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  • Jochi's Demise

    Here we can see the epic portrait of Jochi's Demise, Never before in history had the tide of battle been desparate. Here can see from the previous mural, the Prelude to Battle, where the forces are marchalled but not yet defated. Here we can see the aftermath, This was perhaps the last best chance that the Mongol Armies had against the onrushing Atlantean forces. We can see all of the detail of the battle, the Hero Serverus the Great off in the northlands, having just defeated the Mongol hordes in a never-ending skirmish. We can also see the nearly broken General Anthony at the City of Mandalgovi, [itself in it's last days.] , as well as the victorious Ulruic, a humble veteran captain who seized upon the failures of both Generals Jochi and Anthony and turned them to advantage for Atlantis.

    While it was widely believed that Ulruic would achieve high position in the Atlantean military but he was often quoted as saying he simply did what duty required him to do, he shunned all further advancement which was not directly related to his military deeds. This is in stark contrast to Trajan, also portrayed here just far enough away from the battle, to validate the claim that he was too far away to be of significant impact, with the benefit of hindsight, it is clear what his motivations were. Appologists have often suggested that this moment of dereliction, was an insignifigant battle in consideration of the historical "contributions" of the General.

    The Mural of Jochi's Demise located above the entrance to the Crucible of Heros.


    • good news & bad news

      My Dear,

      I write this letter to you in a time of near quiet, it is three in the morning as I write this in camp. The front has been quiet these last weeks but it seems that this means nothing for my time, I have sat to write many times but have been bothered by one demand or another. But now, all is quiet. I have been involved in this time with clearing the lands of roads and farms , we had originally hoped not to need to do this but we do what we must. We have seen many sons and fathers and brothers fall in these many years of war and I can only hope that our task is soon at an end. It has been my prayer, my love that our cause is just and our victories swift. Give my love to the girls.

      Ever Yours,

      Excerpted from "A Letters from the Front : A literary history of the Xanadu Campaign"
      Printed by Aurelius Pressings & Engraving, 1st Edition, Volume 5 of 7, 1212 AD


      "Captains' Log, May 9, Aztec Galley seized, 2 gold hordes were found but this was put to the crew , the stinking rotting maggots that are the very scum of the earth. But they're my scum and I find it's best if I keep it that way. Wouldn't want anyone to go the way of the Aztec dogs. We'll be heading back to Gilgamesh for repairs after the noonday meal.

      The damned Captain - Calindia demanded a report of the Aztecs ships, I told him and his navigator there could have been 10 Aztecs but only arrived at a solid number after I bargained for his navigator to stay on as our "guest" helping us naviate back to Gilgamesh. In truth, we did loose that dumb fool of a navigator that signed on in Winter.

      Anyway the Captain agreed - the fool, he should know more about maggots, they always need they're feeding, and after that foolish navigator stepped onto the deck, well, I doubt the new navigator will last the night with the crew."

      This is the log of the captain of the Vengance and was excerpted from the book "The Enterprise of Vengance" which details the story of Admiral Calindia's "call to arms against priates and thugs" - which he himself has said was the defining moment in his lifelong personal crusade. When he knew that the privateers and bandits which have been allowed to flourish in the southlands, must be destroyed. It was this popular book and it's lurid details that convinced the Imperial court that the capital construction in Fortuna should be expedited.

      See Also :
      Case : Harbormaster vs. Crew of the Privateer Vengance, June 1, 1213-October 23, 1215
      Privateers : The Devil's Bargain
      How Mercinaries and Privateers fought a silent war for Atlantis
      Last edited by joe08536; August 28, 2005, 11:29.


      • The Demons of Dalandzadgad

        Minister Pompeii sat at the head of the table with Octavian and the Emperor in the newly completed wing of the New Palace which was not yet completed but was such that meetings could be held. The open barren area which served as the work area and warehouse and dormitory for workers would someday be the Imperial garden but not today the far away cries of foremen and workers could be heard in their daily work .

        A somewhat exasperated Oberera Theodorius [Cultural Minister] turned to the emperor again, "M'Lord why..." Emperor Joseph moved from his chair, walking towards the minister across the large map room and towards the area of the large map of the land of the known world, the whole council now stood focused upon the Minister, waving his hands over that area of the map the Cultural Minister continued, "The lands between Darhan and the cities of Kazan and Hovd have been cleared of roads and imrovements for exactly what reason again?"

        The emperor moved towards the Minister and stood next to him and said "the General staff feel that if we can channel the enemies forces to where we are strongest, [motioning towards the cluster of fortifications noted on the map near Mandalgovi, then we stand a better chance of success against the Keshik. Moving his arm across all of Xandau the Emperor pointed out that "Horses are only found here and here , pointing to an area south of Almarikh and again south of Ulaan-Baatar, with the help of the Navy one source has been at least made unavailable temporarily and Frigates have been dispatched to Ulaan-Baatar for bombardment of the other source of horses, after the failure of troops to land their successfully, and without the horses, we will not encounter any new Keshik against our forces." and moved back towards the rest of the Ministers saying, "and it no small blessing...I might add...that iron-ore is not found anywhere on the mainland of Xanadu...Does that clear it up?" Minister Theodorius
        acceeded and then turned to Minister Pompeii,
        "Well, why then are General Trajan's forces on the far side of the rift?" the Minister said, motioning towards several carved stone statues representing troops and force deployments. Minister Theodorius continued, motioning towards Minister Pompeii,"You said the General's forces were slow in comparison with General Anthony or Hadrian but he is now furthest from any re-inforcements, is that wise?"

        Minister Pompeii promptly turned that certain shade of red that some very large men turn when they have been questioned past their limit, with pursed his lips he moved and and turned towards the Minister saying "I wouldn't worry about the General, he may not be the fastest. But he's not exactly a welcoming target either. I think his successful march to the Sea of Kazan from the Highlands near Hovd speaks for itself"

        Minister Pompeii had started to return to his dais, clearly satisfied that he had gained the momentum he'd sought over some of the other ministers when ... she did it again, Minister Hyandia moved from her dais and set her eyes upon Mandalgovi and Choybalsan, "Minister Pompeii, I believe it is of the utmost importance in this matter of the census, with the 'apparent' successes you have described for us and the imminent disbanding of the cities of Mandalgovi and Choybalsan, I expect a full census of the new workers. It is important that we utilize the skills and acknowledge the works of the people of these cities and any future cities we aquire through this war. I feel that humane treatment of the workers is a requisite otherwise we are no better than the barbarian Mongols we seek to defeat, wouldn't you agree?"

        Many of the courier's assistants and functionaries whom had slowly gathered as the morning wore on, quietly looked on in amusement at the Minister of War as he turned various shades of purple at the mention of the word "apparent" and then managed to calm himself down to the pinkish red of before. He had always hated how she gave him no choice, no options but to agree or look the fool, "Of course, the census is a an important aspect of the occupation....."

        Suetonius Junsa of Claudius,
        Official Chronicler for the Domestic Advisor Hyandia,
        Excerpts from the Private Notes ,
        entry dates from July-August of 1254

        Hadrian’s couriers had reported that Anthony’s army had engaged enemy forces nearly 2 full day’s ride from Dalandzadgad, and had been victorious but would be both under-strength and late. Hadrian knew that he must attack nevertheless. His arrival the day before from the south and the good dawn landing of the AG Siren had been uneventful. He hoped his luck would hold.

        Exiting his tent, and moving through the flaps which assured no firelight escape into the night, He moved closer to the small covered fires which were lit just outside the command encampment, he looked over the men, all of whom had served him faithfully, he did not speak then, but merely looked upon them and saw men who had been with him when they had previously been bitterly defeated at Dalanzadgad so many times before. It would be very hard indeed to say to them what must be done. But it was their abiding faith that humbled him and gave him strength at the same time.

        It had been said that perhaps Germanicus was the greatest of the Heroes, or General Trajan who was considered by many a hero but also it was clear to Hadrian, who had known Trajan and had met on - it seemed - too many occasions, that his was at the very least a tortured soul and quiet possibly mad. Hadrian resigned himself to the fact that neither of these men was here now and it would be his failing if they did not contain the Mongol threat in the northlands.

        Recollecting later, he said his mind wandered then as it seemed to him then that his task was clear, and yet how odd he found it that he ever so quietly in his heart, began to long for a peace in this war. Not out of fear but out of the small realization that from now on the Mongols would be contained to this land of theirs and their eyes forever fixed on the frontiers of Atlantis, not in an avarice for conquest but in no small amount of fear themselves, it was through blood and sweat and suffering that the Khan should have by now learned that the men from across the sea would never submit.

        Aide de Campe , Lt. Michel Xebec
        Personal Memoirs of Dalandzadgad
        noted as the Morning of Attack, October 1256 AD


        I could not be more satisfied, for no other reason than shortly I will be able to leave this city and with any small bit of good fortune at all, never return. I hate this place, I have hated this place so long I can scarcely remember when I didn't. It somehow seemed right -- this time, the city walls, looked somehow less formidable this time than at any of the other horrible, terrible times.

        And so it was, that when we attacked this last time that the walls were defended only by a pitiful handful of spearmen, it appears that the blockade of the seaport and the destruction of all of the roads between the city and the rest of the Mongol Empire have been successful. I humbly submit also that the constant stream of troops from the southland being destroyed en route has also had some small benefit.

        The troops have been able to seize all of the town leaders and we have scheduled a meeting in what they call the Kuriltai's Palace. As I write and await the arrival of the former city governor and administrators, this place to my eyes does not seem so unlike the Governor's palace in Claudius.

        The officers say that the citizenry are in many parts of the city rebelling and refusing their loyalty to our forces. I expect the troops will be able to dispell the uprisings and contain any violence.

        I expect the town governors will be suprised that I will request that they return to their former positions by and large, If there any problems and things do not progress as I expect, more drastic measures may be required and I'll make sure the local adminstrators are very clear on this point.

        Hadrian, Personal Memoir
        After the Battle of Dalandzadgad


        Although many have speculated it is believed that the occupation fo Baepedi the Zulu capital had a lasting effect and tempered and strengthened Hadrians' leadership throughout his career. Hadrian's final victory at Dalandzadgad, was clearly a turning point both personally and professionally, It was said by many of us, (his officers) that Hadrian's defeated many demons in victory at Dalandzadgad.

        Aide de Campe , Lt. Michel Xebec
        Personal Memoirs, October 1262 AD


        Minister Hyandia, the census of the populous of Dalandzadgad are progressing but we can say the following. There are approximately 12,000 citizens of whom many are able to perform many skilled functions, and will be able to assist in the improvement of the lands surrounding the city and prepare for a future Atlantean city in a nearby location. Many older citizens have petitioned the governors in the three occupied cities and have asked that when the last of the older citizens pass away and each cities are disbanded, would it be possible to construct memorials where these cities stand.

        I have no military objection to this idea and privately believe it is fitting in consideration of the living and the dead who died both defending and attacking these cities. As they can be considered a form of art, the artist produces the work but it is the viewer's right to interpret the work any way they want.

        One person's celebration may be another's memorial and neither person should completely forget the other.

        Memorandum from Hadrian to Minister Hyandia
        January 1263


        • Hoorah for Hadrian !!! good stuff Joe
          A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


          • Navigating Vengance

            "Gregoria, this is beyond even us, the training he's received should not have led to this...this debacle at sea." [Felix turned from his notes and piles upon piles of encrypted notes and transcripts from across the cities and beyond] turning to his wife then he said, pointing his favorite pen at her saying there is no trouble more grevious than that from within, you of all people know this to be true, why should he live one day longer. It escapes me, looking down at the scroll in front of him but too agitated to work. And what I cannot fathom is why he is under your personal training.....I'll bet you didn't know I knew that....... almost smiling as he said it"

            Gregoria was unphased as she simply said ,"Because he survived...when by all rights he should be dead, He didn't just survive he was in the truest sense of the word, victorious" You have fortunately never faced death and so it must be difficult to understand but it is not generally a circumstance where you think of your future in the regular way. It's more immediate, how do you survive the next day, the next hour, the next minute and somewhere in that immediacy with any luck you forget anything about your normal daily life. It's the doom of yourself or the doom of others to do otherwise."

            Returning to her gaze, he was now more determined, "I may not have fought and killed for the cities or people but you cannot stand there and tell me that you don't think of your circumstances beyond the next minute, or so! Things happen for which you must simply plan. What doom comes of having a plan!"

            Gregoria now looked on her husband with the love of one who knows she's right and simply must correct the errant ways of another however gently , she quietly thought to herself, if all could be this way and as she went to sit on the arrangement of pillows near Felix's work area, she reveled in this moment as it was a sublime victory at hand , no violence, nothing but words and a small but delicate victory was nearly at her feet. , "I know this is hard for you to understand my reasoning but think of it this way. Why is Trajan a constant concern for the Emperor? Why is it you sit night after night,month after month, reviewing the intercepts no-one can read? And perhaps more simply why are the Mongols a threat to us at all?"
            Last edited by joe08536; June 5, 2004, 22:36.


            • Navigating Vengance (continued)

              Felix turned to her as she sat and said , "Well it's obvious Trajan wishes the throne for himself and is not concerned with the consequences....The Mongols of course are of a similar threat in this regard, and I review and study these scrolls to find the study and see the pattern and see what the message contained in them is. My scribes work tirelessly night and day conscribed from all the best universities in all the cities....but, but this has nothing to do with my point.".

              Gregoria sat reclined along the makeshift pillow couch and half perched and stretched a bit upon the larger pillows. "It has everything my Dear, to do with your point....And these things all have what exactly in common?" looking over at her clearly over-worked husband.

              Felix nearly frustraged since he did not see where her line of questions was leading but knew he was not likely to win this debate , whenever they had these discussions, she always became relaxed before an impending victory, thinking quickly and then realizing the correct answer he said "It denotes evidence a plan." ones which may not be in the best interests of the people or the cities.

              "Precisely" Gregoria said, "and that is precicely what is missing here, I've schooled him for 3 months now and when he stepped foot on that boat, there was but one plan, the one which he was given, there was nothing else." turning intently on her husband "That his actions went well and above what WE might consider acceptable may well have been an exercise in self-preservation with no un-necessary malice towards the rest of the crew. After all there were 14 survivors and he did bring the ship back , nearly to the harbormaster's office itself. He kept the captain himself alive and made sure the captain recorded the deeds of his men and recovered the true dealings of the crew with the Aztec.

              After these many weeks he has talked a great deal to me about the horrors of the incedent and he is not in any way I can detect being deceptive or deceitful in his answers and questions, you met him yourself, I don't suppose that he mentioned that the crew tried to assault him and who knows what else they had in mind for him."

              Felix turned and said, "If it were not for the deliberate employment of Pirates we would be at war with the Aztecs too, and for how long would the Republic survive a two front war. Not to mention that they are OUR citizens, he's guilty of murder of at least 14 our our citizens"

              "So Cichophys should live to a ripe old age under Emperor Trajan's rule but also under the Emperor's? ... He's a citizen to be sure, but holds loyalty to no-one save himself and occasionally Trajan. It's more than a little likely that your literal years of effort have been at his hands and there is quite a body of work here.
              pausing and motioning about Felix's study and piles upon piles neatly organized texts which were all undeciphered. Nothing , not one jot has given itself up to you or the couriers in the scriptorium. It may be..." Gregoria was interrupted, in mid sentence, "My work is of vital importance" Felix nearly shouted and then calmed himself, "I will not get into this debate again with you!", Gregoria then realized her victory may be somewhat attenuated..., "My dear, it is the case that Cichophys is dangerous because he kills wantonly and with no small amount of pleasure and it does not matter that he is armed with a spoon and another the whole of an Army since he is also a master at his work and as you my most able husband know first hand Cichophys cannot be underestimated. If I had detected or detect in the future that my newest pupil has been anything other than proficient and oriented to the goals of the cities and the people, I'll be the first to suggest a method for his execution but...all I will say is that I have a plan for our dear Navigator which should be of some interest to you as well as address the concerns of those in the Courier corps who know of the incedent on the Vengance and it's why he cannot be killed." Gregoria leaned forward, "I have a very special mission which should by all accounts lead to the end of anyone who undertakes it. This is why he is being trained. This is why I am training him. He is capable and more imporantly he is not wanton and is not greivous in his capabilities. Soon enough, you're room will be empty and our concerns regarding the Navigator resolved.

              Getting up from her seat on the chair she approached her husband and brushed his hair and kissed him on the forehead and said "I'll be retiring now....Don't spend much more time down here tonight.'
              Last edited by joe08536; June 5, 2004, 22:37.


              • Good stuff Joe, only thing is its been too long between installments
                A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.

