Operation Royal Service
This story is based exactly upon a game I am now playing as United Kingdom. I'm using my "Rumble in Antarctica" mod where 14 clans, survivors of out-of-control global warming which sunk almost all the known world, have gathered on a big island they think is Antarctica. Each clan has 6 cities. Units in the game, particularly navy, are extremely expensive, and all the units in the story are from the game. The names of cities and people are tacky but its a serious war story.
This is a story of how a perfectly planned military operation designed to minimize friendly casualties turns into an unholy slaughter.
Let's begin!
Two Ways to Hell
"So G.I. Jane's coming for a meeting today." said General Dexters while reclining in the cheap, metal chair. The war room was a typical, plain meeting room with rows of folding chairs facing a white board. Scores of maps all showing the different territories of the clans decorated the dark walls. The stale stench of cigarettes and cigars never seemed to go away.
"Yeah, should be good for a laugh. It looks like the Queen's not doing her job as chief diplomat again... probably scared of Jane." said General Chrisius. "You know there's a newly appointed Field Marshall joining us today?"
"I heard about the new guy. Get this: his name is 'Lord Cornwallis'. He thinks he's really the cat's meow and even has a waxed moustache to prove it. Word is that if we don't tow the line for him just right, he's gonna make life hard for us. I guess the lady don't trust us enough on our own. As for G.I. Jane, you think the United Nations still want our help?"
"This new guy sounds pretty corny if you ask me." Chrisius could see Dexter grimace at the pun. "I bet his waxed moustache'll be enough to set Jane off again. I ain't never seen a woman on such a short trigger before. She's pretty cute too and all." Chrisius shook his head in disappointment. "I guess being a marine hand-to-hand combat instructor did it too her."
"Hey, you reckon Corny picked that name for himself or what? Like I mean, I heard a rumor that his name used to be Harry D*ck." Dexter stopped talking as the sound of hard-soled shoes clanking on the hallway floor meant their new team member was here.
Lord Cornwallis proved himself the moment he entered the room. He stood over 6 feet tall with an impeccable olive drab uniform showing off a chestful of ranks, a commander's cap, a walking can with gold braids around the handle and a thin moustache waxed into curls made-up his joyless face. "Good afternoon gentlemen. I already know your names and since there's no need for introductions lets just get on with the meeting."
He stood at the front of the room next to a big map of the UK territory and its neighboring clans, the Egyptian survivors and United Nations. "First I will make it clear that I am a internationally reverred instructor of modern military tactics. I have written many books on the subject and am flooded with requests to teach at military colleges. I was recently promoted to Field Marshall and in the short time of only 3 days, I've seen why Her Royal Majesty needs someone like me to clean up the mess you 2 have made." He spoke in a loud, haughty manner to make sure they knew who was in charge.
Corny banged his cane next to Meatpie Town on the map. "Here..." He paused for effect. "...lies the most flagrant waste of precious English resources I've seen in my entire military career. Three Type 42 guided-missile destroyers fully loaded with rockets, an aircraft carrier with 4 gunship and 4 Eurofighter squadrons on it, and 3 transports altogether carrying 15 infantry brigades and 15 Challenger tank units. Do you have any idea how many tanks you could have made instead of all that navy?"
"Sir, we have valid reasons to explain those dispositions..." Dexter tried to explain.
"What in God's name were you thinking!? You could have already gone through the United Nations territory according to our Right of Passage agreement and then punched through Hoth to get at those drug-dealing swine!"
Hoth was the name given by an over-zealous Star Wars fan to the Scandinavian clan's arctic region. It was the last spot of tundra area in the world and was right in the middle of the island. The deadly creeping heat was ever yet shrinking that last place of snow and ice.
At that moment a young uniformed staff woman showed up at the door and said, "Please excuse my interruption. U.N. leader G.I. Jane will be here to meet with you in just a moment."
A few seconds later a young woman with a blond, military-cut hairstyle, camouflage pants, and wearing a t-shirt saying "Armee" on it came marching into the room. G.I. Jane was not known for cutting any slack during negotiations and often resorted to threats of violence against other clan leaders to get her way. "Hey y'all. You listen to what I got to say and then I'm outa this hole, you got it?"
"I beg your pardon young lady!" barked Corny, his face taunt with disapproval.
"You constipated or something gramps? Take a laxitive and stop being such an anal-retentive ******." Jane's retorts seldom held much sympathy.
Corny wasn't used to being spoken back to, let alone low-blow insults. "G.I. Jane is it? I'll let you know that I've met whores in the dregs of Whitechapel with better manners than you have!"
"I bet you have, you old pervert." Jane was feared for her powerful kicks and she caught Corny right in the groin with her army boot, lifting him clear off the floor. He flopped back down onto the floor in a heap of pain.
While the moaning Corny slowly slithered out of the room like a snake run-over by a truck, the three continued the meeting.
"All I got to say is that the Right of Passage agreement has expired, and to be honest with you, I hope your milky queen expires right along with it. Take your engineers you got building roads and mines next to Security Council city and your damn soldiers out of our territory or you can expect some trouble. And it'll be a lot worse than just an army boot meeting your balls."
"Um... uh... okay then, will do." Chrisius's voice quivered and he turned to the side a little. "May I ask why the sudden change of mind? Those engineers reconnected all your resources for you during your war with the Egyptians and Scandinavian Allies. The troops are there to block your enemies from bombing away the roads and mines we built for you. After all, we aren't at war with them as you know."
"Those weekend warriors you sent are now raping our country women and sniping passing motorists on the 'lovely' new roads you built. Some of them even put landmines in the road for extra fun. Is that your idea of building 'mines'? Nuff said."
"Very well then, we will comply with your request immediately. We apologise profusely for those undesirable occurances you have stated and will conduct a full examination into...", Dexter made a weak attempt to explain.
"Oh, give me a break with the babble will ya?" Jane didn't wait for a reponse and marched out of the room, not wasting a second.
Dexter and Chrisius exchanged anxious looks, still stunned by the harsh meeting.
"Damn, what an attitude that lass has." said Chrisius. "It's perfectly normal for soldiers to commit a few naughty acts here and there, and besides, we saved the UN from an embarrassing defeat. Hell, they wouldn't've been able to build any armored units if it weren't for our engineers rebuilding their roads and mines."
"Oh well, its a rough and tumble world... err island, we live on. There are no true friends. Maybe she's just pissed that we didn't help them fight."
"That is the most likely explanation. But had we joined the fight, we would have compromised our invasion build-up plans. The Drug Cartels are our first priority." Chrisius was a determined man. He knew the importance of punishing an unaggravated declaration of war. He was going to take off the gloves.
On the War Path
"Arriving first on the field of battle, a prudent commander will always allow his enemy to fully deploy and assemble before opening fire. This way, the enemy will be kinder to you after you surrender."
Famous words of 'wisdom' taken from Lord Cornwallis's book 'Military Master'.
Dexter and Chrisius stood at the front of the smelly war room facing 20 or so commanding officers of Her Royal Majesty's Forces sitting in the cheap chairs.
Dexter began the strategy planning session. "Gentlemen, after years of toil and sweat, our forces of Operation Royal Service have finished assembling in the bay next to Meatpie Town. They await our orders to sail to the Drug Cartels to dispense justice. Today we will discuss what awaits our forces in the enemy territory and what dangers we expect to encounter."
Someone near the back of the room coughed and Dexter looked to see the legendary commander Kaos lighting up a cigar. Normally Dexter would have objected to the foul smell of it but for Kaos an exception had to be made.
Dexter turned on the slide projector using a remote control and the white board was filled with the image of a professional soldier in khaki drabs holding a assault rifle. "What you see here is a FARC soldier, originally recruited to fight against the cocaine cartels but now we realize their soldiers thrive on the business using their power only to snuff out rivals. These soldiers have respectable fighting ability and should be put under heavy fire."
He pushed a button on the remote and a soft click could be heard as a new image was loaded of a slouching man in a straw hat, shabby clothes, and holding a submachinegun in one hand. Dexter missed the old projectors back in London which sounded like a rifle bolt being cranked open and closed again. "This wild looking freak is known as 'Da Crazed Junkie'. He works for cocaine and is totally fearless. They're easy to kill if you used proper tactics but they've been known to jump on top of tanks and spray the crew to death from the hatchtop. Kill on sight. They usually take several bursts of 5.56mm to put down for good."
The next picture was of a hispanic man in bright colored clothes, mostly red and blue, with a very wide-brimmed hat and holding an antiquated rifle. "No this is not an entertainer. This is a villista and should not be confused with the local civilians. They are easy to kill and offer little in the way of tactical resistance. Try not to waste more than one bullet on each of these."
Dexter gave the slide projector remote control to Chrisius who took over the lecture. "The drug dealers are not known to have any armored vehicles yet because they have been focussing on bomber tech. We want that tech. Their clan has been at war with their neighbors the commies and the Scandinavians for many years now. We believe the skinheads also had a go at them. Therefore, they will be very weak, easy prey for our powerful new Challenger tanks."
"The enemy has 2 potent weapons which could hurt us." Chrisius pushed a button on the remote and a picture of an old, worn-out tanker ship appeared on the board. "You all should recognize this as 'Old Betsy', one of the ships which brought us here to Antarctica. In the next picture you will see what happened when a Hopscotch rocket was applied to her." Chrisius pushed the button and the ship became a disentagrating inferno. "Our Type 42 destroyers are able to withstand one hit from a rocket but will retire from the line of battle a burning wreck."
"As per the 'Treaty of Landing' all the clans signed upon reaching Antarctica which required all nukes to be discarded into the ocean as a condition upon landing, we all can build the expensive Hopscotch rockets as well as napalm with no enhanced designs. Napalm is the most deadly weapon in Antarctica as there is no uranium here to build nukes with. Our high tech destroyers are designed with special flame-retardant materials and automatic fire-control systems to limit the effects of this terrible weapon and may even allow a Type 42 to barely withstand one hit before retiring from battle with most of its crew roasted alive. Ships of others clans are different but generally include the same design functions."
Kaos asked, "Hey, what can napalm do to a land unit?"
"Everyone's gotta die someday, Kaos, just some die more painfully than others. Anyways, on to the battle plans." Kaos was left shaking his head.
Chrisius went on, "Our convoy is escorted by three Type 42 destroyers each loaded with 8 hopscotch rockets for a total of 24 rockets. Those rockets are ludicrously expensive so don't waste them! The carrier will provide anti-air and anti-shipping defense with jet fighters and gunships. We plan to land and take-over the capital Culiacan and a second key city called East Hastings all in one day. The destroyers will unload 12 rockets into each city while the troops are landing on the plains between the cities. Once the defenders have been obliterated by the rockets the troops will have an easy walk into the city and the carrier will unload its air assets into the cities for added protection. Following that peace will be requested for the price of Bomber tech. We want to leave them some cities to keep fighting the commies with and we may even consider supplying them with resources at that time."
"Sounds like it'll be a real blast!" called out Kaos with a big smile.
Dexter answered, "We're gonna blast them alright. Remember that The Drug Cartels is an evil clan which sells narcotics even to kids and they have declared war on us without any provocation. The convoy heads out tonight at 2100 hours and will arrive at the target in 6 days to commence Operation Royal Service. Give em hell. See you in a week."
This story is based exactly upon a game I am now playing as United Kingdom. I'm using my "Rumble in Antarctica" mod where 14 clans, survivors of out-of-control global warming which sunk almost all the known world, have gathered on a big island they think is Antarctica. Each clan has 6 cities. Units in the game, particularly navy, are extremely expensive, and all the units in the story are from the game. The names of cities and people are tacky but its a serious war story.
This is a story of how a perfectly planned military operation designed to minimize friendly casualties turns into an unholy slaughter.
Let's begin!

Two Ways to Hell
"So G.I. Jane's coming for a meeting today." said General Dexters while reclining in the cheap, metal chair. The war room was a typical, plain meeting room with rows of folding chairs facing a white board. Scores of maps all showing the different territories of the clans decorated the dark walls. The stale stench of cigarettes and cigars never seemed to go away.
"Yeah, should be good for a laugh. It looks like the Queen's not doing her job as chief diplomat again... probably scared of Jane." said General Chrisius. "You know there's a newly appointed Field Marshall joining us today?"
"I heard about the new guy. Get this: his name is 'Lord Cornwallis'. He thinks he's really the cat's meow and even has a waxed moustache to prove it. Word is that if we don't tow the line for him just right, he's gonna make life hard for us. I guess the lady don't trust us enough on our own. As for G.I. Jane, you think the United Nations still want our help?"
"This new guy sounds pretty corny if you ask me." Chrisius could see Dexter grimace at the pun. "I bet his waxed moustache'll be enough to set Jane off again. I ain't never seen a woman on such a short trigger before. She's pretty cute too and all." Chrisius shook his head in disappointment. "I guess being a marine hand-to-hand combat instructor did it too her."
"Hey, you reckon Corny picked that name for himself or what? Like I mean, I heard a rumor that his name used to be Harry D*ck." Dexter stopped talking as the sound of hard-soled shoes clanking on the hallway floor meant their new team member was here.
Lord Cornwallis proved himself the moment he entered the room. He stood over 6 feet tall with an impeccable olive drab uniform showing off a chestful of ranks, a commander's cap, a walking can with gold braids around the handle and a thin moustache waxed into curls made-up his joyless face. "Good afternoon gentlemen. I already know your names and since there's no need for introductions lets just get on with the meeting."
He stood at the front of the room next to a big map of the UK territory and its neighboring clans, the Egyptian survivors and United Nations. "First I will make it clear that I am a internationally reverred instructor of modern military tactics. I have written many books on the subject and am flooded with requests to teach at military colleges. I was recently promoted to Field Marshall and in the short time of only 3 days, I've seen why Her Royal Majesty needs someone like me to clean up the mess you 2 have made." He spoke in a loud, haughty manner to make sure they knew who was in charge.
Corny banged his cane next to Meatpie Town on the map. "Here..." He paused for effect. "...lies the most flagrant waste of precious English resources I've seen in my entire military career. Three Type 42 guided-missile destroyers fully loaded with rockets, an aircraft carrier with 4 gunship and 4 Eurofighter squadrons on it, and 3 transports altogether carrying 15 infantry brigades and 15 Challenger tank units. Do you have any idea how many tanks you could have made instead of all that navy?"
"Sir, we have valid reasons to explain those dispositions..." Dexter tried to explain.
"What in God's name were you thinking!? You could have already gone through the United Nations territory according to our Right of Passage agreement and then punched through Hoth to get at those drug-dealing swine!"
Hoth was the name given by an over-zealous Star Wars fan to the Scandinavian clan's arctic region. It was the last spot of tundra area in the world and was right in the middle of the island. The deadly creeping heat was ever yet shrinking that last place of snow and ice.
At that moment a young uniformed staff woman showed up at the door and said, "Please excuse my interruption. U.N. leader G.I. Jane will be here to meet with you in just a moment."
A few seconds later a young woman with a blond, military-cut hairstyle, camouflage pants, and wearing a t-shirt saying "Armee" on it came marching into the room. G.I. Jane was not known for cutting any slack during negotiations and often resorted to threats of violence against other clan leaders to get her way. "Hey y'all. You listen to what I got to say and then I'm outa this hole, you got it?"
"I beg your pardon young lady!" barked Corny, his face taunt with disapproval.
"You constipated or something gramps? Take a laxitive and stop being such an anal-retentive ******." Jane's retorts seldom held much sympathy.
Corny wasn't used to being spoken back to, let alone low-blow insults. "G.I. Jane is it? I'll let you know that I've met whores in the dregs of Whitechapel with better manners than you have!"
"I bet you have, you old pervert." Jane was feared for her powerful kicks and she caught Corny right in the groin with her army boot, lifting him clear off the floor. He flopped back down onto the floor in a heap of pain.
While the moaning Corny slowly slithered out of the room like a snake run-over by a truck, the three continued the meeting.
"All I got to say is that the Right of Passage agreement has expired, and to be honest with you, I hope your milky queen expires right along with it. Take your engineers you got building roads and mines next to Security Council city and your damn soldiers out of our territory or you can expect some trouble. And it'll be a lot worse than just an army boot meeting your balls."
"Um... uh... okay then, will do." Chrisius's voice quivered and he turned to the side a little. "May I ask why the sudden change of mind? Those engineers reconnected all your resources for you during your war with the Egyptians and Scandinavian Allies. The troops are there to block your enemies from bombing away the roads and mines we built for you. After all, we aren't at war with them as you know."
"Those weekend warriors you sent are now raping our country women and sniping passing motorists on the 'lovely' new roads you built. Some of them even put landmines in the road for extra fun. Is that your idea of building 'mines'? Nuff said."
"Very well then, we will comply with your request immediately. We apologise profusely for those undesirable occurances you have stated and will conduct a full examination into...", Dexter made a weak attempt to explain.
"Oh, give me a break with the babble will ya?" Jane didn't wait for a reponse and marched out of the room, not wasting a second.
Dexter and Chrisius exchanged anxious looks, still stunned by the harsh meeting.
"Damn, what an attitude that lass has." said Chrisius. "It's perfectly normal for soldiers to commit a few naughty acts here and there, and besides, we saved the UN from an embarrassing defeat. Hell, they wouldn't've been able to build any armored units if it weren't for our engineers rebuilding their roads and mines."
"Oh well, its a rough and tumble world... err island, we live on. There are no true friends. Maybe she's just pissed that we didn't help them fight."
"That is the most likely explanation. But had we joined the fight, we would have compromised our invasion build-up plans. The Drug Cartels are our first priority." Chrisius was a determined man. He knew the importance of punishing an unaggravated declaration of war. He was going to take off the gloves.
On the War Path
"Arriving first on the field of battle, a prudent commander will always allow his enemy to fully deploy and assemble before opening fire. This way, the enemy will be kinder to you after you surrender."
Famous words of 'wisdom' taken from Lord Cornwallis's book 'Military Master'.
Dexter and Chrisius stood at the front of the smelly war room facing 20 or so commanding officers of Her Royal Majesty's Forces sitting in the cheap chairs.
Dexter began the strategy planning session. "Gentlemen, after years of toil and sweat, our forces of Operation Royal Service have finished assembling in the bay next to Meatpie Town. They await our orders to sail to the Drug Cartels to dispense justice. Today we will discuss what awaits our forces in the enemy territory and what dangers we expect to encounter."
Someone near the back of the room coughed and Dexter looked to see the legendary commander Kaos lighting up a cigar. Normally Dexter would have objected to the foul smell of it but for Kaos an exception had to be made.
Dexter turned on the slide projector using a remote control and the white board was filled with the image of a professional soldier in khaki drabs holding a assault rifle. "What you see here is a FARC soldier, originally recruited to fight against the cocaine cartels but now we realize their soldiers thrive on the business using their power only to snuff out rivals. These soldiers have respectable fighting ability and should be put under heavy fire."
He pushed a button on the remote and a soft click could be heard as a new image was loaded of a slouching man in a straw hat, shabby clothes, and holding a submachinegun in one hand. Dexter missed the old projectors back in London which sounded like a rifle bolt being cranked open and closed again. "This wild looking freak is known as 'Da Crazed Junkie'. He works for cocaine and is totally fearless. They're easy to kill if you used proper tactics but they've been known to jump on top of tanks and spray the crew to death from the hatchtop. Kill on sight. They usually take several bursts of 5.56mm to put down for good."
The next picture was of a hispanic man in bright colored clothes, mostly red and blue, with a very wide-brimmed hat and holding an antiquated rifle. "No this is not an entertainer. This is a villista and should not be confused with the local civilians. They are easy to kill and offer little in the way of tactical resistance. Try not to waste more than one bullet on each of these."
Dexter gave the slide projector remote control to Chrisius who took over the lecture. "The drug dealers are not known to have any armored vehicles yet because they have been focussing on bomber tech. We want that tech. Their clan has been at war with their neighbors the commies and the Scandinavians for many years now. We believe the skinheads also had a go at them. Therefore, they will be very weak, easy prey for our powerful new Challenger tanks."
"The enemy has 2 potent weapons which could hurt us." Chrisius pushed a button on the remote and a picture of an old, worn-out tanker ship appeared on the board. "You all should recognize this as 'Old Betsy', one of the ships which brought us here to Antarctica. In the next picture you will see what happened when a Hopscotch rocket was applied to her." Chrisius pushed the button and the ship became a disentagrating inferno. "Our Type 42 destroyers are able to withstand one hit from a rocket but will retire from the line of battle a burning wreck."
"As per the 'Treaty of Landing' all the clans signed upon reaching Antarctica which required all nukes to be discarded into the ocean as a condition upon landing, we all can build the expensive Hopscotch rockets as well as napalm with no enhanced designs. Napalm is the most deadly weapon in Antarctica as there is no uranium here to build nukes with. Our high tech destroyers are designed with special flame-retardant materials and automatic fire-control systems to limit the effects of this terrible weapon and may even allow a Type 42 to barely withstand one hit before retiring from battle with most of its crew roasted alive. Ships of others clans are different but generally include the same design functions."
Kaos asked, "Hey, what can napalm do to a land unit?"
"Everyone's gotta die someday, Kaos, just some die more painfully than others. Anyways, on to the battle plans." Kaos was left shaking his head.
Chrisius went on, "Our convoy is escorted by three Type 42 destroyers each loaded with 8 hopscotch rockets for a total of 24 rockets. Those rockets are ludicrously expensive so don't waste them! The carrier will provide anti-air and anti-shipping defense with jet fighters and gunships. We plan to land and take-over the capital Culiacan and a second key city called East Hastings all in one day. The destroyers will unload 12 rockets into each city while the troops are landing on the plains between the cities. Once the defenders have been obliterated by the rockets the troops will have an easy walk into the city and the carrier will unload its air assets into the cities for added protection. Following that peace will be requested for the price of Bomber tech. We want to leave them some cities to keep fighting the commies with and we may even consider supplying them with resources at that time."
"Sounds like it'll be a real blast!" called out Kaos with a big smile.
Dexter answered, "We're gonna blast them alright. Remember that The Drug Cartels is an evil clan which sells narcotics even to kids and they have declared war on us without any provocation. The convoy heads out tonight at 2100 hours and will arrive at the target in 6 days to commence Operation Royal Service. Give em hell. See you in a week."