war of attrition.
Other priority: Using workers to build up our territory. We can fill in what's still open with settlers at leisure, now that we're setting an eastern border.
Bonds just got hit by a pitch. The crowd does not like it.
It's probably too early to panic...wait until we try a war. A little planning (mass) should insure some victories.
civman I becomes Emporer of Babylon, promising to learn how hard it is to wage war on monarchy level and promise to be more careful next time...
30 BC: Persia declares war after we refuse to pay tribute!!!!!!!!! The emporer introduces the new "war by the whip" plan to raise an army.
10 AD: Persians approach Ashur...
30 AD: Persians capture some workers! Defeat near Ashur!
50 AD: Uruk falls!
90 AD: Aztecs build Hanging Gardens! Uruk liberated, and somehow despite the forseen losses in the war a golden age begins!!
110 AD: Uruk is destroyed.
130 AD: ZUlus join war against us!!!
150 AD: Many victories near the ruins of Uruk!
190 AD: Monarchy discovered!!...No revolution because poprushing is essential... Susa builds Great Wall!! Immortals are seen!
Persia contacted; will make peace if we give them Eridu, but I figure we'll capture Ergili soon (under siege) anmd just give that city to them for peace...
210 AD: Aztecs join the war!
260 AD: Persepolis builds Art of War!!!
270 AD: I give up hoping to take Ergili, and make peace, giving up Eridu.
280 AD: Persia is building Leo's!!!Revolution begins!
290 AD: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!Tarsus builds the great library (well, it's not that bad, education wouldve been discovered in a few turns anyway...), Babylon switches to colossus. Revolution ends, Babylon is now a monarchy.
300 AD: My turns end. We need iron and the settler being built is to rebuild Uruk. I must have poprushed about 20 times...But at least we proved we can SURVIVE in a war...We're gonna lose by spaceship or UN by 1500 if we dont get conquered...
Attached Files
it is important that we didnt get crushed immediately...if we couldve poprushed indefinitely without having to wait for the cities to grow I wouldve kept going for ergili, and we probably couldve taken it...
wait...of course it's important we didnt get crushed immediately, why am i even telling you this