In our Civ3:PTW Release Party(which just ended but actually continues
) Jeff Morris announced that the team is already working on the next patch for PtW. The patch will include a direct IP option which will bypass the Gamespy matchmaking.
There is no estimation on the release date of the patch yet.

We're aware that the gamespy connection stuff is problematic right now and it's the focus of our team. We've got a list of things that will be fixed in this patch and that along with host slowdowns are on the agenda. So far I haven't heard of any single player issues, editor or LAN/PBEM/Hotseat issues so right now we're focused on internet performance....
We're looking into a list of about 5 major issues related to internet play right now. One new feature of the patch will be a direct connect IP option.
We're looking into a list of about 5 major issues related to internet play right now. One new feature of the patch will be a direct connect IP option.
There is no estimation on the release date of the patch yet.