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PTW 1.14f Bug & Crash Reports

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  • #76
    Once a player drops, the chat activation bubble doesn't correspond to the correct user.

    For example, clicking on player 3's bubble de/activates player 2's ability to see your message.

    I haven't checked the list of known bugs, but wondering if anyone else has seen this problem.


    • #77
      Re: Difficulty bug w/1.14f Hotseat

      Originally posted by WickerA
      I have not tried PTW over the internet.

      I am trying to play HOTSEAT games.

      Regardless of the difficulty level I setup before launching the game, the level ends up as Chieftan.

      I noticed this the first time after I saved and later reloaded my game. The pop-up annoucning the loaded game told me it was Difficulty: Chieftan. I have reproduced this several times now.

      The AI in these games is clearly impaired, so I believe the level really is Chieftan.

      Can anyone else confirm they have the same bug?

      Does anyone have any suggetions?
      Someone said that this bug is known and will be fixed in the next patch.
      I really hope that the similar bug that exists in PBEM games (diff. level always Regent) will be also fixed. Its by far the most annoying bug to me that i have ever had in civ3/ptw.


      • #78
        Re: I agree, What a Shame be PTW

        Originally posted by LordCanar

        The exact same problems I have with the game, out of me and my two friends who have been playin civ II sence the begining, one can't play because the game still does not truely use IP direct conect. And for some reason (We suspect Port 80) the game keeps crashing on his earthlink dsl, even though the patch was supposed to fix this.
        That's not the problem. If you read the readme that came with the patch, you only need to open ports 13139 (UDP), 6500 and 2302 to host Direct IP. You no longer need to open up port 80. I've hosted over 40 hours via Direct IP so far with only one hang.

        [rest of rant, sniped]
        Last edited by Acererak; December 13, 2002, 17:04.
        - The Lich


        • #79
          Here's a new problem.

          I was in the city view screen adjusting production when another player initiated diplomacy. During the offer/counter-offer(in a turn based game) it became my turn. A little message box pops up and says it's now your turn. Well, I click on the little round button for 'ok' and just about everthing disapears from my screen. What I can see looks like the city view screen is open, but is not; that is I can see only my units and the terrain that they are on and the city sqaures for the city in which was adjusting production, everthing else is in a fog of war. I cannot see anything outside of any of my other cities. I cannot see and chat meesages, though I can cause a chat box to appear that I can type a message in, but then I can't see it after I send it. I cannot see anything except the map.

          I waited a few turns, to see if it would somehow fix itself, trying to move my units around in the dark (sort of). But nothing got any better; in fact I believe it may have happened to the other players as well (two other, no computer players) because after two turns first one then the others civ's self-destruct with the game declaring me the winner?!

          This is one of the bigger bugs I've found there are far more game play related issues that need to be addressed as far a MP is concerned. I'm sure I don't have to list everything and tha Firaxis is well aware of these issues; especially if they play their own games.


          • #80
            Single player - PTW - with modded bix file -- just larger sizes for land masses -- huge - 210 instead of 160. Modded strategic resources - increased availability twice current rate - and depletion - down to half of original amout. Seemed to be working but then had game with Map Making and Literature. City I wanted to start building The Great Library was building a harbor, other cities were also (some). Athens was building The Great Lighthouse. Only city, that could not build the Great Library was the one I wanted to switch the harbor (building) over too build the Great Library. Only city - Thermopyle or whatever it is called. Playing Greeks.
            Thought it was strange that that city would not light up the Great Library in the build quere, and that was the only city. When first found the tech (Literature) the Great Library was not even listed in that city, and that city was the only one. After building harbor, it then let me build the Great Library, but I could have switched any other city to build the Great Library, except that city.
            Finally, it was listed in the Build Quere, but it would not light up, next turn or something like that, but it would be dimmed, and it did not let me build it in that city. The only city I had, that did that. Don't know why modding the civ3x.bix file would do that, as I changed nothing else with it, except the size of the map and the availability of the strategic resoures.
            Took out, 1.14v, and reinstalled that patch, but now I am using the regular civ3x.bix file, have not tried the modded one yet again, although I may, just to see if it happens again.

            Don't know!
            But, just thought I list this -- to see.


            • #81
              Don't change the civ3x.bix file. There is a reason that Firaxis made it read-only. Make a new scenario with your changes instead.
              Seemingly Benign
              Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


              • #82
                Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I noticed that auto-save files are not compressed. I had six of them taking up almost 30mb of hard drive space.

                Is there some reason that regular saves are compressed but not the auto-saves? I only turned on auto save because the game crashed once and I lost about 10 turns... but it's back off now. I'll just take my chances.
                "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                • #83
                  Well, might as well play Civ III with the modded bic file then, as I am not going to play a scenario to play the regular game, I guess I will just use the file the way that it is!

                  Seems strange though, that one can not do that without making a scenario.

                  Oh, well!
                  I stick the new terrain in the old Civ III game also, since that should work.


                  • #84
                    Oh, Thanks for the response!


                    • #85
                      Another BUG

                      While palying a simultaneous turns mp game a player would quit/leave the game and although the circumstances surrounding what was happening while they left the game; sometimes the civ's cities are all destroyed but sometimes the cities are not and the civ just sort of sticks around. No new build orders are given and no units except workers move.

                      If you attempt to contact them through diplomacy you get a screen asking whetherr you want to accept an envoy from yourself?!

                      This needs to be addressed soon, thanks.


                      • #86
                        Darn, Bigfree1, I thought they got that one fixed in 1.14. I haven't seen it lately.
                        Seemingly Benign
                        Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                        • #87
                          With 1.14

                          Playing a simultaneous turns LAN game, and we're getting frequent synch errors. They almost always seem to happen when I have bombers set to auto-bomb and then press ctrl-U to activate my automated units.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Raion
                            Well, might as well play Civ III with the modded bic file then, as I am not going to play a scenario to play the regular game, I guess I will just use the file the way that it is!
                            Why not? I play a scenario nearly every game I play, even if they are just a trivial change of terrain files (I kinda like the Watercolor Terrain).
                            Seemingly Benign
                            Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                            • #89
                              With 1.14:

                              UberKruX "Floating Bomber" Bug (c) 2002 Joseph "UberKruX" Moskie.

                              using planes (bombers) and the J (stack movement) command. if # of planes in stack > carrier capacity, order still goes through.

                              when carrier moves, plane is floating above the water tile, still able to bombard. after bombarding the bomber stays on the tile and can bombard again.

                              i'm not sure what would happen if an enemy naval unit attacked the "floating bomber".

                              but yea. it's going to be fun to exploit for this game
                              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                              • #90
                                oh, screenshot:
                                Attached Files
                                "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                                - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

