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The Bisquit Tin Coalition - the campaign for Civ III LE
Why are Americans so... hmm... stupid??? (Or perhaps just overpatriotic...)
Originally posted by faded glory
Most of the money to be made by IG will be made in the good ole US of A!!yeah right! I don't think USA is that good, and if we are discussing age... 200 years compared to e.g. Sweden's thousand year long history...
And I think that at least 50 % of the games will be sold outside the US...
Originally posted by faded glory
You will have to order it from our people
[SIZE=1] Originally posted by faded glory
Oh yes! There are way more fanatic civers in America. Not 7-10 years kids who just buy it cause the cover looks cool(Oh yes just for that derogatory comment I hope it never ships over seas to whatever 3rd world nation you live in)
And the comment that the European nations would be in the third world, that is so ridiculous.You perhaps didn't know that Sweden and Finland (you know, the countries in Scandinavia, with Stockholm and Helsinki) are the two most technically advanced countries IN THE WORLD! Faaar before the (third world country?) USA in cell phones and computers per capita.
Sweden, Europe, [B]EARTH![B]"Peace can not be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding"
Albert Einstein
What I really want are all those goodies in LE in the Civ 3's Expansion pack with a useful scenario editor, lots of the bugs already fixed, and that awaited MP option.
Now that's a great LE!"BANANA POWAAAAH!!! (exclamation Zopperoni style)" - Mercator, in the OT 'What fruit are you?' thread
Join the Civ2 Democratic Game! We have a banana option in every poll just for you to vote for!
Many thanks to Zealot for wasting his time on the jobs section at Gamasutra - MarkG in the article SMAC2 IN FULL 3D? http://apolyton.net/misc/
Always thought settlers looked like Viking helmets. Took me a while to spot they were supposed to be wagons. - The pirate about Settlers in Civ 1
Originally posted by Ecthelion
I think it has been said here that the LE would be released in Germany, as there won't be a German version until March. Well, I think it's not a fault to join the coalition, either way. So I'm definitely for it!
The English version will be released in Germany the 16 of November, but if you want it in the German language, you'll have to wait 'till March."Peace can not be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding"
Albert Einstein
Originally posted by faded glory
You will have to order it from our people
As you should very well know; Infogrames has
banned shipments to customers outside the US-Canada zone.
usa ! USA!! USA !!!"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
Originally posted by dasaecorvic
Welcome to the team, dasaecorvic!
Good to see that someone has adapted
a message signature that supports this
campaign."Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
Originally posted by Deathray
Ok, you are misinformed/mistaken about some of that.
The European games market is now quite a bit larger than the US market, and the Asian games market is quite large as well (although there is quite a lot of piracy in some parts of Asia).
be visible, but if you calculate a bit, there's certainly
more customers in Europe, Asia and Australasia.
Of course it's true that there's lots of piracy in
Asia, but the potential amount of customers is huge.
We don't like it. Its not TS. We're going to do something about it.
Overpatriotism sucks. Just because you are born in a country doesn't make you superior/more deserving.
agree with you."Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
Originally posted by Ecthelion
I think it has been said here that the LE would be released in Germany, as there won't be a German version until March. Well, I think it's not a fault to join the coalition, either way. So I'm definitely for it!
would that be fair for rest of us? I don't think it would.
So Infogrames should still be kept under preasure.
BTW, that assuming might be true, because there
was some rumours on that weeks ago that "Europe might
see LE in 2002". But as I said, it's a quite unreliable rumour."Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
Originally posted by lindberg-johan
And I am sure that there are a lot of these 7-10 year old kids in the US, and of course in Europe too...
LE's special looking tin and get their parents to buy it,
while the "real" Civ III fans outside US-Canada don't
get an opportunity to buy the BTE.
You perhaps didn't know that Sweden and Finland (you know, the countries in Scandinavia, with Stockholm and Helsinki) are the two most technically advanced countries IN THE WORLD! Faaar before the (third world country?) USA in cell phones and computers per capita.
the truth. The Swedish Ericsson and Finnish Nokia
are those two mobile phone manufactures that have
developed many of the new inventions in the
wireless communications. Besides that, just think of
all the scientific inventions invented by Swedish and Finnish
inventors during the last 100 years.
P.S. Vilken drulle den där typen från USA är!"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
It's once again time for the regular briefing...
The BTC is in the spotlight at ACS' Civ III news section.
Infogrames doesn't want to co-operate?
Firaxis has been contacted by Rasbelin.
More should be done...
The BTC is in the spotlight at ACS' Civ III news section.
DanQ has posted a news bulletin on the Civ III
news page about The BTC (The Bisquit Tin Coalition).
Hopefully the news will help us get new supporters.
For more on this, check http://apolyton.net/civ3.
Infogrames doesn't want to co-operate?
Infogrames sales department hasn't yet been
in touch with me (Rasbelin) about the inquiry in
sent yesterday. So for the moment it looks like
they might be unwilling to give us any information.
I suggest that more preasure should be put on them.
Firaxis has been contacted by Rasbelin.
And now the best part of the briefing.
My inquiry for information to Firaxis.
The message was sent two hours ago.
I'm contacting you at Firaxis on the behalf of the so called "The Bisquit Tin Coalition", the campaign movement on the Apolyton CS for a worldwide release of the Civ III Limited Edition and the removal of the current shipment ban for orders to outside USA and Canada. But what am I asking for, when Firaxis doesn't distribute the game?
It would help the goals of our campaign if Firaxis could provide The BTC with information on the distribution agreement made with Infogrames Interactive on the distribution of Civ III and Civ III LE. More specific we would like to know if Firaxis has agreed with Infogrames on a limitation of the distribution and customers of US retailers that have ordered from outside US. Or hasn't anything been agreed at a such detailed level of the distribution? If so, would you be able to provide me with the contact information of the person who's in charge of the distribution of Civ III at Infogrames (probably the sales department), because Infogrames hasn't wanted to
co-operate with The BTC? The contact information would be very useful for the campaign, because it would make it easier for us to have a dialogue with Infogrames.
It would also be helpful if Firaxis would discuss the issue of the Civ III LE distribution with Infogrames, because many devoted Civilization players outside USA and Canada doesn't have the opportunity to share the joy and excitement of playing the Limited Edition. One matter that makes the treatment of those who have pre-ordered/ordered the LE worse, is that Infogrames hasn't informed the customers in any form, so there's a real lack of proper information for the moment.
My personal opinion is that Firaxis could at least drop Infogrames a hint that they have been contacted by a coalition of civ fans that are demanding an international release of the Limited Edition.
For more information on the campaign and it's campaign discussion, please visit Apolyton CS Forums. The re-direction URL is http://the-bisquit-tin-coalition.cjb.net.
Finally I want thank you in advance for any help that Firaxis provide us. Even a "Thank you for your interest in Firaxis' games!" is better than nothing at all. But it would really be a huge help for us, if Firaxis could provide us with as much information as you can.
With warm regards,
Rasmus Anderssén, The BTC
Hopefully they will reply to this message.
More should be done...
The campaign has gained much neede publicity
today, but more things should be done on basic
level, First of all I'm going to send an email
to the Infogrames sales department as
a reminder that their answer is demanded.
Then I'd like to know if any of you has preordered/ordered
from Chips & Bits a LE? And how about EBgames.com?
Why I need that info, is that someone who's
their customer should send a customer inquiry
to them for more details on international shipments.
I can't do that, because I'm not their customer
as you might know (I have preordered from Amazon.com).
That's all from me for now.Last edited by Rasbelin; April 17, 2009, 12:31."Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
Over on the UK Infogrames forums myself and other Apolyton-ites have been making a nuisance of ourselves, the long suffering forum admin made this reply to our queries about BTE
re: the limited edition. This is in negotiation for the UK atm, it's possible something could come out for early next year. Leaves me a bit confused as well, people will own the game by then anyway so I don't know what's or why it's in discussion. Sorry
Of no helpbut thought you might be interested.
The url for this thread on the forum is
Hoping that 4 is closer to 2 than 3
New BTC signatures...
Infogrames = Betrays Civilization III fans.
Comrade apolytoner, join the coalition for Civ III LE!
The Bisquit Tin Coalition needs YOU!
The Civ III LE's worldwide release needs everyone's support.
Face Infogrames now. Send an e-mail of complain to them.
You can use these sigs free of charge."Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
Originally posted by wal35
Of no helpbut thought you might be interested.
on the Infogrames UK forum. I suggest that you
would be granted the official task and title:
The BTC's envoy to Infogrames UK Forums.
Is it okay for you? I suggest that your task
includes following the discussions on the IG UK forum,
and if necessary, post on the behalf of The BTC there.
But it should be related to the idea of this movement."Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver