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Firaxis, please give me back high scores (HoF)!

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  • #31
    That would be an excellent way to handle it, Jaybe.
    Seemingly Benign
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    • #32
      Originally posted by Jaybe
      I'VE GOT IT!!
      The HoF screen shows the "no changes" scores, but there is a drop-down menu of other scenarios which have scores saved.

      Choose the scenario, and it shows the scores for those games!
      OK, I concur. Someone at Firaxis is reading this???
      The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


      • #33
        I could go along with this, but I think "All Games" should be an option.

        And the selected scenario should be sticky, i.e., saved in the .ini file, so those who play with their own personal mod don't have to select it every time they want to look at the HoF.


        • #34
          What a crock

          So what I understand from this thread is....

          Since I altered the bix file to include some city names to get around the annoying "New such-and-such", my games will no longer be added to the HOF? What a bunch of bull!

          One other thing that I did notice about this BTW -

          The HIGH_SCORES.CV3 file was not in my PTW root directory. When I tried to view any of my high scores from regular CIV3, none showed up here. I copied the CV3 file from CIV3 root into PTW root and viewed my high scores and they showed up.

          I am going to try again tonight to finish my recently finished save game (just start at the last autosave for it and play out the last turn again) and see if it gets added to the high scores or not. My guess is that it won't based on what I am reading in this thread.


          • #35
            I came across this for the first time last night, much to my consternation.

            I was playing a hotseat game with the wife, and it was the first time she had won a game (our prior multiplayer LAN attempts had been given up due to chronic "out of synch" errors). I had her watch all the end-game hoopla, and then said, "See here, honey? You'll have your name in the hall of fame..."

            ... and then was presented with a blank screen.

            This was a bit aggravating, and I would very much like to see this problem corrected.
            Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


            • #36
              Originally posted by Mkinser
              I am going to try again tonight to finish my recently finished save game (just start at the last autosave for it and play out the last turn again) and see if it gets added to the high scores or not. My guess is that it won't based on what I am reading in this thread.
              Right. I tried this, and new "modded-game" victories are not automatically displayed. You have to add them manually.


              • #37
                If you save your modded .bix file over the civ3.bix (or whatever the ptw one is called, backing it up first, of course) will the game then record HOF scores? I'd test it if I were at home....

                ... but I'm at work.
                "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Purple
                  Right. I tried this, and new "modded-game" victories are not automatically displayed. You have to add them manually.
                  How do you do that, and will it work?
                  Eine Spritze gegen Schmerzen, bitte.


                  • #39
                    Manually adding modded games is a drag. Firaxis should be able to fix this easy enough.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Nucular874
                      Manually adding modded games is a drag. Firaxis should be able to fix this easy enough.
                      Yeah, and Firaxis should , but my bet won't be fixed unless there's a strong fan petition about this - which isn't the case. Too much players don't really care about the HoF. Modders that care have some work to do I guess......
                      The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


                      • #41

                        OK, so it still doesn't work when I moved the file to the PTW directory. When grasping at straws, I cling to every hope I can.

                        I still have to add my entries manually, which isn't time consuming but is ridiculous. I will sending my thoughts off to Firaxis on such a moronic decision.


                        • #42
                          How to do it

                          Originally posted by Falconius

                          How do you do that, and will it work?
                          Falconius, here is how you add them in. Thanks to Purple by the way for the original posting of this info earlier.

                          you add the entries to the High_Scores.CV3 file. You can open with NotePad or WordPad or any other text editor. The format of the data isn't fixed.

                          Each line contains the following information: Name, Civilization number, Score, Difficulty,

                          Victory type, and Won/Lost.

                          The Civilization numbers are as follows:

                          1 Rome
                          2 Egypt
                          3 Greece
                          4 Babylon
                          5 Germany
                          6 Russia
                          7 China
                          8 America
                          9 Japan
                          10 France
                          11 India
                          12 Persia
                          13 Aztec
                          14 Zululand
                          15 Iroquois
                          16 England
                          17 Mongols
                          18 Spain
                          19 Scandinavia
                          20 Ottomans
                          21 Celt
                          22 Arabia
                          23 Carthage
                          24 Korea

                          Difficulty level 0 corresponds to Chieftan, 1 to Warlord, etc.

                          Victory types

                          0 Domination
                          1 Military
                          2 Cultural
                          3 Diplomatic
                          4 Space Race
                          5 Retired
                          6 Rank


                          Ronnie_Reagan 8 694 0 3 0
                          Full_of_Bull 15 1415 1 2 1
                          Michaelkov 6 899 1 1 1
                          Seizure_Upchuckus 1 948 1 0 1

                          ( Ronnie Reagan, American, 694, Chieftan, Diplomatic, Lost)
                          (Full of Bull, Iroqouis, 1415, Warlord, Cultural, Won)
                          (Michaelkov, Russia, 899, Warlord, Military, Won)
                          (Upchuckus, Rome, 948, Warlord, Domination, Won)

                          I hope this helps


                          • #43
                            Thanks Mkinser for the codes.
                            Easy, but pointless if they would fix it. Which seems unlikely if they didn't fix it after complaints from the beta testers.

                            A simple * or Scen would distinguish modded rules from the norm.

                            The true nature of a man is shown by what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Falconius

                              How do you do that, and will it work?
                              You open the HighScores.cv3 file in a text editor and add a line for your newly completed game. I outlined this in detail in an earlier post in this same thread.


                              • #45
                                Oops! I posted my reply to Falconius before I read the next page in this thread.

                                Thanks, Mkinser, for filling in the gaps in my original post. I'll edit it to add that information.

