The tensions and anticipations of war seem to be growing nicely. Can't wait to hear more!
No announcement yet.
5th Destroyer Squadron
"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003
the paper of the people
The Peace Corp prepares to fly 200 tonnes of aid to victims of English Invasion of the Germanic Hordeland.
The International Committee of the Peace Corp has said it had 200 tonnes of medical supplies, tents, blankets and bedding based in Scopute and ready to fly to Southeastern Germany for survivors of the invasion. Peace Corp spokesman Tteete MacBride said an Extra-Large aircraft chartered from Zululand’s national flag carrier, Spear Air, would start shuttling between the Scopute, and the devastated countryside of Germany on Wednesday. "Twenty-five Tonnes of supplies have already been loaded," he said.
Mr. MacBride added that helicopters had already made the 700 kilometre journey from bases in the nearby Greco Kingdom, with more loads to follow soon. The supplies had been stockpiled in the Greco Kingdom for just such an occurrence in the British – Germanic War. He went on to add that they were being delivered to the outside the ruins of the former city of Marxburg.
for more see page 5
Negotiations with Russia must start from scratch – Fortress Ironfield
Any negotiations with Russia must start from scratch rather than resume at the point where they were frozen nearly six years ago, Air Marshall Nicola Hanworth told Tuesday’s cabinet meeting.
Questioned about the possibility of a withdrawal from the Russian State of Prroo, occupied by the British for some 70 years, to the Jang Peninsula in the Chinese lands. Air Marshall Hanworth said that any negotiations with St Petersburg "are to go back to the very beginning".
Air Marshall Hanworth, known for her tough stance on the war with St Petersburg, refused to go back to the position adopted by her predecessor which had envisaged the full destruction of the Russian nation.
Air Marshall Plaid had, however, insisted maintaining control over the main rail conduit from Russia into China, with a presence on a narrow strip of land along the far side of the two nations to the Jang Peninsula.
Russia has been demanding a resumption of negotiations "at the point where they were stopped" some years ago.
At the beginning of December, Russian Speaker Anddrinotof on the Zulu nation to exert its support for renewed negotiations with Britain and China, so as to normalize the two neighbours' relations.
"Negotiations should be resumed from the point at which they had stopped simply because we have achieved a great deal in these negotiations," Mr. Anddrinotof told the Bulging Waggler.
In the aftermath of Mr. Anddrinotof ‘s interview it was found that the offer to revive talks was encouraging but insufficient yet still the bulk of British troops have definitely decamped and have been seen moving in great convoys across these two large nations to the Jang Peninsula.
for more see page 17
Three German children and a British soldier killed in Heidleburg bomb blast
An explosion in the Germany City of Hiedleburg has killed one British soldier and three Germany children. A British military spokesman says at least 53 other people were injured in the roadside blast.
Colonel Sam Black states that the explosion took place in a central buss terminus. He says the home made bomb was detonated as a convoy was passing by.
"British soldiers were on a mounted patrol and that's when the home made bomb was detonated. At 11.47am (local time)," said Jump Sargent Harrison O’Malley of the 335th Bleacher Tank Regiment.
"Three children were killed along with one British soldier", Mr. Smedley said.
Sixteen British soldiers, several Germany interpreters and numerous commuters were also wounded in the attack.
Earlier a military spokesman had described the attack as a dastardly attack.
for more see page 3
Robinson rejects Manutes Poisoned Water claims
The Minister for Power and Water, Gerald Robertson has thoroughly denied Ernesto Manutes claims of several waterways throughout our nation being attacked via Bio Chemical weapons.
It has been reported throughout the Carthaginian press that the British press has been ordered to suppress any stories on this subject. They go on to announce that areas of the British homeland are quarantined from such outbreaks. These reports are untrue, we have not been requested to suppress any such story at 6this time, and we also know of no area within our country that has been quarantined.
Ernesto Manutes made his controversial claim that there was massive evidence of a huge cover-up within our nation.
Those comments, have been questioned quite heavily and dismissed from many quarters.
Mr. Robertson stated that the opinions of Mr. Manutes are not that of the ruling government, and that it appears that Mr. Manutes comments were aimed at undermining the government for his own purposes.
story continues on page 2
for more see page 5
for more see editorial on page 23Last edited by Paddy; December 28, 2003, 12:11.
Excellent stuff Paddy, tell me has any one story you have read here given inspiration for this piece ?
It reminds of one of WTE Ozwolfs epics.
Very much looking forward to seeing where you go with thisA proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
I am glad that you are enjoying this. I must get into the archives for WTE Ozwolfs epics. They do not spring to mind, but there have been so many great stories here over the years that I am more than sure various styles have rubbed off.
I have been a fan of Tom Clancy for some years, and enjoy the way he shuffles about with his stories, so in some ways I am trying to get that feel.
As to the content, I found that with "The People of the Valley" I had spent so many years in the dark ages, those ancient years, that I wanted to dispense with the history and get right into the modern day. And this was a messy game. I have tried to stay true to the game, but that is not always possible.
The radio squawked “13th Artillery here, firing in 5 minutes” blared from the speakerphone. We looked at each other. Was this foxhole big enough, were the men dug in well enough, what about the green replacements making up Charlie Company. Would our artillery guys shot over us and into the enemy positions? So many questions.
The radio squawked “Regiment here, code 17, code 17, ready all for plan alpha…”
The radio squawked “Hillary Hamstead hear, can I talk with Sgt Matthew Hamstead, please?” “Ah, Mrs Hamstead, to be sure this is not a good time.”
The radio squawked “Boondoggie patrol here sir, I have a sighting in the northern wood, you were right sir, they are moving through there.”
The radio squawked “Dog Company to Able Company, Dog Company to Able Company, we are preparing to pass through your position…”
The radio squawked “Charlie company all dug in sir”
The radio squawked “Dog company, bark sir”
The radio squawked”Able company all dug in sir”
The radio squawked “Dog company ready to roll sir”
The radio squawked “3rd Battalion to Regiment, 3rd Battalion to Regiment, we are under small arms attack..
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode to your front….
The radio squawked “… all over the…than we can…could you… let us..
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode to your front….
The radio squawked “355th Bleachers moving now…
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode to your front….
The radio squawked “Charlie campany here sir, we have movement all along the line”
The radio squawked “Able to Dog, Able to Dog, all quiet here”
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode to your front….
The radio squawked “Dog company moving now”
The radio squawked “417th Mountain Rangers CHARGE…..”
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode to your front….
The radio squawked “Charlie company under heavy attack”
The radio squawked “Bravo, Bravo, move forward to reinforce Charlie”
The radio squawked “Bravo here, did you want something?”
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode to your front….
The radio squawked “Bravo, Bravo, move forward to reinforce Charlie”
The radio squawked “OK, no need to get your nickers in a twist”
The radio squawked “This is Charlie, our Captain is dead”
The radio squawked “It is alright son, hold your lads, Bravo is on its way”
The radio squawked “Wilkie here, can we have some mortar support?”
The radio squawked “what is your ref Wilkie?
The radio squawked “Hill 04013909PR1 east”
The radio squawked “355th approaching the 15th line”
The radio squawked “3rd Battalion to Regiment, all holding well here”
The radio squawked “Help, we are being over run, where is anybody”
The radio squawked “Who are you son, which unit?”
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode to your front….
The radio squawked “…lie and we need help”
The radio squawked “where are you Bravo?”
The radio squawked “beautiful work, with mortars”
The radio squawked “Bravo just entering Charlies positions, encountering german troops”
The radio squawked “Bravo here, send reinforcements, quick”
The radio squawked “Bravo, status”
The radio squawked “Charlies position is being over run. The germans are attacking here in force”
The radio squawked “This here is the 558th Mountain Rangers, we are approaching that position, would yas like us to swing by”
The radio squawked “558th, go get ‘em lads”
The radio squawked “ArchAngel Julie here, we are above your position, how can we help?”
The radio squawked “Capt Hallow, Bravo company, anything you can on postion 1775Kilo”
The radio squawked “Roger that we are inbound”
The radio squawked “Bravo digging in with Charlie”
The radio squawked “Dog here, we are moving forward with the 355th as per”
The radio squawked “558th moving into your positions from your flank”
The radio squawked “Able company moving up behind Dog and the 355th”
The radio squawked “ArchAngel Julie here, we see artillary setting up 5 repeat 5 miles to the North of your position”
The radio squawked “Thanks ArchAngel”
The radio squawked “Bravo to Battalion, did you get that?”
The radio squawked “We are on it Bravo.”
The radio squawked “3rd Battalion to 13th Artillary, we have a new target for you.”
The radio squawked “13th here, go ahead”
The radio squawked “Reference 0401070511PR1”
The radio squawked “All received, you will hear us soon”
The radio squawked “Bravo here, Charlie company is a mess, you had better send as many medeic as possible. The Mountain men have really done marvelous work, they are chasing the germans across the field now, do you want us to join them.
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode off somewhere to your front….
The radio squawked “Fox company, move into Charlies position with your entire team.”
The radio squawked “Medics on there way, Bravo just hold the liner for now.
The radio squawked “Dog here, we are encountering light fire. We see able to our rear. 355th are smashing the buildings we come across. We do see quite a number of workers gathering in the distance, they are like scared rabbits…”
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode off somewhere to your front….
The radio squawked “3rd Battalion move out, move move move….”
Artillary fire sounds behind you, shells explode off somewhere to your front….Last edited by Paddy; January 7, 2004, 05:23.
****Captains Personal Log****
The join up with the Eighty-Fifth Battle Group has been most reassuring for the Long-Ready Transports that are with us. Also quite inspirational for many of the season hands amongst my crews. It was a great sight to come across these gleaming new ships of the line, our fine nation sure can build beautiful ships. The crew of the Battleship Belmont even presented themselves to our group in their dress whites, which was quite an inspiring site. The Germans really have trouble heading their way if our new recruits and new vessels give the old hands such inspiration.
We are currently along the Jang Penninsula. It is good that the Eighty-Fifth Battle Group has a full TOE, allowing my crews to refurbish some much required items. Adding to this our Chinese allies have more than generously sent many provisions out to the squadron. It is wonderful to have fresh meat and vegetables on my plate, such simple fair, yet so needed. We have filled all but one berth on the transports, with the multitude of Battalions and Armoured Regiments that were waiting for us.
Soon we will sail back towards the Germanic Hordeland. I expect to receive orders that the squadron will be running as the lance of this convoy. I have great faith in my crew, my ships and my executive team. I also have great faith in the fact that the Horde will know that we are a great big target and that we will be on our way soon. We are far to big a battle group to hide on any horizon.
Tonight the Admiral has called for all Captains to meet onboard his Flag ship the BB The Three Weeds. I fully expect that we will not be sailing back to Exacting Bay, that this mighty fighting force will be landed further up the Hordeland coast. Until tonights meeting…
****Captains Personal Log****
Lake Awabakal Naval Operations Centre
by order of the Chief of Naval Forces
To 'DD RN Bandit'
Captain O'Malley,
you are here by promoted to Rear Admiral of the Fleet.
You will remain commander of the 5th Destroyer Squadron
We hereby further your responsiblities at this time with another squadron. You will be met in the coming weeks by the 13th Destroyer Squadron.
These are yours now. Look after them in tha fashion we know you will.
Admiral James B Walker
Chief of Naval Forces
On a personal note John, I am sorry that I am not on hand for this occasion, accept my congratulations and best wishes, James.
To Rear Admiral John Arthur O'Malley
I am delighted again to see you in the dispatches.
Congratulations on your appointment.
Prince of Wales
Fortress Arundel
~~~~End Comms~~~~
Superb stuff Paddykeep on trucking and have some more beers
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
never a frown, with gloden brown
The ‘Bandit’, my ‘Bandit’, my crews ever faithful ‘Bandit.’ ‘DD RN Bandit’, my first command, my home… now my Flagship, just bloody amazing mate.
Looking around the fly bridge I can see my crew quietly getting on with the job of keeping this a highly functional ship. Raising my binoculars I can clearly see six vessels of my 5th Squadron, all efficiently preforming their onerous tasks of running the lance screen for Task Force 72.
“Admiral” chirps up Mr Johannson, now that is taking a little of get used too… “Captain McNaow of the ‘Background’ is just sending through those images of object 4311. Would you like a copy brought through to you sir?”
“Mr Johannson, I will be in shortly, have them displayed in the CDC.”
Somewhere from within the ship I can hear the soulful strains of Michael Hutchense and his band INXS. Music, such a fantastic method of talking to the internal spirit. We have quite a collection of great music that can be found playing at the most amazing times in the most amazing places within the squadron. Some of the lads on board the ‘JasonFlyerBoy’ have even tricked up a special mix that they throw out through the sonar, that can be clearly heard within subs… I have had reports that their mix has really disturbed several of our own sub Captains when they find out it is not their crew pumping up the volume. At least with my promotion my lads do not have to be concerned with some wandering Admiral going off the rails with them.
Turning my thoughts to object 4311 brings me Commander Mason of the ‘Storm Crow.’ It was only two hours ago that I dispatched the ‘IrishBanga’ and ‘Storm Crow’ on a speed run off to our west. I hope to have them swing out and around Macanation Island then head back into the on coming Task Force with all of their sonar lit and ripped. Thus anything in between us should not be able to hide, well that is the theory.
Mason is quite an ideas man, and quite old for Commander rank… I must look up his packet again, yet I am sure that he is in his sixties. He has the stamina that puts many in the squadron to shame. With prizes like him, it has been an absolute pleasure to intergrate the 13th Destroyer Squadron in amongst the 5th. I think that Mason is in for a promotion, that sort of experience and wisdom needs to be utilised. When we have delivery these transports to the Hordeland, and move onto the next mission, I think I will give him three ships as an independent patrol to work along side of the two squadrons. Yes, I like that idea. Ha, maybe I can trade him some of my whiskey for another of his old sea diaries of the British Japanese wars of four centuries ago.
Ha, is that the Flowers playing now… right they are called IceHouse now… yes “Walls” excellent song, ah well so much for day dreaming, I better get down to the CDC before Johannson brings me coffee and slippers out here….
Interesting little insight into the mind of this character as he passes time thinkingA proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Object 4311 sure looks interesting to a farm boy, but to a sailor at war, we will have to pass up this opportunity to learn of our past. It has been marked on the map, and maybe someday in times of peace, someone will come and have a look.
The ‘Storm Crow’ and the ‘IrishBanga’ have traversed the far point of Macanation Island and are steaming back to the fleet. So far there has been no Horde activity to report.
The Task Force is spread out over quite a bit of sea. This is not the way I would have got the job done, but then it was not my decision. The 5th Destroyer Squadron and elements of the 13th are running point. We are the lance to make sure the waters are clear.
I was reading through the lists of units we are shipping to Hordeland, all quite amazing. These brave souls have rushed from all over the Chinese lands, and even from beyond, to meet up with us on the Jang Peninsula. The organization of this is really impressive.
“Storm Crow has a contact Sir” came a yell from within CDC.
Turning, I moved the six feet to the battle chair “Bring it up on the screen Donaldson”
“Aye Sir”
And there before my eyes was a clear symbol, with a designation number already attached.
“Cleary, get the word to the Task Force now”
“Aye Sir”
“Incoming traffic: Commander Mason has sent a message through asking if you have any particular orders Sir”
“Very good Cleary. Let him know that it is his target at this time.”
The change in the CDC team was always a dual edged sword to me. A pleasure to see them operate so smoothly, sadness that they are such a precise brain for a killing machine.
“Cleary, I want the ‘IrishBanga’ to stay in close to the ‘Storm Crow’”
“Aye Sir”
“Donaldson lets review the other suspect contacts for the last 5 hours, quickly…”
The screen suddenly broke into three parts. One half was dominated by the current contact with the ‘Storm Crow’. A quarter was given over to the Task Force, and the last quarter was used to review all of the last contact. As I said before, these guys are smooth.
“Cleary, I want the ‘NoxBridge’ to swing out and join the chase, and then bring the ‘Hitangy’ over to fill her spot.”
“Miss Rai, I see you have been keeping this team at their peak, my congratulations to you all. Let’s see if we have any others out there.”
There is a torpedo in the water sir.”
“Main screen”
The ‘Storm Crow’ was on the job and the torpedo missed. We watched as the two of them zigged and zagged, sometimes loosing all sight of the sub, yet no matter how I tried to second guess the situation Commander Mason came out in the right place when contact was reestablished.
As the chase developed, I let the ‘IrishBanga’ slip away a little, leaving the ‘Storm Crow’ with more operational ground. I am not sure if it was just luck or some kind of 2nd sight, but as the ‘IrishBanga’ completed a turn suddenly a new symbol jumped on the main screen. Yes we had another live contact. Now we were getting interesting.
“Captain McNaow reporting a live contact in his ranges Sir”
“Cleary stay in touch with the ‘Storm Crow’, Johns you are comms for the “IrishBanga”
“Aye Sirs” rang out.
“Word to the entire Task Force, that we have two confirm targets.”
“The Storm Crow” has taken a hit sir, they report that it is under control, but they are definitely hit.”
Picking up my personal comm, I called up to the Fly Bridge “Mr. Johannson, how go your eyes in those binoculars? We have just had word that the ‘Storm Crow’ has taken a hit. Can you see anything there?”
“Negative from here Sir.”
Turning my attention back to the monitor I could see the ‘IrishBanga’ moving in on its target.
“Johns, I want you to bring up the ‘IrishBanga’ CDC on speakers only, not to loud now son.”
And then we heard it…”move further forward, bring it around now, fire fire fire… silence... the sounds of shells exploding as the leave the barrels’ the sub must be very close to the surface. “chief, I am going to need more speed soon, yes that is correct, O’Rielly you are shooting fine today…”
“Thank you Johns, which is enough of that for now”
Swinging in my chair I get up a lean over Mr. Donaldson’s Op. He is the true magician of my CDC, and he knows all the tricks.
“Jimmy, very soon, I want to get a message out to the ‘JasonFlyerBoy’ but I want it to be completely cryptic, just them and us to know about this”
“Right you are Sir”
Picking the ‘JasonFlyerBoy’ helped Donaldson in getting my desires completed; it is one of his best mates in the opposite chair on the ‘JasonFlyerBoy’.
Then Cleary spoke up “the ‘Storm Crow’ reports that the contact has been broken”
Looking up at my screen I could only see one Hordeland sub symbol, this was not looking good.
“It’s the ‘Dog Swamp’ Sir, they have taken a hit, and they are not sure where from”
Now that is bad, the ‘Dog Swamp’, like us, is holding a spot in the line by themselves, not what either I or the crew of the ‘Dog Swamp’ needed at all.
“They have been hit two more times sir, the contact is now on screen Sir”
Yes, there it is, but is it the same one that the ‘Storm Crow’ lost? Or a third one.
“The ‘Dog Swamp’ is going down sir” came Cleary’s very calm voice; you could almost hear ice forming on his words.
The ‘Dog Swamp’ held a position in the line directly in front of ourselves, so we would be in their water in only minutes, yet I can not be thinking of these things now, nor can I spare the time to swing the ‘Bandit’ after this predator.
“Prepare the ‘Bandit’ for recovery detail”
“Aye Sir, came the words of Mr. Johannson.
“Let the ‘Werewolf’ take target Z98. I want that sub now.”
In my mind, I could here the order arriving in the ‘Werewolf’s’ CDC, I could hear their engines roaring to answer commands, I could smell the sweat of the crew as the entered the chase.
“Have the ‘Scoundrel’ stand by to assist us with the recovery if needed.”
“Sir, Commander Nacchete requests permission to kill the sub as it is passing toward him” Johns reported.
“Permission granted, all other vessels to stay their course”
“Werewolf reporting a hit on the sub, it is raising Sir”
“The ‘Jarrah” is laying into him as well Sir, yes they are reporting that the sub is breaching and breaking up. Commander Nacchete sends you his compliments Sir.”
“And Johns, please send mine to Commander Nacchete on the ‘Jarrah’ and captain Fontaine on the ‘Werewolf.’ A good day’s work.” Looking around I could see I was in a room of professionals, a team of well trained naval experts. “Cleary, any word from Commander Mason?”
“No Sir.”
I sat back and looked over the monitor. The ‘IrishBanga’ still had contact with target Z97, and I toyed with the idea of sending another ship out to assist, but decided not to.
Where was target Z96? Were Z96 and Z98 the same boat? How bad was the ‘Storm Crow’? How were recovery operations going on the ‘Dog Swamp’?
“Mr. Johannson, do they need more assistance with the ‘Dog Swamp’?”
“No Sir, all under control.”
“Mr. Cleary, what condition is the ‘Storm Crow’?”
“Sir, she is taking some water, but still very operational.”
“Sir, ‘IrishBanga’ reports one dead sub” came a strong yet calm voice of young Mr. Johns. Listening to him, I knew that the team had brought and trained a good lad.
“Miss Rai, Mr. Donaldson, do we have anything on the possible threat board that we need to discuss now?”
Mary Rai calmly looked up and said, “Not for the next 15 minutes Sir, we will need to discuss two items at that stage. We have clear waters at this time.”
Professionals, you can not beat working with them.
“Mr. Donaldson, we can hold off on that comms to the ‘JasonFlyerBoy’ for the time being”
“Aye Sir”
I turned then to my Op desk in the corner, well actually it is almost a spare, but I claim it when ever I need it. Anyway, I brought up a picture of the two subs just prior to the destruction of Z98. I need to see what I may have missed… I have men in the water, and others in harms way, yet this Task Force must get through.
Onboard the RAG – Royal Airforce Gatherer
Was this another exercise, you remember being on board this plane before. The same sorts of people were here then; the situations had also been so in-depth. You have some fuzzy memory of strategic planners really going overboard in their presentations of issues. So much detail, just so much detail. Then you also had to get your official functions preformed, sometimes wondering if you were wasting time on all of these role-plays. Yet, for some reason this may be different, some soft voice in the back of your head is telling you that you should pay attention, that this is different, there is no acting this time.
Looking around you are facing a small group of advisors, 7 windows either side of the cabin, and a wall monitor on the bulkhead which was flashing up maps, faces of various people, a Fleet in a harbour, another bombarding some coastal location, a gigantic airbase, that could very well be where we took off from, and look yet another shot from a satellite. These people really like those satellite photos.\
“… and we expect far more casualties in the coming weeks. The Horde have repulsed fourteen units in the last 36 hours. And as you can clearly see the 5th Carrier Fleet is actually cut off along the Horde Channel. We are rushing units to this location, but unless we have a miracle, they are greatly out numbered. You see the Horde are well named…”
Oh, he is looking at you, yet you are unsure if you are supposed to comment on this now, yes they are all looking at you again. Taking a stern expression you look intently at the man, he is wearing Naval whites, good, looking around the table you see another in Naval whites, and that badge says “Naggahama” “OK, then Naggahama what do you really think we should do in this situation?” Ahh that was a good save, wasn’t it is all you can wonder.
The conversation heats up, some lady starts intoi the naval bloke, then another, then another, yet he gives back quietly, yet strernly, quoting facts, figures and really poutting on a good show. This Naggahama bloke has really come prepared for this game.
You then get an Airman’s attention and request a refill of coffee, reaching for another chocolate you offer the plate around the group. This suddenly stops all of the conversation, they just look at you, some seem quite dumbfounded by your actions. Looking at them, you realise that this is possible the resposibilty of the Airmans and you are stepping on his toes, how good of these people to subtly let you know. Sitting back you pick up your green covered report that they have all been argueing over…
“So what is your final comment Sir?” you ask Admiral Naggahama.
“Well Mr. President, It should be noted that we do have quite a sizeable force on German soil. The intelligence of the battle composition of the surrounding Hordeland units is very reliable, in some ways it is so good that it is working against us.” Sitting forward the Admiral looks straight at you and contionues “Bottom line Mister President, we can not relieve these troops. At best we can hope to fly some out, but we do not believe that they can make it. It is my belief that these troops need to fight, and fight toi the death, or until they can fight no more.”
The room was so quiet, only the hum of the engines outside of this so secure of rooms…
Reaching for another Chocolate, you seem to be considering this awful situation.
“Well so be it” standing you push your chair in “I am going upstairs.”
As you walkout you hear the room erupt, your only thoughts are how good it is that they are taking this war game so seriously.