Dark horse
The nature of Trajan’s character has become of a larger concern to me than I believe we can allow for much longer and appears to be more troubling than we had thought. His brooding and disquieting manner to all who have met him in these last years. Those such as your Excellency and Governor Baradine as well as Hadrian and the rest of the Councilors have long known the nature of his character, fortunately, the Senate and Assembly are by and large blissfully unaware of his true history and glibly digest the popular sentiment, that Trajan is the 1st hero of the Republic.
But I fear that soon, not even the popular sentiment can shield the most recent behavior from scrutiny for long. The masses are becoming more and more literate and it is only a matter of time before they discover his true nature. Most likely this information will come from the soldiers who have been in contact with Trajan’s Army , reports include comments such as “I view them [Trajan’s Army] as though they were the Army of another people” and “…their devotion and loyalty to the General is unshakable…” and the officers comment (although quietly) of the “…dire harshness of discipline” and “…extreme rigor of Trajan’s corps….far beyond necessary means”. I could continue but the sentiment is largely the same. I urge your excellency to consider speaking to the General regarding his motivations.
Correspondence between The Emperor and the Minister Gregoria, Date Unknown (presumably before the Armada set sail)
The sweat beaded off of Kyril as he slumped, onto the raven black neck of the great mare. He was exhausted but if the mastery of these new war-horses was successful then all of the Army could ride upon them. He was bound to the great mare as if he were part of her or she him. Her movements were in synchrony with his desires, almost as if the mare read his mind, she galloped along the steep hills of southern Claudius and he could see clearly the city itself and the harbor beyond as he lifted his head and then his torso up and let the cool air pass into his chest. The air nearly stung from it’s coldness but it still felt wonderful. Turning then from the hills towards the footpath which had been made by the other horses and riders as they covered this very same terrain, picked to test and train the horses for the best of the breed. The harsh mountains are an area where they should be at least able to approach and every group of horses is training nearest the very peaks of the mountains now. Soon now the mares would be sent to all the cities and the new Knights would be able to join the military. He thought then that he might even join himself. The research corps had been a wonderful experience but he yearned to find more adventure and wanted to see the world. It was then that he decided, he knew the mares and stallions were ready, he himself was ready.
Kyrils’ Journey
Dioclesian Press
The nature of Trajan’s character has become of a larger concern to me than I believe we can allow for much longer and appears to be more troubling than we had thought. His brooding and disquieting manner to all who have met him in these last years. Those such as your Excellency and Governor Baradine as well as Hadrian and the rest of the Councilors have long known the nature of his character, fortunately, the Senate and Assembly are by and large blissfully unaware of his true history and glibly digest the popular sentiment, that Trajan is the 1st hero of the Republic.
But I fear that soon, not even the popular sentiment can shield the most recent behavior from scrutiny for long. The masses are becoming more and more literate and it is only a matter of time before they discover his true nature. Most likely this information will come from the soldiers who have been in contact with Trajan’s Army , reports include comments such as “I view them [Trajan’s Army] as though they were the Army of another people” and “…their devotion and loyalty to the General is unshakable…” and the officers comment (although quietly) of the “…dire harshness of discipline” and “…extreme rigor of Trajan’s corps….far beyond necessary means”. I could continue but the sentiment is largely the same. I urge your excellency to consider speaking to the General regarding his motivations.
Correspondence between The Emperor and the Minister Gregoria, Date Unknown (presumably before the Armada set sail)
The sweat beaded off of Kyril as he slumped, onto the raven black neck of the great mare. He was exhausted but if the mastery of these new war-horses was successful then all of the Army could ride upon them. He was bound to the great mare as if he were part of her or she him. Her movements were in synchrony with his desires, almost as if the mare read his mind, she galloped along the steep hills of southern Claudius and he could see clearly the city itself and the harbor beyond as he lifted his head and then his torso up and let the cool air pass into his chest. The air nearly stung from it’s coldness but it still felt wonderful. Turning then from the hills towards the footpath which had been made by the other horses and riders as they covered this very same terrain, picked to test and train the horses for the best of the breed. The harsh mountains are an area where they should be at least able to approach and every group of horses is training nearest the very peaks of the mountains now. Soon now the mares would be sent to all the cities and the new Knights would be able to join the military. He thought then that he might even join himself. The research corps had been a wonderful experience but he yearned to find more adventure and wanted to see the world. It was then that he decided, he knew the mares and stallions were ready, he himself was ready.
Kyrils’ Journey
Dioclesian Press