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Morris: More Patches, Direct Ip On The Way

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  • #46

    I have preordered PTW, and am using warez version of 1.04f to tide me over, however i find my copy seems to be one of the most stable going around ... like i host with 4 players, and 4 players play (for a while anyway).


    • #47
      Yeah the key words are "for a while anyway"


      I have played MP games using the advice you offered, and it runs great without a hitch (max 3 human players though). However, it never fails to crash at some point.

      So, I'm sticking with my opinion that the MP game is unplayable, and they have no right selling this game in it's current condition.


      • #48
        Any new news on when the patch is coming out ?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Flesh Reaver

          I have played MP games using the advice you offered, and it runs great without a hitch (max 3 human players though). However, it never fails to crash at some point.

          So, I'm sticking with my opinion that the MP game is unplayable, and they have no right selling this game in it's current condition.
          Hmmm. OK, crashing once play started would be an issue that has not been discussed much. You have a point there. I know some of my games will crash, while others run better. I usually get at least an hour in between (not always). Sometimes no crash at all in 4 or 5 hours.

          The facts of the situation remain the same though. It is out. It needs fixing. It is being fixed. Patience would be good if blood pressure is an issue.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Flesh Reaver
            Judging by the way MP performed for me, it will take about 6 months and 50 patches to get the game up to speed.

            As a matter of fact, I doubt the MP will ever deliver 100%. It is just too screwed.

            Not that it matters to me. I am returning this waste of money, and vow NEVER to buy another game with the words Firaxis, or Infrograms again.
            You're right! Since the launch of Civ 3 Firaxis' Work is a really rubbish, is an incredible fraud. How many patches (and time) do we need to play?
            Si no hubiéramos sido lo que fuimos ahora no seríamos lo que somos... «Boys are back in town...»


            • #51
              Have you bought it?
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Flesh Reaver
                Not that it matters to me. I am returning this waste of money, and vow NEVER to buy another game with the words Firaxis, or Infrograms again.
                Jumping to way ahead here no? Ever heard of the word never say never?

                I will save this quote in case firaxis/infograme combo publishes the most revolutionary game of the 21st century that is unmatched in its fun factor and resistance to warez pirating.


                • #53
                  Multiplayer civ is probably not an easy thing to design/implement.

                  Its obvious firaxis have ran out of time and had to release the game before christmas to make the expansion economically viable.


                  • #54
                    Sandy, the problem I'm finding with many of the ranters here at Apolyton is that they don't understand marketing, they don't understand economic viability, and they certainly have no clue in terms of the effort required. Finally, anyone who demands perfection on a silver platter the first time they deal with someone or an organization is either a trust-fund baby, a spoiled bratt, an emotional toddler, or a type A personallity with too much time on their hands and nothing better to do.

                    There that somes it up. And unless you wish to add to this list, any statement to the contrary meerely proves my point.
                    "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by WarriorPoet
                      Sandy, the problem I'm finding with many of the ranters here at Apolyton is that they don't understand marketing, they don't understand economic viability, and they certainly have no clue in terms of the effort required. Finally, anyone who demands perfection on a silver platter the first time they deal with someone or an organization is either a trust-fund baby, a spoiled bratt, an emotional toddler, or a type A personallity with too much time on their hands and nothing better to do.
                      I agree with this, PTW would certainly be a failure if they released it after christmas, however .... we (as consumers) should have guarantees of a reasonably reliable and playable game through patches. I have bought the game on good faith, that maintainance and bug fixing will continue after the release.


                      • #56
                        That has always been my philosophy with this game. I figured MP would probably not work entirely correctly, and I also knew that SP would work great and maybe even better than in Vanilla Civ 3.

                        My experience with Firaxis is that things get better with time, and that they work hard to satisfy their customers. There are companies, most of the industry actually, that will release a game, bugs and all, give one patch and give up. Firaxis rises far above this dispicable heap in their efforts.
                        "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


                        • #57
                          I wouldn't call these people spoiled brat's and such, but I might call the users who are taking up for Firaxis and Infograms - spoiled brats. My reasoning being - you've obviously never had to earn any money and then see it spent on something that totally doesn't work remotely as advertised. (and what does work should have been available for free)

                          Some people do understand marketing, and the fact is this game was put out simply to make money and get it out before Christmas - so that your HARD EARNED dollars would not be spent on something more worthy, and instead on this lame product. This is simply a coup and an attempt by the manufactures to make money.

                          The title of the game is " PLAY THE WORLD", - multiplayer is the marketing stength of this game. This product was sold as an expansion to Civilization to allow for Multiplayer ability - when I purchased it that's what I thought I was paying for. It simply can't do it, doesn't work. If this product was tested - I would seriously like to see the results of the testing. I mean I haven't talked to anyone who has played a complete game over the internet, played reasonable, played without some tech guru setup - just 4 or 5 average "joes" hooking up and playing a game. Who has done it? I'll buy them dinner.

                          If you accept this game in it's current form then your accepting mediocrity. To sit here and call people spoiled brats, and what not's, because they would like to see what they purchased function properly is crazy.

                          To defend Firaxis by saying that Infograms rushed them - well Firaxis should not have accepted a job that they couldn't finish.

                          To me simply this product reaks of a sales gimmick, and if something is not done soon, I will be sending mine back.

                          How hard is it to post an apology on thier website, or heaven forbid - an update on the patch that is supposed to be fourth coming. Mark my words what is going to happen. A patch is going to come out if not a week or two then probalbly a month. This will probably correct much of the drops and crashes in the game, however I'm betting it will not address the lag time between moves and such. Then after that nothing, not a word - except by next Christmas or maybe the next - Civilization IV. It will include multiplayer, a whole new engine to run it on, many more addtions, all the Civilizations in PTW, and much more for $50. Anybody want to bet.

                          my two cents is all.


                          • #58
                            I earn my money like many of the rest of the people on this forum. However, I have a firm grip on reality/maturity that seems to be missing here.

                            BOP, you're not a spoiled bratt, however, you may fall into one of the other categories simply from the way you phrased your argument, however, what I have said should not be misconstrewed as a pat on the back for Firaxis either.

                            I don't like what happened to the MP community, who got hooked by the marketing hype from Infogrames and Firaxis. Shipping on the strength of MP and not being able to deliver is not acceptable.

                            However, to expect them to give you MP, something they said they could not give you in the original civ 3-and which they did not have the time and resources to do well then either-for free is ludicrous!

                            That's like saying give me the sequel to my book for free! Or better yet, "...that report you just spent three months on and 60 hours a week on...could you do a bunch of additional stuff this Saturday with no pay?"


                            The game's release was pressured, and maybe forced into a poor MP partnernership. The bottom line however, is that MP is doable, not perfect, but doable. All they promised was MP capability, not perfection. Perfection takes time, and lots of customer support. Let's hope Firaxis can ressolve the MP community's issues before Christmas. If not, then I'll return my copy as well.

                            Who here has ever used an MP utility/game that never crashed or never lagged??? I rest my case.
                            "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


                            • #59
                              So you know what I would ove to see, a patch that worked. Even better, a realistic date of when it is coming out. I agree with BOP, all I do is work. The software industry seems to be in the somewhat unique position of being able to screw people, and at the same time have those same people bicker about how much of a shaft they are willing to take before its not ok. Everyday I check to see if the new patch is out. I am thinking MOO3 will be what I put my hopes into though. I wouldn't expect much from firaxis, they couldn't even update their own webpage untill after PTW was in stores.

                              Hope is Lost


                              • #60
                                While I'm here in the heat, mind if I roast some smores at least? That at a minimum would seem productive:tounge:
                                "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.

