Pro-war marches, take place throughout all of France, as we exult revenge, on the murderous Babylonians. Out in the Gaulois Jungle, Richelieu orders the attack on Zamua, with our 2 Cav brigades. The Artillery shells pound the defenders, as all we can hear, is the shear horror, of their screams. Our Cavs meet enemy Spearmen inside and finish off, what little they had left. The Artillery shells, had ripped them completely apart, but alas, the town was not ours yet. Still, in Cherbourg, more troops were arriving from Dijon. This was however, the last shipment of troops to Richelieu, as we now had to concentrate, on bringing an overwhelming force to the Antarctic Island.
IBT: Another Babylonian Ironclad is spotted of the coast of Bayonne, that makes 2 in our shores. From the Galley fleet, a Babylonian Rifleman brigade lands outside the Bayonne city limits. Our Infantry has dug a long line of trenches, around the city, hoping to survive any attack. Also from the south, 1 Swordsmen and 1 Bowmen battalions have now moved to the border area in the Antarctic Island. The Bayonne Governor, Jean Poussin quickly raises a second Infantry brigade for our defense and angrily tells Jeanne, “Where in the hell is Napoleon, we are going to be surrounded very soon.”
Jeanne uses this information to further humiliate Napoleon. The people in France are now wondering if Gen. Napoleon is washed up. News from the Gaulois Jungle, reveals that Babylonian Longbowmen have attacked Lutetia. This event, has now brought in the Carthaginians into the war. They had a Mutual Protection Pact with the Romans, the war now widens. The Carthaginians however, pose no real threat to the Babylonians, more of a nuisance with their navy.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Bowmen
Civilians: 16,000
1 Workers
situation around Bayonne. let them attack, we'll slaughter them, I hope.
Our sailors in an Ironclad, spot a Babylonian Ironclad in the southern Occidental Ocean. The captain of our Ironclad orders the attack. We sneak up behind them and then let loose, with everything we have. We fire cannonades, at one another, at point-blank range. With our revolving gun turret blazing, we pound those guys, with our two heavy guns, till we see the Ironclad slowly sinking. The first naval victory in the history of France, was received in Paris, with jubilation and dancing.
“It is important for a general to be calm and remote, upright and disciplined, and be able to mystify his men's eyes and ears, keeping them ignorant. He changes his methods and plans, keeping them from knowing. He changes his campsites and takes circuitous routes, keeping them from anticipating.” (tzu)
In Zamua, the artillery barrage begins, this time however, we miss the military targets and instead kill thousands of civilians. Our Cavs move in to battle a remaining Longbowmen battalion. We swoop in and shoot them up, with impunity. The many Longbowmen, can shoot back with their arrows. We are ecstatic to take the town and capture some Workers, but some of the men begin to feel, almost guilty. These guys were all green and inexperienced. Not prepared to see, the many enemy dead, killed by their hands.
Richelieu is concerned and asks them, “why do you young soldiers, feel guilty.”
They respond, “Guilty, because the battle in the Gaulois Jungle towns, don’t appear to be glorious victories, but merely, murderous slaughters. We tear their flesh with our bullets, as they defend themselves with only spears and arrows.” Richelieu, then gathers them up and speaks to the men;
“Soldiers of France, you must keep in mind, we did not bring this misery to the Babylonian troops. They brought it upon themselves, by betraying our R.O.P. agreement and murdering our Workers. Do not feel for those barbarians, for they felt nothing, when our men were killed. This war was started by them, but we are going to finish it, with their rivers of blood.”
The men now get pumped up after the speech, and begin to shout, “Mise à Mort, Mise à Mort.” Richelieu needs the men to be hardened, but knows that only a tough battle, can do that. In the meantime, approaching Nimrud from the west, are 5 Cav brigades. They do not have Artillery support, because of the road-less jungles, but these men are all Veterans of the Zulu War. Vicious and hardcore, to the bone. Richelieu knows these troops, will shed no tears, for the Babylonian dead.
In Poitiers, Napoleon waits for the final shipment to Bayonne. Adm. Delacroix, orders two Ironclads to escort the massive force through the waters of the South Atlantique. The passage is long and could be susceptible to enemy ambushes. He also moves, more Ironclads to the area near Bayonne.
Back in France, while the Generals and citizens are distracted, Jeanne begins to form her own force. In an effort to further reduce the power of the Generals, she commissions the Noire Pluie, to create a new Paramilitary force. This new force would consist of Guerrilla battalions. They would wear no uniforms and would be trained in Civilian Suppression methods, Psychological Operations and especially Guerrilla Tactics. The Noire Pluie was no longer that much of a secret in France, however, everyone still thought the Noire Pluie was only used, outside of France.
Throughout all of France, the Noire Pluie begins to recruit young, Jeanne loyalist to join. Also many more, are recruited from France’s underworld. In exchange, for lighter prison terms, young French prisoners, are given a chance to start a new life, with the Paramilitaries. All of these young recruits are given strict, grueling test to prove, their worth to Jeanne and the Noire Pluie.
IBT: Near Bayonne, a Babylonian Ironclad approaches one of our own vessels. The sailors inside our Ironclad, sound the warning alarms, as they prepare for battle. The captain inside continually yells, “fire, fire” at the men. The sailors are rocked, back and forth, as the Babylonian Ironclad heavy guns, pound our iron skin. Just then, when it seemed the battle would be a draw, our Ironclad was breached. Water began to pour in like an avalanche, as it slowly made it’s way to the bottom of the ocean. Did the sailors suffer when they drowned? Well, we can only pray, that they did not. Our first ever defeat at sea. The people of Bayonne seemed quite hopeless now, as outside the city they could see the Babylonian Riflemen battalion pillage our rail-roads and a Bowmen battalion arrive at the outskirts of the city.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
1 Bowmen
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 106,000
2 Workers
the Gaulois Jungle, our Cavs approach Nimrud. Infantry to be sent as reinforcements

1000 State of the Union
Pop. 17,540,000 2nd
Land 66,600 sq. m. 1st
Military: 114 (not all listed)
Armée de Terre: (Army)
1 E.E.A. Officers
42 Riflemen/ Infantry
18 Cavalries
9 Artillery
Paramilitaire - Noire Pluie : (Paramilitary)
12 Guerrillas
Marine Nationale: (Navy)
9 Ironclads
9 Galleons (transport)
In the southern Occidental Continent, the sailors which had previously destroyed an enemy Ironclad, now face off with the Galley fleet, it was protecting. The captain orders that, “not one gun fire on the Galleys, instead we are going to ram them.” We go at them, at full steam and slice their Galleys, like a knife on butter. Our sailors can see the Babylonian men jump of, into the Ocean, but they’re the enemy, there is nothing we can do, to help them.
“Give out rewards transcending law, give out commands transcending policy. Command the masses like commanding one person. Give your troops tasks, but do not reveal them your plans. Get them to face danger, but do not reveal the advantages.” (tzu)
In France, our scientists have discovered the secrets of Refining and with this, the discovery of Oil. Unfortunately, we only have 1 Oil deposit near Poitiers in the South Bleu Island. However, we are able to spot another Oil deposit in the tundra, near the Babylonian town of Umma (Objective 3c). This adds urgency to Napoleon’s attack plans, as he announces his strategy, for the capture of the entire Antarctic Island. In the Poitiers Harbor he speaks to the soldiers.
“I have spent days now, thinking about the right tactics, to conquer the Antarctic Island. I have reached the conclusion, that a two point attack, would better confuse the Babylonians. I have decided to divide you men up, into two Division Groups. Div. Group 1 will sail immediately, to Bayonne in 2 Galleon fleets, escorted by an Ironclad. Div. Group 2 is set to follow closely behind, but delayed, so as not to risk losing everyone in an ambush at sea. Meet with your commanding officers, to know which Group, you belong with.”
The two Divisions consist of , as follows;
Div. Group 1:
2 Knights (Army)
3 Cavs
1 Artillery
1 Infantry
Div. Group 2:
4 Infantry
2 Cavs
Back in the Gaulois Jungle, Richelieu, a former Cavalry man, decides to join his old colleagues outside of Nimrud and tells them.
“I have come to you soldiers, not to tell you good luck, or God speed. But instead, I have come to tell you, that I, General Richelieu will take the point and lead you men, into the battle of Nimrud.”
Everyone is shocked, that a General is actually going to risk his life. In fact, it is Jeanne that has put him up to this. She needs a new war hero, to take off some of the prestige, from Napoleon. Richelieu is only too happy to abide, he misses the days, of the Cavalry charge. He also knows, with the inferior Babylonian defenders, the battle will be all too easy and not much of a risk. Jeanne needs a good propaganda story, to keep the French people, beaming with nationalistic zeal. The media begins pumping out the stories and the people begin to speak, “of the bravery of Richelieu.”
IBT: In the Antarctic Island, the Babylonians begin the battle for our city of Bayonne. Ironclads begin to bombard our people from the sea. The cannon fire, lands mostly in residential areas and the people of Bayonne are left only asking, POURQUOIS???. Woman and children, run and scream through the streets, in colossal terror. Many are left confused and perplexed, as blood gushes out, through their pierced skin. The Hospitals and clinics are overrun, as thousands of wounded are brought in. Unfortunately, most are already dead.
At the same time, the Babylonian Riflemen brigade and Bowmen battalion, also move in to take the city. We have 2 Infantry brigades, dug in deep in the trenches and we begin to open fire on the infidels. Man after man, is cut down in the Grasslands, as we hold our position and unleash a fiery hell, on the attackers. The attack on Bayonne finishes, as we run out of Babylonians to kill. The men in the trenches begin to celebrate, until the Governor of Bayonne states the awful news, that 70,000 holy souls in Bayonne, were murdered by the Ironclad bombing.
“Bloody Murder!!!”, read the headlines throughout all of France. Jeanne is sick to her stomach, as she envisions the thousands who perished in that rain of steel. She blames Napoleon’s delay, for the loss of the innocents. All of France is now incensed over the killings. It is the first time, citizens of France were killed in battle. Jeanne reassures the people of France, that their death will not be in vain. She tells all, “our resolve grows stronger, we will see this war to the end. The Babylonians will find their justice, at the end our guns. “
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
1 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
1 Ironclads
1 Galleys
Civilians: 106,000
2 Workers
Pro-war marches, take place throughout all of France, as we exult revenge, on the murderous Babylonians. Out in the Gaulois Jungle, Richelieu orders the attack on Zamua, with our 2 Cav brigades. The Artillery shells pound the defenders, as all we can hear, is the shear horror, of their screams. Our Cavs meet enemy Spearmen inside and finish off, what little they had left. The Artillery shells, had ripped them completely apart, but alas, the town was not ours yet. Still, in Cherbourg, more troops were arriving from Dijon. This was however, the last shipment of troops to Richelieu, as we now had to concentrate, on bringing an overwhelming force to the Antarctic Island.
IBT: Another Babylonian Ironclad is spotted of the coast of Bayonne, that makes 2 in our shores. From the Galley fleet, a Babylonian Rifleman brigade lands outside the Bayonne city limits. Our Infantry has dug a long line of trenches, around the city, hoping to survive any attack. Also from the south, 1 Swordsmen and 1 Bowmen battalions have now moved to the border area in the Antarctic Island. The Bayonne Governor, Jean Poussin quickly raises a second Infantry brigade for our defense and angrily tells Jeanne, “Where in the hell is Napoleon, we are going to be surrounded very soon.”
Jeanne uses this information to further humiliate Napoleon. The people in France are now wondering if Gen. Napoleon is washed up. News from the Gaulois Jungle, reveals that Babylonian Longbowmen have attacked Lutetia. This event, has now brought in the Carthaginians into the war. They had a Mutual Protection Pact with the Romans, the war now widens. The Carthaginians however, pose no real threat to the Babylonians, more of a nuisance with their navy.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Bowmen
Civilians: 16,000
1 Workers
situation around Bayonne. let them attack, we'll slaughter them, I hope.

Our sailors in an Ironclad, spot a Babylonian Ironclad in the southern Occidental Ocean. The captain of our Ironclad orders the attack. We sneak up behind them and then let loose, with everything we have. We fire cannonades, at one another, at point-blank range. With our revolving gun turret blazing, we pound those guys, with our two heavy guns, till we see the Ironclad slowly sinking. The first naval victory in the history of France, was received in Paris, with jubilation and dancing.
“It is important for a general to be calm and remote, upright and disciplined, and be able to mystify his men's eyes and ears, keeping them ignorant. He changes his methods and plans, keeping them from knowing. He changes his campsites and takes circuitous routes, keeping them from anticipating.” (tzu)
In Zamua, the artillery barrage begins, this time however, we miss the military targets and instead kill thousands of civilians. Our Cavs move in to battle a remaining Longbowmen battalion. We swoop in and shoot them up, with impunity. The many Longbowmen, can shoot back with their arrows. We are ecstatic to take the town and capture some Workers, but some of the men begin to feel, almost guilty. These guys were all green and inexperienced. Not prepared to see, the many enemy dead, killed by their hands.
Richelieu is concerned and asks them, “why do you young soldiers, feel guilty.”
They respond, “Guilty, because the battle in the Gaulois Jungle towns, don’t appear to be glorious victories, but merely, murderous slaughters. We tear their flesh with our bullets, as they defend themselves with only spears and arrows.” Richelieu, then gathers them up and speaks to the men;
“Soldiers of France, you must keep in mind, we did not bring this misery to the Babylonian troops. They brought it upon themselves, by betraying our R.O.P. agreement and murdering our Workers. Do not feel for those barbarians, for they felt nothing, when our men were killed. This war was started by them, but we are going to finish it, with their rivers of blood.”
The men now get pumped up after the speech, and begin to shout, “Mise à Mort, Mise à Mort.” Richelieu needs the men to be hardened, but knows that only a tough battle, can do that. In the meantime, approaching Nimrud from the west, are 5 Cav brigades. They do not have Artillery support, because of the road-less jungles, but these men are all Veterans of the Zulu War. Vicious and hardcore, to the bone. Richelieu knows these troops, will shed no tears, for the Babylonian dead.
In Poitiers, Napoleon waits for the final shipment to Bayonne. Adm. Delacroix, orders two Ironclads to escort the massive force through the waters of the South Atlantique. The passage is long and could be susceptible to enemy ambushes. He also moves, more Ironclads to the area near Bayonne.
Back in France, while the Generals and citizens are distracted, Jeanne begins to form her own force. In an effort to further reduce the power of the Generals, she commissions the Noire Pluie, to create a new Paramilitary force. This new force would consist of Guerrilla battalions. They would wear no uniforms and would be trained in Civilian Suppression methods, Psychological Operations and especially Guerrilla Tactics. The Noire Pluie was no longer that much of a secret in France, however, everyone still thought the Noire Pluie was only used, outside of France.
Throughout all of France, the Noire Pluie begins to recruit young, Jeanne loyalist to join. Also many more, are recruited from France’s underworld. In exchange, for lighter prison terms, young French prisoners, are given a chance to start a new life, with the Paramilitaries. All of these young recruits are given strict, grueling test to prove, their worth to Jeanne and the Noire Pluie.
IBT: Near Bayonne, a Babylonian Ironclad approaches one of our own vessels. The sailors inside our Ironclad, sound the warning alarms, as they prepare for battle. The captain inside continually yells, “fire, fire” at the men. The sailors are rocked, back and forth, as the Babylonian Ironclad heavy guns, pound our iron skin. Just then, when it seemed the battle would be a draw, our Ironclad was breached. Water began to pour in like an avalanche, as it slowly made it’s way to the bottom of the ocean. Did the sailors suffer when they drowned? Well, we can only pray, that they did not. Our first ever defeat at sea. The people of Bayonne seemed quite hopeless now, as outside the city they could see the Babylonian Riflemen battalion pillage our rail-roads and a Bowmen battalion arrive at the outskirts of the city.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
1 Bowmen
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 106,000
2 Workers
the Gaulois Jungle, our Cavs approach Nimrud. Infantry to be sent as reinforcements

1000 State of the Union
Pop. 17,540,000 2nd
Land 66,600 sq. m. 1st
Military: 114 (not all listed)
Armée de Terre: (Army)
1 E.E.A. Officers
42 Riflemen/ Infantry
18 Cavalries
9 Artillery
Paramilitaire - Noire Pluie : (Paramilitary)
12 Guerrillas
Marine Nationale: (Navy)
9 Ironclads
9 Galleons (transport)
In the southern Occidental Continent, the sailors which had previously destroyed an enemy Ironclad, now face off with the Galley fleet, it was protecting. The captain orders that, “not one gun fire on the Galleys, instead we are going to ram them.” We go at them, at full steam and slice their Galleys, like a knife on butter. Our sailors can see the Babylonian men jump of, into the Ocean, but they’re the enemy, there is nothing we can do, to help them.
“Give out rewards transcending law, give out commands transcending policy. Command the masses like commanding one person. Give your troops tasks, but do not reveal them your plans. Get them to face danger, but do not reveal the advantages.” (tzu)
In France, our scientists have discovered the secrets of Refining and with this, the discovery of Oil. Unfortunately, we only have 1 Oil deposit near Poitiers in the South Bleu Island. However, we are able to spot another Oil deposit in the tundra, near the Babylonian town of Umma (Objective 3c). This adds urgency to Napoleon’s attack plans, as he announces his strategy, for the capture of the entire Antarctic Island. In the Poitiers Harbor he speaks to the soldiers.
“I have spent days now, thinking about the right tactics, to conquer the Antarctic Island. I have reached the conclusion, that a two point attack, would better confuse the Babylonians. I have decided to divide you men up, into two Division Groups. Div. Group 1 will sail immediately, to Bayonne in 2 Galleon fleets, escorted by an Ironclad. Div. Group 2 is set to follow closely behind, but delayed, so as not to risk losing everyone in an ambush at sea. Meet with your commanding officers, to know which Group, you belong with.”
The two Divisions consist of , as follows;
Div. Group 1:
2 Knights (Army)
3 Cavs
1 Artillery
1 Infantry
Div. Group 2:
4 Infantry
2 Cavs
Back in the Gaulois Jungle, Richelieu, a former Cavalry man, decides to join his old colleagues outside of Nimrud and tells them.
“I have come to you soldiers, not to tell you good luck, or God speed. But instead, I have come to tell you, that I, General Richelieu will take the point and lead you men, into the battle of Nimrud.”
Everyone is shocked, that a General is actually going to risk his life. In fact, it is Jeanne that has put him up to this. She needs a new war hero, to take off some of the prestige, from Napoleon. Richelieu is only too happy to abide, he misses the days, of the Cavalry charge. He also knows, with the inferior Babylonian defenders, the battle will be all too easy and not much of a risk. Jeanne needs a good propaganda story, to keep the French people, beaming with nationalistic zeal. The media begins pumping out the stories and the people begin to speak, “of the bravery of Richelieu.”
IBT: In the Antarctic Island, the Babylonians begin the battle for our city of Bayonne. Ironclads begin to bombard our people from the sea. The cannon fire, lands mostly in residential areas and the people of Bayonne are left only asking, POURQUOIS???. Woman and children, run and scream through the streets, in colossal terror. Many are left confused and perplexed, as blood gushes out, through their pierced skin. The Hospitals and clinics are overrun, as thousands of wounded are brought in. Unfortunately, most are already dead.
At the same time, the Babylonian Riflemen brigade and Bowmen battalion, also move in to take the city. We have 2 Infantry brigades, dug in deep in the trenches and we begin to open fire on the infidels. Man after man, is cut down in the Grasslands, as we hold our position and unleash a fiery hell, on the attackers. The attack on Bayonne finishes, as we run out of Babylonians to kill. The men in the trenches begin to celebrate, until the Governor of Bayonne states the awful news, that 70,000 holy souls in Bayonne, were murdered by the Ironclad bombing.
“Bloody Murder!!!”, read the headlines throughout all of France. Jeanne is sick to her stomach, as she envisions the thousands who perished in that rain of steel. She blames Napoleon’s delay, for the loss of the innocents. All of France is now incensed over the killings. It is the first time, citizens of France were killed in battle. Jeanne reassures the people of France, that their death will not be in vain. She tells all, “our resolve grows stronger, we will see this war to the end. The Babylonians will find their justice, at the end our guns. “
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
1 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
1 Ironclads
1 Galleys
Civilians: 106,000
2 Workers