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The Glory of War

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  • Also i think King/prince/lord should decide what they want to build. And the Empiror/highking/ruler should be able to override production when the Empire is at war. (maby not in pease times tho.)
    but since we are a warmonger team we are likely to virtually always be at war and that would give the emperor quite a bit of power

    i don't think the emperor should have the power to overrule a king, but how about this

    Gf is emperor and our is in a desperate situation, we need garrisons for the front asap, but i'm being stubborn and i decide instead of building a rifleman i'm going to work on the theory of evolution, so the emperor could call for a vote on the build queue but he has to specify before the vote what they are going to change the build to, in this case it would be a rifleman and then we have the vote, how does that sound?


    • Originally posted by korn469
      i don't think the emperor should have the power to overrule a king...
      Why? Do you think it gives the Ruler to much power? Call a vote of No-Con and propose someone else take the throne. Claim an abuse of power and give examples. If the other players agree, the No-Con would go through and the Ruler would be deposed. The No-Con vote is the perfect check of power given to the Ruler. It can be called at anytime for any reason. It will keep any ruler in line.
      Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
      '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


      • Here's what I'm thinking, there could be a peerage of ranks like:
        Elected ranks
        Emperor Rex (the elected president)
        High King (Faction leader - of a group of High Kings- Saxon, Gaelic, etc)
        Minister (Foreign Affairs, Economy, etc.)

        Player ranks:

        (Two sets with the first being a land owner, the second a non land owner-Merchant Princes, etc)

        The Higher rank has more rights. The only way to overide a King's Build Queu is by a majority vote of the King's Coiuncil. A Baron's build queu is simply a suggestion and can be overridden on a whim.

        If a player refuses to cooperate for the good of the empire the Nobility can vote to demote him, taking away his power.

        JUST a musing.

        I have no problem with Donegal being the first leader.

        $MiniGame Ideas
        Similiar to the Civ3 version only the cities are included. When it starts players will be divided up into racial factions with each faction receiving a city (the Capital is ALWAYS neutral and the resource of the Emperor Rex).

        Until the Faction has enough cities for all of its King's the faction will operate as a collective. At the point that it has enough cities, the faction's resources will be divided equally and cities assigned.

        Food - food, is consumed by the population of cities.
        Shields - builiding supplies, used for construction.
        Commerce - trade goods, used as a source of revenue.
        Beakers - Enlightment, used to gained Prestige (helps in rise of rank?) - I can't think of a good idea for beakers.
        Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; November 8, 2002, 20:08.


        • You obviously feel strongly about this. Why do you think this? I think a High King/Emperor can make a King do whatever he wants. Afterall, a City-King is a subornate in our game and should be able to be told what to do. He can act on his own until the High King tells him what to do.
          if you give the emperor power to change a player's build queue on a whim then that power will probably be abused, also since we are going to be at war so often, an unrestrained emperor will have ample reasons to switch people's builds in the name of national security

          we must limit and divide the power of our elected officials as much as possible so that one position doesn't dominate our team and so that there are more total positions available so more people can get involved

          tell me why you think the position of emperor must be so powerful?

          maybe instead of emperor we should change the name of the position to archduke, and change the name of all of the other elected positions to duke, then call the lower players barons, because that is more how it should operate, a group of powerful lords who have one that is first among them but is still on their same level, then you have a number of other lords who are on a lower level than the first group, but they still aren't completely beholden to the first group


          • The No-Con vote is the perfect check of power given to the Ruler. It can be called at anytime for any reason. It will keep any ruler in line.
            it may and it may not, plus there needs to be some safeguards so that it isn't a constant choice between tolerating minor abuses of power or bring down the whole government


            • Originally posted by korn469
              tell me why you think the position of emperor must be so powerful?
              As a warmongering State, we need to have a definatetive leader who has the power to direct the war on the fly. If we limit the Ruler, we hamper his ability to lead.

              I am not trying to give him a lot of power assuming that I will be the first ruler, I don't want to be (as I am not a warmonger). I am doing it so he has the power available to make changes needed as soon as the situation arises.
              Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
              '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


              • Impromtu Chat!

                mIRC, Undernet. at #gloryofwar

                Edit: RL... chat done...
                Last edited by Donegeal; November 8, 2002, 20:37.
                Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


                • As a warmongering State, we need to have a definatetive leader who has the power to direct the war on the fly. If we limit the Ruler, we hamper his ability to lead.
                  this is also a democracy game, and as of right now there will be at least 9 other players on our team as well as the emperor...if the emperor is the coach, the quarter back, and the running backs then this isn't going to be that much fun for the other players

                  i wouldn't have any problems with making the emperor commander in chief and giving him full control of all military units, but he doesn't need to micromanage every little aspect of the game, we need something for the other players to do

                  here are the powers i think would work for the emperor

                  *commands all military units
                  *appoints ministers
                  *controls the capital
                  *plays the game
                  *if a player doesn't send in build orders the emperor can then set the build queue for that player's city that the player can't change without the emperors permission...the build queue goes back to the player's control when that item finishes
                  *can call for a vote to change any build queue to something the emperor desires
                  *takes over any city in civil disorder

                  then divide up the rest of the functions among the ministers and the lords, would that work for you?


                  • Re: The Glory of War

                    Originally posted by donegeal
                    Current Members:
                    1. Donegeal
                    2. UnOrthOdOx
                    3. Jdd2007
                    4. GhengisFarb
                    5. Aro
                    6. UberKruX
                    7. korn469
                    8. Panzer32
                    9. =OttomusCeasar=
                    10. Ennet
                    Wow, if we could steal Sir Ralph from TTA we'd pretty much have Apolytonia's Joint Chiefs of Staff. Where's Aggie?


                    • I am close to a decison on which team to join it between this one and togas'. Hard decison, this might require the magic coin.
                      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                      • Originally posted by Aggie
                        I am close to a decison on which team to join it between this one and togas'. Hard decison, this might require the magic coin.
                        you mean the loaded one? that always lands on heads? we call heads then,
                        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                        • Originally posted by Aggie
                          I am close to a decison on which team to join it between this one and togas'. Hard decison, this might require the magic coin.
                          Come on, Aggie. You know you wanna join this one.


                          • Just because a person (the Ruler) has a power, doesn't mean he'll use it. I think the fear of pissing people off by using the override power will keep our ruler from using it to often. From my personel stand point (having been a Regional Administrator that was constantly overrode), I would get very upset and would demand reasons why the ruler chose my city and why he switched to what he did. If I was unhappy with his explanation, I would call a no-con vote almost immediately.

                            Let the Ruler have this power, I don't think he would use it much (Only for settlers, workers and the occasional military unit is all I see, and I don't think I would mind that that much because of the obviously positive impact on the empire and the fact that our units have to come from somewhere. Now if he always used my city for such things and let the other cities be, I would get pissed and call for a No-Con vote.).
                            Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                            '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


                            • Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                              Here's a make-shift attempt at an icon (it sure is hard to make something that looks like anything that small).

                              It was supposed to be a banner with a crown, I'll try something else...........
                              looks better than mine made out of good ole Paint...
                              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                              You're wierd. - Krill

                              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                              • Originally posted by korn469

                                it may and it may not, plus there needs to be some safeguards so that it isn't a constant choice between tolerating minor abuses of power or bring down the whole government
                                That's just it, changing the Ruler doesn't bring down the government. Cities will continue to funtion as normal. The whogeewhatsits' of Internal, Military and Forgien Affairs will continue with out missing a step.
                                Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                                '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris

