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The Bisquit Tin Coalition - the campaign for Civ III LE

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  • #16
    This is my status at Amazon:

    Shipping Soon: We are preparing these items for shipment and can no longer change shipping and billing options for them.

    We shall see.
    To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


    • #17
      Originally posted by ADG

      LE version for everyone
      So what you are suggesting is an unlimited limited edition.
      There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.


      • #18
        Originally posted by MisterMuppet
        So what you are suggesting is an unlimited limited edition.
        Yeah, and ULE version could be great
        No really, just make us atleast have the chance to get the LE version (that other one could have been great though )
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #19
          Originally posted by kittenOFchaos
          It looks like amazon are going to ship to me in the UK after status is shipping soon!
          I have almost the same situation, but the
          order info says it's hasn't been shipped yet.
          Let's hope that tells us something
          on the current ban.
          "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


          • #20
            Okay, time for a briefing.

            First of all no-one has still wanted to
            take part in the campaign in a more active
            way. At least there has been no questions
            on what kind of help could be given, neither
            has anyone reported on mailings to Infogrames.
            So am I the only one who's active?

            Then a good news. I received this email
            from today:

            Greetings from!

            Just a note to let you know that we received your check(s) today. We will begin processing your order immediately. On the date of shipment, you should receive an e-mail message confirming the date, method, and contents of your shipment.

            Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions, and thanks for shopping at!

            Best regards,
            Customer Service

            So it looks like something might happen, but it's
            still unknown, because the item page still hasn't been

            The third announcement is that I have recently
            sent a request for information about international
            LE shipments to I'll post their reply here,
            as soon as I get. Until that I suggest that you read
            the mailing.


            I have received an e-mail message stating that my payment of the order has been received and accepted by you. But the problem is that I don't know if you will ship me the PC game that I have ordered, because there's a remark at the item page of Civ III LE; the game will only be shipped inside US. If I have done and paid my order with a SWIFT cheque before you set that limitation on the shipment conditions. Does this mean that I will not receive my order, even if I have already paid for it? Or are you going to ship the game to everyone who has preordered the game before the change was made, and that have already paid for they order? Or are you going to do an exceptation with me, and ship the Civ III LE to me, because you have already received my SWIFT cheque, and let the others who have choosed credit card as their payment not get their copy? I'm asking this also at the behalf of "The Bisquit Tin Coalition", the campaign for a worldwide release and shipment right to non US customers to get their Civ III LE. For more information on the campaign, please visit I would also like to know if Infogrames, the distributor of Civ III, has set this limitation or is it one set by you,

            Thanks for the information in advance!
            Rasmus Anderssén, The Bisquit Tin Coalition

            Hopefully wil reveal the reason for
            this ban and who's behind it. Until that I suggest
            that someone would send a new inquiry to Infogrames.

            Now let's just hope it's true that this ban might
            be just temporary. At least the information at
            gives that kind of hint.
            Last edited by Solver; April 17, 2009, 13:00. Reason: Privacy
            "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


            • #21
              Message removed. Reason: double posting. Sorry!
              "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


              • #22
                Originally posted by ADG
                I'm fully with you...
                Thanks! Could you perhaps anticipate in
                active volunteer work?
                I wont buy the LE version anyway, but I will try to fight for the right for the rest of the world to be able to buy the LE version.
                Good to see that there's someone out there
                willing to help others to get a BTE. That's a
                very polite attitude (IMHO)!
                Last edited by Rasbelin; November 1, 2001, 13:12.
                "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MisterMuppet

                  So what you are suggesting is an unlimited limited edition.
                  I think a better name for it would perhaps
                  be Civ III Collector's Edition. It sounds better and
                  more luxurious and not so discriminating than
                  Limited Edition. And it ads a special "touch".
                  The BTE's tin looks quite nice, so the name
                  Collector's Edition would just favour it.
                  "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Rasbelin
                    First of all no-one has still wanted to
                    take part in the campaign in a more active
                    I'm waiting to see what happens. I don't feel like bombing everyone if we're all getting it anyway. My order is still pending, saying that it's being prepaired for shipping. More people have reported the same and now you may get it.

                    The moment they cancel it, they will feel my wrath!
                    To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


                    • #25
                      While I fully understand why you're so annoyed about not having access to the LE, I have to say that I'm not convinced it's worth spending the extra cash on it.

                      So it comes in a tin instead of a box - big deal! And from the sounds of it, the tech tree is just some screenshots cheaply laminated, which I can do myself if I feel like it.

                      I hope you manage to get it if it's what you really want, but I know where my money's staying!
                      Beware the stare of the hamster!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Earthling7

                        I don't feel like bombing everyone if we're all getting it anyway.
                        And that's not even the meaning of this campaign.
                        More people have reported the same and now you may get it.
                        I can't still be so optimistic, because
                        is just moving the arrival dates of my BTE.
                        Yesterday it was 7.-15.11, now it's 8.-16.11.
                        Hopefully we get an explanation to this.
                        But even if some customers outside US-Canada
                        would get their orders, that doesn't still change
                        the situation, because the hidden ban is still
                        there, and lifting that ban is the goal of this campaign
                        (see my first posting).
                        The moment they cancel it, they will feel my wrath!
                        I see.
                        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                        • #27
                          Sorry Euro's

                          Most of the money to be made by IG will be made in the good ole US of A!!

                          If you dont like it TS

                          You will have to order it from our people

                          Oh yes! There are way more fanatic civers in America. Not 7-10 years kids who just buy it cause the cover looks cool (Oh yes just for that derogatory comment I hope it never ships over seas to whatever 3rd world nation you live in)

                          usa ! USA!! USA !!!


                          • #28
                            LE for everyone

                            What the heck....!!!!!

                            LIMITED EDITION FOR EVERYBODY!!!!!
                            No hay mejor vicio que un "buen vicio"...


                            • #29
                              The absense of LE is really not worth bothering about.

                              As I have noted elsewhere the contents of the LE are completely useless. Not even worth one dollar combined.

                              The tin is OK but not worth 10-15 dollars to me. I guess for some people it is. But be sure to realize that it is the only thing you will be getting.

                              Even I thought the tin was worth the price I still wouldn't buy LE because of the attitude it reveals from Infrogames/Firaxis when they produce such shoddy stuff inside.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by faded glory
                                Sorry Euro's

                                Most of the money to be made by IG will be made in the good ole US of A!!

                                If you dont like it TS

                                You will have to order it from our people

                                Oh yes! There are way more fanatic civers in America. Not 7-10 years kids who just buy it cause the cover looks cool (Oh yes just for that derogatory comment I hope it never ships over seas to whatever 3rd world nation you live in)

                                usa ! USA!! USA !!!
                                Ok, you are misinformed/mistaken about some of that.
                                The European games market is now quite a bit larger than the US market, and the Asian games market is quite large as well (although there is quite a lot of piracy in some parts of Asia).

                                We don't like it. Its not TS. We're going to do something about it.

                                He wasn't saying that there weren't fanatic civers in America, he was saying that the majority of buyers would be kids (who would be more likely to not buy it due to the recession), rather than hardcore fans (I personally dislike this distinction, I have been a fairly hardcore Civ fan since I first played Civ 2 when I was 10, children can be very hardcore about their games).

                                The UK is not a 3rd world nation.

                                Overpatriotism sucks. Just because you are born in a country doesn't make you superior/more deserving.
                                Never underestimate the healing powers of custard.

