This story has turned into quite a novel.
However, believe it or not, the end is fast approaching. I’m actually hoping to finish this story, on Bastille Day.
Anyway, here is a small snippet for ya’ll.
With the Iroquois and the English, joining our “To Do” list, the North Fleet is ordered by Adm. Resnais, “to return to the North Iroquois Ocean and protect our coast.” We now have to guard against 3 nations in the Feminin Continent. Neither of these countries, pose any real significant threat. In fact, they are all backwater, 3rd world hell holes, doubtful their soldiers can even afford shoes. Anyway, an invasion attempt by them, would mean “Instant Death” for their military. On their way back, one of our Battleships spots an Iroquois Galleon. It is buried instantly, under a wave of steel. Number of people inside unknown, but their grave site is.
Cheju and Kaesong, begin to suffer from mass starvations. In this war of attrition, everyone suffers. Unfortunately, most of the suffering is almost always, done by the civilians, who are caught in the crossfire. There is nothing we can do for them.
“Therefore, one who is skilled in warfare principles subdues the enemy without doing battle, takes the enemy's walled city without attacking, and overthrows the enemy quickly, without protracted
warfare. His aim must be to take All-Under-Heaven intact. Therefore, weapons will not be blunted, and gains will be intact. These are the principles of planning attacks.” (tzu)
Wonsan Bombing:
With our Army consolidating into one force now, our Air Force is also able to begin operations, as a single entity. The first order of business for Gen. Pasteur, is the Wonsan Bombing. This bombing strike, will be unlike anything, seen in the world. There are at least 20 Bomber squads, scheduled to drop some mayhem on the city. At sunset, Pasteur gathers his pilots in a Larsa hangar, and prepares them;
“Wonsan is an Incense-rich city, the strategic value of this objective is immense. The Wonsan strikes are to begin at 100 hours, and we will hit them with everything we have. There are no enemy aircraft in the area, so take your time and choose your targets carefully. You veterans out there, have been given the task to destroy all roads and rails leading to Wonsan. I don’t have to tell how important this is, the Army is counting on you. The Generals don’t want to waste much troops in the Battle for Wonsan. They would like to send everybody straight into the heart of the savage, Seoul. Give ‘em hell, boys! Give ‘em hell!”
“Yeah, let’s BOMB those Korean f-ers!”, scream the men, as they run back to their barracks to write their last letters. The letters are in case anything happens, during the all important mission. At about 2000 hours, a squad of DeWoitine D.520 Fighters, come streaming into the airfield in Larsa. The Fighters were on a reconnaissance mission, to pinpoint the exact locations of enemy troops. The clock strikes 2100 and the pilots begin to put on their suits and prepare to fly toward enemy territory.
Each air crew is given a target list, which mostly consists of enemy locations. Our Fighters reveal that most Koreans troops are hiding among the populace. I guess they think we won’t hit them in residential areas. Well they’re right, “we refuse to target heavily populated civilian centers.” Or at least, that’s what Napoleon’s “Official Orders” are. This keeps our own French citizens happy, as they think, we really care about the Korean people.
2200 hours is here and our pilots are locked, and ready for takeoff. It is a beautiful sight to see. In the complete darkness, only the intense burning of our Farman Bomber engines can be seen, as they disappear off into the horizon. It is a 3-hour trip to Wonsan and the terrain along the way is entirely flat desert. There are however other Bombers, which will be coming in from Cheju, their ride is much shorter. It is a boring trip, yet filled with excitement and anticipation. for the coming bombing campaign. Far-away in the horizon, the very first, small lights of the city, are seen. The excitement grows, as we are only minutes away, from the world’s largest aerial assault.
The Bombing begins and an inferno, begins to burn in Wonsan. The citizens are woken up, by the never-ending explosions on their city. The air-raid sirens are heard, but the only thing they announce, is death from above. Wave after wave of Bombers, come and drop their heavy loads on the enemy. The Barracks are hit first, then the Stock Market, to kill their economy. The Central Library, in the heart of the city also goes up in flames. Droves come out of their homes, screaming in shear horror, for the bombing has now gone on for hours.
We continue to target, key economic facilities and destroy the Marketplace and Korean National Bank in Wonsan. The people of Wonsan, have now felt the mighty power, of the French Air Force. Life will never again, be normal for them. More importantly, our Bombers successfully destroy all roads and rails leading to Wonsan, thus preventing the Koreans from reinforcing quickly. Also, the enemy troops in the area, were hit hard. Unfortunately, there were also 90,000 civilian casualties. There is only one person to blame, for the civilian casualties and that is Wang Kôn, the man who started the war.
Paramilitary Force:
Noire Pluie Director Rodin is still learning about military affairs, but his paramilitary force, has proven to be quite a luxury for the Generals. The Guerrilla fighters have allowed our Tank and M.I. companies to advance, while ignoring the scattered Korean enemies, hiding in non-strategic places. Back in France, songs are being written about the Guerrillas, including the vicious, heroic Charles De Gaulle. Nobody knows much about De Gaulle’s history, but the media goes crazy, talking about him, as if he were a God.
Rumors of De Gaulle are spreading like wildfire, throughout all the of the cities of France, “He stands at 6’-8”, I tell you”, “He used to kill bears with his own hand, back in the East Dye Forests”, “I heard he took out 2 Koreans with a single bullet”, “Actually, he was raised by a family of wolves, a story like that’s, got to be true.” The only thing certain about De Gaulle is, men want to be him and women want to be with him.
Back in the mountains, De Gaulle is unaware of his new found fame. All he wants to do, is drink the blood of the Korean soldiers. Napoleon is aware of the media blitz, on De Gaulle and he takes full advantage of it. He orders the Rodin, to name De Gaulle, “the Head Commander of all the Paramilitary forces.” De Gaulle takes the promotion non-chalante. Rodin speaks to him using a hand-held radio;
“So De Gaulle, what are your plans as the new Head Commander”
“Well, if you think just because I’ve been promoted, I won’t be participating in some action, you’re dead wrong.”
“What do you mean, you will commanding all of the Paramilitaries.”
“Yeah, but I’m also going to continue to roll in with my boys, to battle. I ain’t no punk, like them sissy Generals, Richelieu and Charlemagne, who command battlefields from a computer screen.”
“Don’t you realize, how important you are. You can’t be serious about risking your life in a battle, you’re the Head Commander, for Christ’s sakes.”
“I didn’t ask for this position. I’ll take it, but I want to see the Koreans die, in my presence and by my hands. Do you feel me.”
“I feel you. Do as you wish”, Rodin says as he thinks to himself, “That crazy fool is suicidal, he has to be.
Moments later, De Gaulle and his band of ruthless guerrillas, go once again into the mountains, looking for some action. They didn’t have to go far to find it. 4 Conscript Korean brigades (2 Med. Inf., 1 War., 1 Rfm.) are spotted, hiding among the many cave complexes, near the Zulu town of Isipezi. Most of the Guerrilla battles, have taken place inside Zulu territory, with Shaka’s blessing of course. De Gaulle and the guerrillas, commence to throw tear gas into the caves, to draw the Koreans out.
The Koreans are seen scrambling out of their caves, with their hands covering their noses and mouths. Tears stream down their faces, as the gas is too much to take. Vomiting in front of us, our guerrillas take no prisoners. We rip them apart with our rifles and then finish them off with our bayonets. But the battle is not over yet. Unexpectedly, 1 Marine and 2 Infantry Korean brigades, appear out of the dense trees, on the mountains. By then however, De Gaulle had pulled out his troops, in a classic guerrilla hit and run tactic.
But now, we are aware of the Korean presence. We have only gone after the weaklings in the mountains, but now De Gaulle proposes an all out assault, on the Infantry and Marines. The time is almost 300 hours, with no moon in sight, we are in fact in complete darkness. Our specially trained, guerrilla units move in like a pride of lions, on an unsuspecting prey. The fight is the toughest yet, for the Guerrillas. The Marines are quickly overrun, but the Infantry are dug in deep, with heavy machine guns. The guns take a toll on us, as a guerrilla brigade is lost.
De Gaulle then announces, “we have to outflank, those gun positions.” A diversionary force, is sent in through the front of the Koreans, while De Gaulle moves around them, in a stroke of military brilliance. The front group is told to fire on them, just enough to keep them occupied. The fire-fight begins and De Gaulle moves into the right flank. Unnoticed, the Guerrillas are now in place for the assault. They move in on the busy Infantry and run like crazy at them, with rifles blazing. De Gaulle himself, takes part in the charge and with jaw-dropping athleticism, drops grenades into several entrenched positions. The Koreans are mesmerized and confused. A second guerrilla unit is lost, but in the end the battered Infantry get blasted by De Gaulle and his boys.
To the gates of Wonsan and diversion to Ulsan:
At the same time the Wonsan Bombing takes place, Generals Richelieu and Charlemagne move their massive army, near the outskirts of the city of Wonsan. The path to Wonsan is lonely and desolate. Not a living soul, out in the desert area. Their combined forces consist of, 10 M.I. companies (4 in Armies) and 21 Tank companies. The Generals get along quiet well, until we get intelligence, of a field of Radar Towers outside Ulsan, where Richelieu is sending his troops by sea. Richelieu staying in the Cheju Governor’s Palace, calls up Charlemagne, whom is staying in a hotel room.
“I have received intelligence reports, about a possible Radar Tower field, that has been constructed near Ulsan. I’m going to have to divert 4 Tank companies and 1 M.I. company to take it out”, says Richelieu.
“Oh, hell NO! We need everybody here, to take Wonsan and then to roll into Seoul.”
“Screw you! I’ve got 6 Companies, which will be landing near Ulsan very soon. The towers, will give them away instantly.”
“6 Companies! That’s all you need for Ulsan. That city is isolated, well to the south, I doubt if the Koreans are even defending it”, says Charlemagne.
“You’re talking nonsense, now.”
“It better be approved by Napoleon or else, you’re going down.
“I’ll give word to Napoleon, don’t worry. And he will approve my mission. Even a simpleton Private, can recognize, the importance of eliminating Radar Towers.”
“Yeah, whatever”, spouts off Charlemagne.
“Well whatever, the f. ever. Later”, says Richelieu as he hangs up the phone. Napoleon receives, the outlined mission, from Richelieu and does indeed approve it. However, he is quite irked at the constant bickering, between the two powerful Generals. He needs someone else, to come in and take away some of the muster, from these two yayos. And that person, needs to be from outside the military structure, of the French Army. Perhaps a Noire Pluie Guerrilla, like Charles De Gaulle, a hard nosed, steel-eyed man, with a “I don’t give a f.” attitude. With approval from Napoleon, Richelieu orders 4 Tank companies, 1 MI to destroy the radar tower field in Ulsan.
IBT: In the South Atlantique Ocean, our ships have not seen much action. Perhaps the complacency, led to the tragedy, aboard the Battleship M.N. Metz. In the early morning, a Korean Sub struck unexpectedly, with a fury. Torpedo after torpedo pierced our steel skin, leading to the utter destruction of our Battleship. The sailors on board were eating breakfast in the mess hall, when the attack begun. It took only minutes, for the Battleship to be rendered useless and it quickly fell to its dark, watery grave. Also in international news, the Mongols agree with China to declare war on Babylon. Battleship is sunk by Korean sub.
Korean War - Operation Seoul Destruction
6 Tanks
2 Infantry
3 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
12 Infantry
3 Marines
7 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Riflemen
1 Knights
2 Med. Inf.
9 Spearmen
8 Longbowmen
2 Archers
1 Warriors
1 Submarines
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 496,000
2 Workers
Chinese War - Operation Invasion Denial (No Change)
Japanese War - Operation Invasion Denial II (No Change)
Iroquoian War - Operation Invasion Denial III
1 Ironclads

This story has turned into quite a novel.

With the Iroquois and the English, joining our “To Do” list, the North Fleet is ordered by Adm. Resnais, “to return to the North Iroquois Ocean and protect our coast.” We now have to guard against 3 nations in the Feminin Continent. Neither of these countries, pose any real significant threat. In fact, they are all backwater, 3rd world hell holes, doubtful their soldiers can even afford shoes. Anyway, an invasion attempt by them, would mean “Instant Death” for their military. On their way back, one of our Battleships spots an Iroquois Galleon. It is buried instantly, under a wave of steel. Number of people inside unknown, but their grave site is.
Cheju and Kaesong, begin to suffer from mass starvations. In this war of attrition, everyone suffers. Unfortunately, most of the suffering is almost always, done by the civilians, who are caught in the crossfire. There is nothing we can do for them.

“Therefore, one who is skilled in warfare principles subdues the enemy without doing battle, takes the enemy's walled city without attacking, and overthrows the enemy quickly, without protracted
warfare. His aim must be to take All-Under-Heaven intact. Therefore, weapons will not be blunted, and gains will be intact. These are the principles of planning attacks.” (tzu)
Wonsan Bombing:
With our Army consolidating into one force now, our Air Force is also able to begin operations, as a single entity. The first order of business for Gen. Pasteur, is the Wonsan Bombing. This bombing strike, will be unlike anything, seen in the world. There are at least 20 Bomber squads, scheduled to drop some mayhem on the city. At sunset, Pasteur gathers his pilots in a Larsa hangar, and prepares them;
“Wonsan is an Incense-rich city, the strategic value of this objective is immense. The Wonsan strikes are to begin at 100 hours, and we will hit them with everything we have. There are no enemy aircraft in the area, so take your time and choose your targets carefully. You veterans out there, have been given the task to destroy all roads and rails leading to Wonsan. I don’t have to tell how important this is, the Army is counting on you. The Generals don’t want to waste much troops in the Battle for Wonsan. They would like to send everybody straight into the heart of the savage, Seoul. Give ‘em hell, boys! Give ‘em hell!”
“Yeah, let’s BOMB those Korean f-ers!”, scream the men, as they run back to their barracks to write their last letters. The letters are in case anything happens, during the all important mission. At about 2000 hours, a squad of DeWoitine D.520 Fighters, come streaming into the airfield in Larsa. The Fighters were on a reconnaissance mission, to pinpoint the exact locations of enemy troops. The clock strikes 2100 and the pilots begin to put on their suits and prepare to fly toward enemy territory.
Each air crew is given a target list, which mostly consists of enemy locations. Our Fighters reveal that most Koreans troops are hiding among the populace. I guess they think we won’t hit them in residential areas. Well they’re right, “we refuse to target heavily populated civilian centers.” Or at least, that’s what Napoleon’s “Official Orders” are. This keeps our own French citizens happy, as they think, we really care about the Korean people.
2200 hours is here and our pilots are locked, and ready for takeoff. It is a beautiful sight to see. In the complete darkness, only the intense burning of our Farman Bomber engines can be seen, as they disappear off into the horizon. It is a 3-hour trip to Wonsan and the terrain along the way is entirely flat desert. There are however other Bombers, which will be coming in from Cheju, their ride is much shorter. It is a boring trip, yet filled with excitement and anticipation. for the coming bombing campaign. Far-away in the horizon, the very first, small lights of the city, are seen. The excitement grows, as we are only minutes away, from the world’s largest aerial assault.
The Bombing begins and an inferno, begins to burn in Wonsan. The citizens are woken up, by the never-ending explosions on their city. The air-raid sirens are heard, but the only thing they announce, is death from above. Wave after wave of Bombers, come and drop their heavy loads on the enemy. The Barracks are hit first, then the Stock Market, to kill their economy. The Central Library, in the heart of the city also goes up in flames. Droves come out of their homes, screaming in shear horror, for the bombing has now gone on for hours.
We continue to target, key economic facilities and destroy the Marketplace and Korean National Bank in Wonsan. The people of Wonsan, have now felt the mighty power, of the French Air Force. Life will never again, be normal for them. More importantly, our Bombers successfully destroy all roads and rails leading to Wonsan, thus preventing the Koreans from reinforcing quickly. Also, the enemy troops in the area, were hit hard. Unfortunately, there were also 90,000 civilian casualties. There is only one person to blame, for the civilian casualties and that is Wang Kôn, the man who started the war.
Paramilitary Force:
Noire Pluie Director Rodin is still learning about military affairs, but his paramilitary force, has proven to be quite a luxury for the Generals. The Guerrilla fighters have allowed our Tank and M.I. companies to advance, while ignoring the scattered Korean enemies, hiding in non-strategic places. Back in France, songs are being written about the Guerrillas, including the vicious, heroic Charles De Gaulle. Nobody knows much about De Gaulle’s history, but the media goes crazy, talking about him, as if he were a God.
Rumors of De Gaulle are spreading like wildfire, throughout all the of the cities of France, “He stands at 6’-8”, I tell you”, “He used to kill bears with his own hand, back in the East Dye Forests”, “I heard he took out 2 Koreans with a single bullet”, “Actually, he was raised by a family of wolves, a story like that’s, got to be true.” The only thing certain about De Gaulle is, men want to be him and women want to be with him.
Back in the mountains, De Gaulle is unaware of his new found fame. All he wants to do, is drink the blood of the Korean soldiers. Napoleon is aware of the media blitz, on De Gaulle and he takes full advantage of it. He orders the Rodin, to name De Gaulle, “the Head Commander of all the Paramilitary forces.” De Gaulle takes the promotion non-chalante. Rodin speaks to him using a hand-held radio;
“So De Gaulle, what are your plans as the new Head Commander”
“Well, if you think just because I’ve been promoted, I won’t be participating in some action, you’re dead wrong.”
“What do you mean, you will commanding all of the Paramilitaries.”
“Yeah, but I’m also going to continue to roll in with my boys, to battle. I ain’t no punk, like them sissy Generals, Richelieu and Charlemagne, who command battlefields from a computer screen.”
“Don’t you realize, how important you are. You can’t be serious about risking your life in a battle, you’re the Head Commander, for Christ’s sakes.”
“I didn’t ask for this position. I’ll take it, but I want to see the Koreans die, in my presence and by my hands. Do you feel me.”
“I feel you. Do as you wish”, Rodin says as he thinks to himself, “That crazy fool is suicidal, he has to be.
Moments later, De Gaulle and his band of ruthless guerrillas, go once again into the mountains, looking for some action. They didn’t have to go far to find it. 4 Conscript Korean brigades (2 Med. Inf., 1 War., 1 Rfm.) are spotted, hiding among the many cave complexes, near the Zulu town of Isipezi. Most of the Guerrilla battles, have taken place inside Zulu territory, with Shaka’s blessing of course. De Gaulle and the guerrillas, commence to throw tear gas into the caves, to draw the Koreans out.
The Koreans are seen scrambling out of their caves, with their hands covering their noses and mouths. Tears stream down their faces, as the gas is too much to take. Vomiting in front of us, our guerrillas take no prisoners. We rip them apart with our rifles and then finish them off with our bayonets. But the battle is not over yet. Unexpectedly, 1 Marine and 2 Infantry Korean brigades, appear out of the dense trees, on the mountains. By then however, De Gaulle had pulled out his troops, in a classic guerrilla hit and run tactic.
But now, we are aware of the Korean presence. We have only gone after the weaklings in the mountains, but now De Gaulle proposes an all out assault, on the Infantry and Marines. The time is almost 300 hours, with no moon in sight, we are in fact in complete darkness. Our specially trained, guerrilla units move in like a pride of lions, on an unsuspecting prey. The fight is the toughest yet, for the Guerrillas. The Marines are quickly overrun, but the Infantry are dug in deep, with heavy machine guns. The guns take a toll on us, as a guerrilla brigade is lost.
De Gaulle then announces, “we have to outflank, those gun positions.” A diversionary force, is sent in through the front of the Koreans, while De Gaulle moves around them, in a stroke of military brilliance. The front group is told to fire on them, just enough to keep them occupied. The fire-fight begins and De Gaulle moves into the right flank. Unnoticed, the Guerrillas are now in place for the assault. They move in on the busy Infantry and run like crazy at them, with rifles blazing. De Gaulle himself, takes part in the charge and with jaw-dropping athleticism, drops grenades into several entrenched positions. The Koreans are mesmerized and confused. A second guerrilla unit is lost, but in the end the battered Infantry get blasted by De Gaulle and his boys.
To the gates of Wonsan and diversion to Ulsan:
At the same time the Wonsan Bombing takes place, Generals Richelieu and Charlemagne move their massive army, near the outskirts of the city of Wonsan. The path to Wonsan is lonely and desolate. Not a living soul, out in the desert area. Their combined forces consist of, 10 M.I. companies (4 in Armies) and 21 Tank companies. The Generals get along quiet well, until we get intelligence, of a field of Radar Towers outside Ulsan, where Richelieu is sending his troops by sea. Richelieu staying in the Cheju Governor’s Palace, calls up Charlemagne, whom is staying in a hotel room.
“I have received intelligence reports, about a possible Radar Tower field, that has been constructed near Ulsan. I’m going to have to divert 4 Tank companies and 1 M.I. company to take it out”, says Richelieu.
“Oh, hell NO! We need everybody here, to take Wonsan and then to roll into Seoul.”
“Screw you! I’ve got 6 Companies, which will be landing near Ulsan very soon. The towers, will give them away instantly.”
“6 Companies! That’s all you need for Ulsan. That city is isolated, well to the south, I doubt if the Koreans are even defending it”, says Charlemagne.
“You’re talking nonsense, now.”
“It better be approved by Napoleon or else, you’re going down.
“I’ll give word to Napoleon, don’t worry. And he will approve my mission. Even a simpleton Private, can recognize, the importance of eliminating Radar Towers.”
“Yeah, whatever”, spouts off Charlemagne.
“Well whatever, the f. ever. Later”, says Richelieu as he hangs up the phone. Napoleon receives, the outlined mission, from Richelieu and does indeed approve it. However, he is quite irked at the constant bickering, between the two powerful Generals. He needs someone else, to come in and take away some of the muster, from these two yayos. And that person, needs to be from outside the military structure, of the French Army. Perhaps a Noire Pluie Guerrilla, like Charles De Gaulle, a hard nosed, steel-eyed man, with a “I don’t give a f.” attitude. With approval from Napoleon, Richelieu orders 4 Tank companies, 1 MI to destroy the radar tower field in Ulsan.
IBT: In the South Atlantique Ocean, our ships have not seen much action. Perhaps the complacency, led to the tragedy, aboard the Battleship M.N. Metz. In the early morning, a Korean Sub struck unexpectedly, with a fury. Torpedo after torpedo pierced our steel skin, leading to the utter destruction of our Battleship. The sailors on board were eating breakfast in the mess hall, when the attack begun. It took only minutes, for the Battleship to be rendered useless and it quickly fell to its dark, watery grave. Also in international news, the Mongols agree with China to declare war on Babylon. Battleship is sunk by Korean sub.
Korean War - Operation Seoul Destruction
6 Tanks
2 Infantry
3 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
12 Infantry
3 Marines
7 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Riflemen
1 Knights
2 Med. Inf.
9 Spearmen
8 Longbowmen
2 Archers
1 Warriors
1 Submarines
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 496,000
2 Workers
Chinese War - Operation Invasion Denial (No Change)
Japanese War - Operation Invasion Denial II (No Change)
Iroquoian War - Operation Invasion Denial III
1 Ironclads