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La Grande Nation

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  • #91
    Hmmm perhaps Scratch though I dont think I could stomach all those namby pamby liberals all over the shop though the Soccer fans sound interesting, perhaps you could provide a link ?

    I was more interested to know what mod you had used to play the game you described over at CFC, and still am if you catch my ice flow.

    Furthermore my ever so slightly crazy friend when you gonna write for us again :doitnow:
    A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


    • #92
      Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
      all those namby pamby liberals all over the shop
      Those are just the barbarians. They get blown to bits at the start of the game by the clans. I deleted that old mod because this new one is much better and has all the new 3D units. I prefer starting in modern era and there are only 4 techs left to research - new ones. They're just my mods so no links to them anywhere, too big to upload I think, plus there's a neo-nazi clan, along with a drug cartel and a redneck clan, which would cause an outrage among the lefties.

      I started writing a new Bush story about North Korea and I got it all worked out just gotta finish writing it out. It's a kinduv adventure story. I'm working 7 days a week now though.
      Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


      • #93
        Just finished reading the story so far. This is trully good stuff. I can't wait for the next part
        -Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
        Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"

        "Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."
        - Me


        • #94

          I wouldn't mind blowing those barbarians up! All of 'em! Ahahahahahahahaha-hahahahahah!
          Empire growing,
          Pleasures flowing,
          Fortune smiles and so should you.


          • #95
            Scratch has some of the coolest mods, but he never shares.

            He has one with N. and S. AMerica too, but wouldn't give that to me.

            If you ever do get the mod up you owe us all a link.
            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


            • #96
              You holding out on us, scratch? Give us the mods! Give us the mods! Now back to the story:

              On this most greatest of days, the Champs-Élysées, has turned into chaos and disarray. The parade is completely stopped, as word throughout the crowd spreads, that Jeanne was hit by an assassin. Back at the scene of the crime, the crowd and the Guards quickly engulf the assassin and with kicks and punches, everyone makes sure, the murderer is handled, in the most vicious way. Confusion swells, as the first reports indicate that the assassin is a Babylonian. An immigrant, from the town of Zamua.

              There are also rumors that a second gunman was spotted, hiding amongst the trees, which lined the famous avenue. Much of the crowd now focuses, on this sad looking individual. He is ripped to shreds, as everyone screams, “Kill him, Kill him”. Unfortunately, the individual was, but a poor carpenter, who had stopped by to see the Victory Parade. This is the anarchic state of affairs, on this day.

              Meanwhile, the Presidential Wagon hightails it, at full gallop, to the Paris Medical Center. The crowd only catches glimpse of Jeanne, but it is said, she was seen bleeding overwhelmingly. The Guards take over the assassin and shield him away from more beatings, that the people surely want to give him. He is quickly rushed to the central jail.

              The soldiers quickly act to take control of the situation in Paris. They move in to the scene, by the hundreds and advice people to go home. Napoleon and Richelieu both rush to the Hospital to check up on Jeanne’s condition. The news is not good. Jeanne is hit in the stomach and chest, much of the bleeding is actually internal. There Richelieu confronts Napoleon:

              “I hate to ask, but did you have any prior knowledge of all this?”, a concerned Richelieu asks.

              “Prior knowledge? Why don’t you just be a man and ask me if I ordered the hit.”

              “Fine, I was just being polite. So did you do it?”

              “You fool, how dare you ask me such thing?”, an infuriated Napoleon responds.

              “You just told me to.”

              “Maybe I should ask you, If you have anything do to with it?”, asks an irate Napoleon.

              “Why would I? I didn’t have any quarrels with Jeanne, unlike some people.”

              With that they both storm off, to different waiting rooms. In the operating room, the situation looks very grim. The doctors must now do all they can, with primitive tools and skills, to save our Saint’s life.

              Outside the central jail, a mob in the thousands, demand the release of the killer, for proper street justice. The Noire Pluie, takes over the police investigation and custody of the assassin. What is currently happening inside the jail’s walls, is unknown. The people now begin to wonder, if the Noire Pluie, is in fact trying to cover something up.

              Many more people however, are holding a vigil, outside the hospital and in the cathedrals throughout France. Prayers are recited by the priests, as many eagerly await, the first official news of Jeanne. The Assemblée Nationale holds an emergency session, to decide who will run the Presidency, while Jeanne is away. The vote is unanimous, they choose no-one. Instead, the Presidency will remain vacant and the Assemblée, will take full control of all foreign affairs. More precisely, it will be François Greuze, the head of the leftist M.S.F., whom will be mostly in charge.

              Outside the jail, the first reports become official, it is in fact a Babylonian, who shot Jeanne. The rumors now gain intensity, “Hammurabi’s revenge”, “The Presidential Guards, they did nothing, maybe they were in on it”, “What about the Noire Pluie, who the hell are they anyway?”, “It’s the Koreans I tell you, Wang was upset over the broken alliance”, “Nonsense, it was the Parti Socialiste, whom are avenging the disappearance of Mitterand”, “Wasn’t Napoleon angry at Jeanne, could he have?” Leaks to the media reveal that, the Babylonian is not talking about why he did it. Or who put him up to it, if anybody did.

              Back in the hospital, the operation is over. Jeanne is rather depleted as the Bishop of Paris comes in to give her, her Last Rites. In her room, there is just one window. Through the window Jeanne can see the beautiful city and country she helped create, the brick paved roads, the horse drawn caravans, and all the beautiful stone buildings. Staring back at her is the bright yellow sun, which cast a bustling, serene light on her body. The shadows of the mullions appear on her in the shape of the cross, as if it was perpetually cast upon her. Her fate is sealed and she humbly accepts her death, as God’s will.

              She is sure she will go to heaven, at her death. She asks the Bishop, in a very, light quiet voice, “Hold the crucifix high, so I may see it through the Gates of Heaven!” Occasionally, in history a man or woman, appears during troubled times, to lead the charge. Jeanne is such a person, who led a just cause against all odds. It was her destiny and the fulfillment of prophecy, that she, a maiden girl from Lorraine province, would perform a miracle, to save France. The Bishop responds by telling her, “Go forward, Daughter of God, and I will help thee.” And in the darkest hour of France, Jeanne places the crucifix over her heart and speaks her last words…………….…. “Jesus!”
              "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
              Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


              • #97
                Outside the hospital, we are all still waiting, on word of Jeanne’s health. Then out of the dark halls of the hospital and into the front steps of the stone, built building, two figures appear. It is the French Prime Minister, (P.M. is ceremonial, they hold no power at all) and long time top political advisor and Jeanne’s best friend, Nicolas Clouet. Clouet weeps, as the news is given, “Jeanne is gone.” The news hits all of France hard. Many cannot take the immense sadness, as they decide to take their own lives and jump into the Sienne River. Even more of the faithful, take swords and slice themselves in the face, “to bleed for Jeanne, as she has bled for them.”

                Then anger and hatred now takes over. A lynch mob heads straight for the central jail. They demand to know everything about the Babylonian, “Who was he working with?”, “Who hired him?”, “Is it true, he was seen talking with some of the Guards earlier?”. There however, members of the Noire Pluie announce;

                “We have concluded, that the perpetrator acted alone. He was upset, over his perceived aggression on his motherland. There is no conspiracy.”

                The crowd angrily says, “B.S., unleash him onto us, we’ll get the truth out of him.”

                “I’m sorry, but the assassin is no longer available. Late last night, he has hung himself in his cell.”

                “Noooo, the truth will never be known now”, scream the huddled masses.

                With Jeanne now gone, the Presidency is suspended, as new elections are announced. For the mean time, the Assemblée holds all power. Napoleon and Richelieu both make no claims to power, as the military remains, surprisingly, rather calm during this crisis.

                The mourning of Jeanne shall last forever, our Saint will never be forgotten. The funeral procession is long and full of sorrow. It begins at dawn, just when the sun comes up, on a clear warm beautiful spring day. In the Basilica of Sacré Coeur, on the summit of Montmartre, the Bishops renounce the actions of the assassin and warns of the future;

                “Today is the day we say good bye, to our beloved Jeanne. We would not be here if not for the savage, coward who took the life, of our precious flower. May the Murderer burn in hell for all eternity, may his pain be everlasting and enduring. Oh glorious Jeanne, we have failed you. We were never worthy, of your presence and leadership. Your legacy shall live on, in the undying spirit, of the French people. However, after today we must move on. The next generation of French leaders must never forget, your magnificent history, less we make them remember. With our life and with our blood, we will forever fight for you, Jeanne d‘Arc.”

                A large portrait is displayed of our leader, in the Basilica. Armor shining in the sun, a lone soul sitting upon a white war-horse, tall and proud. Helmet at her side, her loose hair, whipped in the wind, a youthful soft loving face, peeped beneath. Her lighted eyes show wisdom, that surpasses this earthly realm.

                Most of the nations leaders are there, including old adversaries like Hannibal, Montezuma, and Brennus. Also, Wang and Hammurabi, both gave their condolences to the French nation, their both still at war, so they couldn‘t make it. There are still suspicions about those two, but nothing can be proven now, as the assassin is dead. Napoleon, Richelieu and all other top military commanders are there also, for the funeral. Rumors are abound, that Napoleon will run for the Presidency. All members of the Assemblée, including both M.S.F. and U.D.F. sit together, inside the sacred church.

                Thoughts of Jeanne, race through the minds of every French citizen, as an old Warrior recalls the tell of Jeanne‘s heroism and gallantry in an early battle;

                “The clanking and clinging, of steel against steel rang all around her, as we, Warriors strove to kill our combatants, fused with the intense screams, of terror and pain. And the persistent faint sounds, of crunching bones, gave way to horse hooves. Held in her right hand, the young female Leader displayed a French flag and a cross. It vibrated in the strong wind, a symbol of God, held above, for all to see the glory of God and His angels.”

                The casket draped in the blue, white and red is then led out, in a procession from the Sacre Couer to the Arc de Triomphe. Millions make the pilgrimage, from all over France, to line the streets and hope to get a glimpse, of our Saint and Angel. As the military band plays a somber note, many of the soldiers march along with her, in precise orderly fashion. The casket, is carried by the Presidential Wagon and once at the Arc de Triomphe, it makes it’s way down the hallowed, Avenue des Champs-Élysées. The gold trim of the casket looks immaculate, as the sun brightly illuminates it. It is a blinding shine, but we dare not look away. The trees on the Champs-Élysées are in their full growth, as they shade the French citizens. There are millions on the Champs-Élysées, and yet, the only sound that is heard, is the quiet wailing, bawling, sobbing of the French nation.

                Through the Champs-Élysées, past the Palace de la Concorde and in the shadows of the Tour Eiffel. The procession makes it’s way to Jeanne’s final resting place at Notre-Dame de-Paris on the Île de la Cité. The realization is now upon the nation. This is not a nightmare, we are going to wake up from. This is not some fairy tale, with a magical ending. No, this is real and it is absolutely true, Jeanne d‘Arc, is really gone.

                Jeanne d’Arc is a self-made martyr, because she understood, that she had the courage to win battles and to accept her destiny. Jeanne d’Arc’s deeds, transcend time. Jeanne is to become an angel. An angle in the Order of Michael, the Archangel. Sown somewhere on a field of lilies, it shall contain the words Jesus: Maria and pictures God, Our Lord, on a throne holding the world and sided by two angels (Trask 26). I presume Michael, the Archangel and L’Ange Jeanne d’Arc. Only a French angel, could offer a fleur-de-lis to her Lord.
                "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                • #98
                  Well that was sad !! infact very well written. I think we shall all miss Jeanne deeply

                  Good stuff Kaos keep it coming.
                  A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                  • #99
                    Ya killed her...

                    Ah well, good writing. At least we know where she is...
                    Empire growing,
                    Pleasures flowing,
                    Fortune smiles and so should you.


                    • Oh well, bye Jeanne. I started to like her when I heard she went into a coma upon being told a war wasn't going to happen.

                      I just took the shrinkwrap off my new mod today and its pretty cool. I got a 7 vs 6 clan brawl going on now and its pretty even so far. All the combatants are mixed up so its a real messy affair with fighting going on everywhere and everyone has different military units - mostly troops, armored vehicles and gunships going at it right now. Gandhi's using a lot of rockets and napalm on my troops but I'll make him pay. Some of you politely requested I upload this. I'd love to upload this excellent mod if someone would kindly tell me how. Its 782 MB size. Also this is my first time to play it so I need time for tweaking it.
                      Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


                      • scratch, go to

                        'luc will help you out if you wanna post 'em.
                        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                        • Dude, IMHO you gotta lighten up with all the sobbing, mourning, politics and what not cause I'm starting to skim through your story instead of read it. I much preferred the earlier parts in your story about what happened in your game.
                          Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


                          • Nah dont agree with you Scratch, sure this story has developed and grown since its beginning but not at the expense of its concise and crisp method of recounting the game. IMO any story is meant to develop and change to accomadate additional characters etc and I think your doing a great job with this Kaos so keep the goods rolling.
                            A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                            • The Terrorist which will be described below, ARE in the game. It is the story of hidden nationality land units in the Ottoman Proxy War. They have the cruise missile tag, so they blow themselves up.

                              Dawn of a New Era:

                              While the people still mourn, the nation’s business must go on. Who can possibly fill Jeanne’s shoes? Is there anybody that can rile up the nation, the way Jeanne could? Well, a majority of the people do think, there is someone who could continue Jeanne’s legacy of greatness, his name is Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon is everyone’s choice, and he wastes no time in announcing, his Presidential campaign. One of his many campaign promises is, that he would not go back to being a General and that the Babylonian War will not be restarted.

                              Napoleon had a taste at running the nation before and he didn’t like it. This time however, he was going in with experienced bureaucrats and an established government already in place. Napoleon runs with Jeanne’s old political party the Union pour la Démocratie Française (U.D.F.). He is really a centrist and appeals to moderates on the U.D.F. and the M.S.F. This in fact, forces the fringe of the two established parties to brake away and form their own parties. The Parti Communiste Française (P.C.F.) is a far left group of commies, while the Mouvement National Républicain (MNR), are an ultra-nationalist right wing clan. Napoleon’s competition is really only Clouet of the M.S.F.

                              And with a whopping landslide Napoleon is able to win the Presidency of France. He promises to keep the status quo, as Jeanne would have wanted it. We are now in the Napoleonic Age. His first order of business is to repair relations with the old Kaesong Pact nations. He travels to the Korean capital of Seoul and in the Presidential Palace meets with Wang:

                              “Good to see you, again Wang”, says Napoleon, as he greets the Korean leader.

                              “It’s good to see you too, old friend”, replies Wang.

                              “I know relations between our nations have been tough recently, but now, I’m in charge. I want to start a new era of friendship with Korea.”

                              “So what do you have in mind?”

                              “I want to implement our pre-war R.O.P. agreement, as a sign of everlasting friendship, between our nations. I want you to know, things going to be different in France?”, says Napoleon.

                              “Well it’s good that your in charge, but still how are things going to be different in France?”, asks Wang.

                              “Well France is now entering into a new Napoleonic Age. We shall honor our agreements from now on.”

                              “Glad to hear that. Yet I wonder, if you ever become involved in another conflict, will you woose out again?”

                              “This time, any future enemy is going to be met with a sea of fire, in their capital. Anybody dare messes with us, we are definitely going to f*** them up.”

                              “Interesting, we shall then agree to this R.O.P. agreement ”, a bemused Wang says.

                              “Thanks, Wang”, says Napoleon as he leaves the meeting and heads back to Paris.

                              Napoleon in fact restores all R.O.P.’s with the other Kaesong Pact nations, Zululand and Rome. It is absolutely a new age in France. However, during these early years of Napoleon, there is someone else grabbing some attention. Out in the North Biscay territories a recently recruited member of an Infantry Brigade begins to rise through the ranks. He impresses all of his superiors, with his military genius in tactics at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy. But the real reason he grabs everyone’s attention, are his fiery religious speeches, he gives to his fellow soldiers. We are a secular government, but this young soldier preaches of a united religious based nation. Even more striking, is that he is actually a Roman citizen, his name is Carolus Magnus.

                              The Story of Carolus Magnus:

                              Carolus Magnus was born in the Roman city of Lutetia, to a very religious family. Growing up as a devout Roman Catholic, he prepared himself to become a priest and preach the word of God. But then, as he was learning the way, an event that would change his life occurred. Rome signed an alliance with France vs. the Babylonians. Being in Lutetia, surrounded by Babylonian territory, he was frightened for his family and friends.

                              Then the horrific day came. It was early in the morning when he peeped out of his window and saw the Babylonian Longbowmen approaching his small town. Subsequently, he saw the venerated Roman Legionnaires, meet the Babylonian hoard and fight. He knelt down and prayed for the victory of Rome and the Church. But it wasn’t to be, the Longbowmen marched into the city battered, but victorious. Carolus Magnus raced to his house only to find Babylonian soldiers had taken over his home. Consequently, he felt something he had never felt before, hatred. Hatred and a thirst for vengeance. He left the seminary and joined the underground Lutetia Resistance. They were a group of Roman citizens with a strong will to fight, but very lightly armed. In a safe house he met with the Resistance leader, Marcus;

                              “Why does a priest, want to join in our battle?”

                              “It’s my battle also, I long to see the Babylonians suffer”, replied Carolus.

                              “But priest, are you aware that your clean, milky hands, will now have to get dirty and bloody.”

                              “I understand, more than you will ever know.”

                              “Well then you are welcome to join, but you must know that we are communist and not very religious”, says Marcus.

                              “That’s fine, sooner or later Jesus will show you the path, to Salvation.”

                              “That’s funny coming from a man who is about to commit murder.”

                              “It is not murder. It’s justice in the name of God”, responds sternly, Carolus.

                              “Whatever, just make sure you make them suffer, before you kill the bastards”

                              The Roman Resistance decided to wage a guerrilla war on the Babylonian Longbowmen. Their base was in the Galois Jungles. At night, incursions would be sent into Lutetia, to battle the enemy, armed only with axes and hammers. There, Carolus Magnus learned to love, the sight of the enemies blood. Quietly, he would swoop down, on the unsuspecting occupiers and slash their throats. But it wasn’t enough, on the night known as La Noche Triste, the Babylonians struck back hard. It was sad indeed, as the Resistance was severely overwhelmed and Resistance leader Marcus was beheaded. Helpless and on the verge of being taken prisoner, he began to pray once again for a miracle, any miracle at all. And in the darkest hour, a sound which he had never heard before, came like a bolt of electricity.

                              This was the sound of the rapid-fire rifles, of the French Infantry brigades. He was in awe of the professionalism, the skill, and the raw power, which the French forces displayed that day, as the Babylonians were brutally defeated. As the festivities began for the liberation of Lutetia, with everyone now certain the town, would be a part of France, Carolus Magnus then turned to one of his fellow resistors and said, “One of these days I will be a part of those men. No, actually I am going to lead those men and my new country into victory. One day I shall save France, the way France has saved me.” On the day of Jeanne d’Arc’s assassination, Carolus Magnus joined the French Infantry and swore allegiance to France and all her greatness.

                              He is quickly sent into the border areas of the South Biscay territories after graduating from Saint-Cyr Military Academy. He is considered very much a religious leader, among his fellow soldiers, as he puts his orating skills he learned at the seminary to use. His name however, is no longer Carolus Magnus. He has learned our beautiful language and to everyone he meets he says, “Bonjour, je m’appelle,………………… Charlemagne.”

                              Napoleon now confident in his power, starts to consolidate that power by using the Noire Pluie. He finds out quickly, just how effective these guys were for Jeanne. An old friend, Marcel Rodin is named the new minister of the Noire Pluie. Napoleon decrees the Noire Pluie to begin recruiting Terrorists, to operate in foreign lands. He plans to sends these Terrorist cells into Babylonia, as he has never forgotten Hammurabi’s R.O.P. betrayal. The MartyreJeanne is to be the name of these loyal, fervent radicals which will spread terror in the name of French Justice.

                              While Jeanne made great strides in improving our military, one thing she always neglected was intelligence information. As a general Napoleon was always frustrated with the lack of intelligence and he wasn’t about to do the same with his Generals. To rectify that, he announced the creation of our Intelligence Agency in Paris. The agencies official name was the Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure (D.G.S.E.). The D.G.S.E. is going to be heavily funded, with our treasury flowing in Gold. From the D.G.S.E. building in Paris, we will coordinate with our many espionage teams, soon to be established throughout the world. They are to operate exclusively in foreign territory only, to avoid any conflicts with the Noire Pluie. The head of the D.G.S.E. was a former Noire Pluie agent named, Jean Bonnard.

                              The war had made our military much larger and Napoleon got rid of the different army sub-groups and consolidated them, under the control of his best General, Richelieu. There is no need for subgroups since we now have radios and telephones, so communications with our far flung territories is much improved. Richelieu’s new title is, Major General of the Army. The Navy would still continue, however, to have the South Defense Fleet, led by Adm. Yanne and the North Defense Fleet, led by Adm. Resnais. Our Navy is also much improved with new squads of Destroyers. Also new naval technologies, has allowed us the construction of Submarines and Battleships. Moreover, in international news, Carthage has declared war on Babylonia, once again. The Admirals and General made up the Joint Chiefs.

                              “Terror, terror”, was the scream coming from Napoleon’s secretary over the phone.

                              “What terror?, Where?, Who?”, asks urgently Napoleon.

                              “Our Destroyer, the M.N. Claude Monet, was hit by terrorists while refueling in Iznik, there are many casualties”, replied the secretary panic-stricken.

                              “Did it sink?”

                              “No, but it is barely staying afloat”, answered the secretary.

                              Napoleon called an emergency meeting in the Palace of Versailles. In the meeting is Minister Rodin of the Noire Pluie, the Joint Chiefs, and members of Napoleon’s cabinet, including political advisor Stephanie Perret. Iznik, is an Ottoman metropolis, on the border with France. The Ottoman Terrorists infiltrated the port facilities in Iznik and set off explosives, which nearly sunk the MN Claude Monet. Confusion reigned in the meeting, as nobody knew who these Terrorist worked for.

                              “They were Ottoman government agents, I tell you”, spoke a member of his cabinet.

                              “I know, I spoke with D.G.S.E. director Jean Bonnard. I shall talk to Osman and demand justice”, says Napoleon.

                              “But the terrorists are dead. What we need to do, is make them pay in blood”, says another member.

                              “War is not the answer. Our relations have been good with our neighbors, the Ottomans. If we go to war with the Ottomans, what will that say to our other neighbors?”, asks, the always well spoken Maj. Gen. Richelieu.

                              “I agree with Richelieu. We also have many business deals, with the Ottomans. We are getting rich selling them Iron at 53 Gold per shipment”, says Advisor Perret.

                              “Money! Is that all you think about. We have a blood debt, and me must correct it”, shouts a hard-line cabinet member.

                              “You dumb hawk, of course, money is not all I think about. There are ways to make them pay, without declaring all out war”, says subtly Perret.

                              “What is your idea?”, asks Napoleon.

                              “Simple, we forget about the MartyreJeanne, going to Babylonia, and send them to the Ottomans instead. This way our trade deals, stay unscathed”, responds Couet.

                              “Cunning, as you have said, it shall be written. We will begin the Ottoman Proxy War. Rodin, prepare the MartyreJeanne, to give their lives for France. Make sure nobody in the Assemblée, hears about what has been said in this meeting”, says Napoleon, as the meeting concludes. In other breaking international news, the Babylonian town of Zariqum was razed by the Zulus. Some escaped, but the majority went down in flames, like their city. We will shed no tear for them. Also, the Aztecs have signed an alliance with Carthage against Babylon. The Aztecs are just as weak, as the Carthaginians and should pose no great threat to the Babylonians.

                              The Ottoman Proxy War:

                              Our assignment for the MartyreJeanne is to hit military targets in Iznik, simultaneously. With the help of Ottoman dissenters, we secretly move in, 8 Terrorist cells throughout the city. In tight knit groups, in clandestine apartments, the cells prepare to launch themselves into Ottoman soldiers. The operation is code-named “Red August”. The Noire Pluie has ordered the attack day, to be a hot summer day in August, the plan is to make it hotter.

                              As the day approaches, the suicide squads recite their oath to Jeanne and prepare their wills. These Terrorist are the most religious, fanatical youth we have. The Noire Pluie makes sure that no member of the MartyreJeanne has any family. They are chosen from among the most depressed, crime ridden areas of France. The Noire Pluie then molds them, into suicidal militants.

                              The day is here now, and we let hell rain on the Ottoman city of Iznik. Concurrently, throughout the city, we begin to storm into military barracks and checkpoints. Shooting our way in and our vehicles loaded with explosives, we surprise the unsuspecting soldiers. Confusion and mass murder was what we inflicted on the Ottomans. We aren’t able to completely destroy a brigade, but we do score an array of impressive hits on every Infantry brigade stationed in Iznik. The Ottomans are caught napping, they suspect it was France, but with little military force, they dare not, confront France.

                              Afterward, Napoleon orders the Noire Pluie, that no more bloodshed will be spilt, “We have done what we set out to do. And that is to pay the Ottomans, back with their own blood.” The trade deals are unaffected and the Ottoman Proxy War last, all but a bloody August day.
                              "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                              Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                              • 1150 State of the Union
                                Pop. 25,222,000 2nd
                                Land 76,500 sq. m. 1st
                                Military: 145

                                Armée de Terre: (Army)
                                1 E.E.A. Officers
                                55 Infantry
                                17 Cavalries
                                14 Artillery

                                Paramilitaire - Noire Pluie : (Paramilitary)
                                12 Guerrillas
                                1 Terrorists

                                Marine Nationale: (Navy)
                                7 Battleships
                                6 Destroyers
                                7 Ironclads
                                12 Assault Ships (transports)

                                The D.G.S.E. director informs Napoleon, that we have successfully infiltrated 12 foreign capitals with our espionage teams. Some infiltration operations, cost more than others. The capitals where our teams are located are Tenochtitlan, Seoul, Istanbul, Beijing, Babylon, Madrid, Moscow, Mecca, Rome, Berlin, Athens and Ebocurum. Soon we shall begin operations, to undermine our enemies and perhaps our friends too. It wasn’t all good news, however. The D.G.S.E. has also had a number of failures, including in Washington, Persepolis and London. Some spies were returned, but others imprisoned in far away, awful cages.

                                Our Cav brigade working as a scout in the Zululand-Babylonian border informs us that, the war is still going on, with heavy casualties on all sides. It is a brutal war of attrition, as the Babylonians hang on for their lives. We can only laugh at their misery, for they are the ones who brought this upon themselves. Back in France, we are now in the age of automobiles and everyone has pretty much discarded their horse-drawn wagons, for shiny new vehicles. Using the automobile technology of Motorized Transportation , our researches are working on efforts to implement this knowledge to create, armored track-laying vehicles. These vehicles, will be able to increase the mobility of our Army, if we ever have to use it again. Our Generals are excited and cannot wait for the first vehicles, known only as Tanks, to come rolling out of our Factories.

                                Breaking News: In the city of Babylon, Korean officials met their Babylonian counterparts to discuss a peace treaty. The meeting concludes with a signed agreement, ending the war between their nations. For the Babylonians, the pressure will now decrease, as they only have to fight the Zulus and the weak Romans. Napoleon calls Wang to congratulate him on the good news;

                                “Wang , I am so happy to hear the war has ended.”

                                “I’m happy, that you’re happy. I wonder, when did you find out about our peace treaty?”, asks Wang.

                                “In the news of course, just like everyone else.”


                                “What the f. are you talking about Wang?”, a confused Napoleon asks.

                                “We know about your spies, in Seoul. You evil bastard, you’ve been eavesdropping on us haven’t you?”

                                “I don’t know what you are talking about”, answers Napoleon.

                                “You don’t, do you? Well then, I should tell you, the spies that you don’t know about, have all been executed. But I guess, since you didn’t know about them, they were rogue spies, right?”

                                “I see. I demand the bodies be released, for proper burial in France”, an embarrassed Napoleon says.

                                “Sure, but you’re men are going to have to dig them up, as we’ve already buried them, in the cemeteries of Pyongyang. Just who did you think, you were f-ing with?”

                                “I’ve got nothing more to say. Give me back my citizens.”

                                “You better hope my anger subsides, or else your precious nation, will have to face the fury of the mighty juggernaut, that is Korea”, threatens angrily, Wang.

                                Stunned, Napoleon asks Richelieu to set up a defense in the Korean border, just in case. We are in a R.O.P. agreement and it leaves us quite vulnerable, to a sneak attack from the Koreans. We can’t break that R.O.P., because it will damage our reputation, even more. Maj. Gen. Richelieu calls up a young, ambitious General to lead the defense of the Korean Border. The young, ambitious General, is none other than newly promoted Charlemagne. Richelieu knows, that Charlemagne is from the area and orders him to set up shop, in his native city of Lutetia, a little further from the Korean border. Charlemagne is now in command of the Biscay Territories, since he knows the area well. He is very important, as he is responsible, for the stressful Korean border.

                                Back in France, the situation with Korea, does not receive that much attention. There are now many distractions in France, including our entertainment industry, as we now have televisions in most homes. Foreign affairs is just not in the minds, of our busy French citizens.

                                We have traded for Amphibious technology, which gives us the ability to create Special Ops troops, such as Marines. Also, our scientist unlock the magic, of a most wonderful discovery, FLIGHT. Airports begin to be built throughout all of France, we will be able to travel everywhere, in our territory instantly. More importantly, we now have the ability to create our, Armée de l’Air (Air Force). Our military is truly modernized, with Renault Tanks, DeWoitine Fighters and Farman Bombers.

                                The situation with the Koreans is still quite edgy. Lately, we have spotted Korean troops, massing on the Mugabe Mountains, which separates our borders. We know the Koreans and Wang are furious at us. However, Napoleon is not itching for war, strange for an ex-General, but he wants to live peacefully with all his neighbors. The truth is that Korea is one big bad mutha’ and our cities in the Biscay territories are not, as industrialized as the cities in Gaule. We can fight them, but logistically it would cause us, quite a bit of trouble.

                                Unlike the Babylonian War, we would have to face the Koreans in their most productive cities in the heart of their empire. Napoleon decides to cool down the tense situation, by offering Wang a gift; (I do this, not because I’m yellow, but because, although Modern Wars can be fun, they can also be tedious. Especially on a huge map with 24 civs.) He sends some French officials, to Seoul;

                                “We come bearing a message, from our President Napoleon Bonaparte.”

                                “What is it”, a very curt Wang, responds.

                                “In a show of everlasting friendship and peace, our President wishes to offer your nation, 20 shipments of Dyes.”

                                “Oh my, what a lovely surprise. Keep them coming, I tell you”, Wang says giddily.

                                “We hope you are content with this Wang.”

                                “No doubt”, Wang says. Shipments of Dyes begin to arrive into Koreas Harbors, very soon after that. Napoleon and the Assemblée in France, rejoice over the averted conflict. Peace shall prevail, after all. The few French citizens who were even aware of the conflict, also celebrate as Napoleon is proving to be, a peace-monger.

                                Everything is going great in France, we are making tons of Gold and our treasury continues to grow, at an unprecedented pace. In foreign affairs, everyone seems happy including Wang, after we gave him some Dyes. The massed Korean troops are still there on the border, but they have not moved, until. Until, on a nice, cool autumn night, we spot 4 Korean Cav brigades crossing the Mugabe Mountains, into our Biscay Territories. They are near the Isipezi Road and close to our towns of Amatikulu and Zunguin. We do have an R.O.P. with them, but up until this point, they had never crossed the border into France. Their intentions are unknown, as of yet. Charlemagne from his base in Lutetia, gives word to Maj. Gen. Richelieu in Paris, of the situation, through radio communications;

                                “Major General, 4 Korean Cav brigades have been spotted, crossing the Mugabe Mountains. They are now very near Amatikulu and Zunguin, do I have permission to drive them back over the Mountains”, asks Charlemagne.

                                “Negative, we have an R.O.P. agreement. The rules of engagement, set by Napoleon, clearly state that, we are only to fire in defense, ONLY. Is this understood?”, asks Richelieu.

                                “That’s affirmative, but I have a feeling that pretty soon, we will have to defend ourselves.”

                                “Reinforce our positions in Amatikulu and Zunguin. Then just hold on, I will begin to order up some Tanks from Gaule, to be sent to you in Biscay. Just in case, of course. This could all be just a probing mission, by the Koreans.”

                                “Understood, I will (Radio begins to cut off)………. afterwards…. then there won’t………….in the…………”

                                “What? I can’t understand a word you’re saying. Our communication is breaking down.”

                                “I’m saying that…………WHAT!!!………..OH SH**!!!………THEY’RE HERE, THEY’RE ALL OVER!!!”

                                “What the hell is going on General?. ANSWER, what is your current status?”

                                “KOREAN GUERRILLAS!!!…………IN LUTETIA!!!……………..FROM THE JUNGLES!!!……………………….………WE‘RE BEING ATTACKED!!!………..…………..” (Radio contact, has now been cut)
                                "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                                Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum

