Still don't make it right.
Legalities aside, (read all Software License Agreements, they are all the same) what they put out in their marketing blurbs, isn't even close to what actually works for the majority of people.
Sure they can hide behind the legal jargon, sure everybody who bought a copy, could return it, but does that make it right?
Its not like it only crashes if you are using some odd ball video card, or maybe you are running some incompatible sotware in the background, it just doesn't work for a good majority of the people who bought it, and thats just plain false advertising.
Of course Infogrames knows that most people are too lazy to go through the return process, and that 'we can sue you back' scares off a lot of people (it's only $40 or so, and most of us don't have lawyers on retainer)
I personally am not happy, but willing to wait a couple of months to see what progress is made.
You think if Infogrames was selling banking software and it crashed and your bank lost your money, that the bank would say 'screw the agreement, we are suing'?
The reason gameing developers put that agreement there is so they can do exactly what they have done, put out a incomplete, not working too well game before Christmas.
You want to make them suffer, SPREAD THE WORD! DON'T BUY PLAY THE WORLD!!!!
Let your friends know, post news articles, let your dealer know, if they don't sell as much as they thought they could by Christmas, maybe they will think again next time...............Yah right, who am I kidding, like that could happen!
Legalities aside, (read all Software License Agreements, they are all the same) what they put out in their marketing blurbs, isn't even close to what actually works for the majority of people.
Sure they can hide behind the legal jargon, sure everybody who bought a copy, could return it, but does that make it right?
Its not like it only crashes if you are using some odd ball video card, or maybe you are running some incompatible sotware in the background, it just doesn't work for a good majority of the people who bought it, and thats just plain false advertising.
Of course Infogrames knows that most people are too lazy to go through the return process, and that 'we can sue you back' scares off a lot of people (it's only $40 or so, and most of us don't have lawyers on retainer)
I personally am not happy, but willing to wait a couple of months to see what progress is made.
You think if Infogrames was selling banking software and it crashed and your bank lost your money, that the bank would say 'screw the agreement, we are suing'?
The reason gameing developers put that agreement there is so they can do exactly what they have done, put out a incomplete, not working too well game before Christmas.
You want to make them suffer, SPREAD THE WORD! DON'T BUY PLAY THE WORLD!!!!
Let your friends know, post news articles, let your dealer know, if they don't sell as much as they thought they could by Christmas, maybe they will think again next time...............Yah right, who am I kidding, like that could happen!