Originally posted by vmxa1
Give us a tool to look at the HOF or make it a straight RTF file, so I can use wordpad. This would let me see what has been done with out loading Civ.
Give us a tool to look at the HOF or make it a straight RTF file, so I can use wordpad. This would let me see what has been done with out loading Civ.
Each line contains the following information: Name, Civilization number, Score, Difficulty, Victory type, and Won/Lost.
The Civilization number follows the order in the Editor (at least it did for the original civs), as follows:
1 Rome
2 Egypt
3 Greece
4 Babylon
5 Germany
6 Russia
7 China
8 America
9 Japan
10 France
11 India
12 Persia
13 Aztec
14 KwaZulu*
15 Iroquois
16 England
17 Mongols
18 España*
19 Scandia*
20 Ottomans
21 Celt
22 Arabia
23 Carthage
24 Korea
*My personal mod uses these names. I use "Scandia," because "Scandinavia" is too long to fit into one of the reports and gets truncated.
Difficulty level 1 corresponds to Deity, 2 to Emperor, etc.
Victory types
0 Domination
1 Military
2 Cultural
3 Diplomatic
4 Space Race
5 Retired
6 Rank
I don't know if there are new codes for new PTW victory types.
For a while I was maintaining a parallel .rtf file so I could add other factors (date, map specs, number of players, culture points, and with the advent of PTW, elapsed time), but I've just decided that an .xls works better.
Anyway, add my voice to those requesting a more elaborate HoF, but if nothing else, Firaxis, please list modded games with an asterisk.
Edited to incorporate victory codes supplied by Mkinser.