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Morris: More Patches, Direct Ip On The Way

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  • #31
    Unknown Crash of the Americans, 1370 AD.SAV

    Run the turn, game crashes part-way through the turn resolution. Prior to the 1.04f patch it would just hang.

    This is the turn prior: of the Americans, 1365 AD.SAV

    Does the game crash for anyone else ... ?


    • #32
      I have had it crash whenever a computer controled Civ gets wiped out.

      Oh yeah, other times too for no aparent reason.


      • #33
        So what the ____ does "our internal deadline is ASAP" mean?

        How about an update? or at least a general estimate as to when we can expect an update. Some of us are getting itchy fingers to return the darn thing.


        • #34
          Gotta figure on a few weeks of testing before it gets released even if it was done.
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #35
            I agree -- I'm just wondering about December versus June.

            I don't think it would be too much trouble to have an update every so often saying: Substance of Patch done, now going through QA. Something like that. I'd make me feel like checking back to the boards every day or so was at least giving me some new information.

            That it isn't just an exercise in futility.


            • #36
              I agree Newt.

              Everyday that goes by I get more mad about this.

              Come Dec. I won't even want to play it because of MMO3.

              Come Feb. I won't want to play ether because of Star Wars Galaxys.

              I bought this expansion to give me something to do till then. Should never have to buy a game and "wish it worked".

              Absolutely rediculals


              • #37
                Flesh Reaver, you speak the truth. Having bought a copy for myself and one for my Dad (I'm 30 and live outside the home), I feel like I've been screwed twice. It pains me that the darn thing doesn't work. It totally pisses me off that I've only heard silence from the official channels of Firaxis.

                Yes, that's right silence. A comment in an online chat doesn't cut it for me. Especially when its purposefully designed to be as vague and ambiguous as possible. I registered PTW, how about an email saying we are sorry we released a crappy game. We are working to improve it. We will update in one week with our progress. We hope to have the patch to you ASAP, but will let you know each week what our progress is.

                But no, Firaxis figures we are already on the hook, so why bother with any attempt at reasonably customer relations.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by statusperfect
                  Keep up the good work firaxis!
                  HAHAH! yeah right...
                  Opinions are like *******s, everybody has one.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Flesh Reaver
                    I agree Newt.

                    Everyday that goes by I get more mad about this.

                    Come Dec. I won't even want to play it because of MMO3.

                    Come Feb. I won't want to play ether because of Star Wars Galaxys.

                    I bought this expansion to give me something to do till then. Should never have to buy a game and "wish it worked".

                    Absolutely rediculals
                    Take it back.

                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #40

                      I bought it at EB. They only let you have store credit anyway (which you must use that day) and as there is nothing I want until MOO3 comes out, I am screwed.

                      Plus, I think you only have 7 days to return. Screwed again.

                      BOTTOM LINE.... PTW is a hoax, a fraud, a joke, a peice of garbage that has no right being for sale in it's current condition.

                      Argue all you like on it's behalf Either, wiser people know better. But until I can use the product I bought as it was advertised I will continue to ***** about it on these boards, other Civ boards, and to infrograms via e-mail.

                      I can only pray they get sued for this.


                      • #41
                        You have 90 days to send it back to Infogrames, I think.
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Flesh Reaver
                          BOTTOM LINE.... PTW is a hoax, a fraud, a joke, a peice of garbage that has no right being for sale in it's current condition.
                          It's another program that needs patching. Big surprise.

                          Yes, it needs improvements. But there was no guarantee that you would like it out of the box. Your milage may vary, as will everyone elses.

                          Fact is, if you are not blocked by your ISP, if you are capable of following advise, if you find people near you, if you are not an Alpha pirate... it will work.
                          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                          • #43
                            Its what the civ community really needs

                            The idea is great ....
                            The rules (in the main) appear to be fine ....
                            The gamemodes, options and interfaces are fine ....

                            But multiplayer > 2 players just breaks on implementation :/

                            I have had a few 3 player games, only to have the 3rd player disconnect on about the 20th-40th turn(im sure its not their fault).

                            Basically, with 2 players the only road to success is constant war, which isnt entirely what civilisation is about.

                            So, please firaxis, fix multiplyer ... i feel like a guinea pig


                            • #44
                              So far I haven't heard of any single player issues, editor or LAN/PBEM/Hotseat issues so right now we're focused on internet performance....
                              Well, I hope they look at more than just internet play for the next patch because they're a lot of problems with Hotseat as well. And that's what I bought the game for!!


                              • #45
                                So far I haven't heard of any single player issues, editor or LAN/PBEM/Hotseat issues so right now we're focused on internet performance....
                                Actually single player has some buggy elements as well (I think) the "build previous built unit" option doesnt seem to work, and I have seen other thread that shared the same experience as I have. So hoepfully firaxis doesnt just patch internet play.

                                Also, I have one theory with those "warez PtW versions".
                                Those who try using them usually don't have patch installed (since probably there is still not 1.04 no-cd fix to download).
                                No not really. I own a legit copy of ptw, but I tried to help my friend to install a game and patch a no-cd fix, We were surprised to find 1.04 no-cd fixes already all around the web. But yes most of the problems and crashes reported by people over here strangely coincides with problem my friend had when we tried to play I on the otherhand didn't experience that much trouble.

