Originally posted by Zurai
I challenge *anyone* to write 15 million meaningful words and not have a single spelling error or grammatical mistake.
I challenge *anyone* to write 15 million meaningful words and not have a single spelling error or grammatical mistake.
This is such a ridiculous excuse! Again, writing strong code is their JOB!!! That is what they get paid for. How many good authors have common spelling mistakes in their numerous novels? Not many. Teams of people code, but a single author writes a book with a couple editors checking it over.
Again, I challange you to make a VALID argument for why people should not be allowed to complain. As I said, some people are a bit out of line. But the 'this is a fansite' is also a silly argument. If this was a fansite, as you seem to be defining a fansite, then it would have picturs of Sid and his cat and gossip about the programmers. You imply that a site dedicated to a game has to be all positive. I disagree. A site about a game is ABOUT THAT GAME, warts and all. You can't claim that a site is a comprehensive look at a subject unless it talks about all aspects of that subject, good and bad.
Originally posted by Random Passerby
If I walk into a used car lot, point at a car at random and say "I'll take that one" and sign all the forms without so much as a glance at any information relevant to the car's condition, I don't have any grounds for complaining if the car's a dud, and were I to sue, any judge who would actually give me anything is a judge the justice system could do without.
If I walk into a used car lot, point at a car at random and say "I'll take that one" and sign all the forms without so much as a glance at any information relevant to the car's condition, I don't have any grounds for complaining if the car's a dud, and were I to sue, any judge who would actually give me anything is a judge the justice system could do without.
Again, I agree that anyone complaining has to be careful to back up their arguments. I like PTW, and I'll like it even more when the outstanding issues get resolved. However, too many people that are making perfectly valid complaints are being shouted down by the 'Firaxis can do no wrong' crowd.
If you don't want to hear about the problems anymore, then don't read the posts about problems. Its that simple. Let those of us who want to talk about them talk about them, for our own benefit and the benefit of people that may be deciding whether they want to buy. They can compare what we say with what the fanboys say.