Ok..I am getting a grip on what your looking for.
It would be many writers (Yes please count me in!) developing a story based on "Your" DAR..we would simply write about it.
Am I close?
do many writers write different stories based upon DAR in a game we each have individually played?
Look at it like this:
I am a hunting dawg, ok?
I am in a box on the back of the truck and your the great white hunter.
You know what your looking to have as a trophy kill, ok?
But, I dont quite know until I get let loose from this "box" and you take my leash off, and let me run down this story (Trophy), ok?
I promise to hunt real good for you just need a "leetle" direction.!
When I was a mere lad in the 7th grade, I asked my writing lab teacher for direction on what exactly I should write about. I got possibly the best learning tool I ever used. She told me to go get my dictionary (pre online one, ya had to actually "open" a book!) and I closed my eyes and had to put my finger on 25 words and then take the 25 words and make a story based upon a subject that she would pick out. It may have been about a family picnic, a basketball game, a storm or just a walk in the snow, but it made me stop and think.
The second best training tool was we took a tape recorder and had to make 10 "commericals" from 10 items we drew from a hatr and then make up a name and a selling tool for each, I drew a lawnmower and then had to take 10 words from my dictionary and make them "fit". The words were drawn prior to me knowing my subject.
This would be what I would refer to now as "Thinking outside the box"
At any rate (Longwinded aint I?
1000 words or 10,000 words aint no problemo fer Hermano Bruce!
Grandpa Troll
It would be many writers (Yes please count me in!) developing a story based on "Your" DAR..we would simply write about it.
Am I close?
do many writers write different stories based upon DAR in a game we each have individually played?
Look at it like this:
I am a hunting dawg, ok?
I am in a box on the back of the truck and your the great white hunter.
You know what your looking to have as a trophy kill, ok?
But, I dont quite know until I get let loose from this "box" and you take my leash off, and let me run down this story (Trophy), ok?
I promise to hunt real good for you just need a "leetle" direction.!
When I was a mere lad in the 7th grade, I asked my writing lab teacher for direction on what exactly I should write about. I got possibly the best learning tool I ever used. She told me to go get my dictionary (pre online one, ya had to actually "open" a book!) and I closed my eyes and had to put my finger on 25 words and then take the 25 words and make a story based upon a subject that she would pick out. It may have been about a family picnic, a basketball game, a storm or just a walk in the snow, but it made me stop and think.
The second best training tool was we took a tape recorder and had to make 10 "commericals" from 10 items we drew from a hatr and then make up a name and a selling tool for each, I drew a lawnmower and then had to take 10 words from my dictionary and make them "fit". The words were drawn prior to me knowing my subject.
This would be what I would refer to now as "Thinking outside the box"
At any rate (Longwinded aint I?

1000 words or 10,000 words aint no problemo fer Hermano Bruce!
Grandpa Troll