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Civ3:PTW Installation Sequence

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  • #31
    Man, the new Warez people are so stupid and lame these days.

    I remember when it was a hive of support for software comapnies and curiosity about the product. Hacking for hacking sake.

    Now it's average idiots who want customer support for their own stupidity.

    If you casn't figure it out, you shouldn't be using it, and you definitely shouldn't be bad mouthing the company you are stealing from for the problems you and your other warez kids can't crack.... yet.

    I have used warez, and bought games I had tried before I bought. I have also bought the sequels and add on packs.

    But I have never been so dumb as to try and tear down the company I had stolen from.

    I didn't believe warez were that bad, but now I see what happens when they fall in the hands of immature, selfish idiots who dont get it, I actually get quite irate.

    I am so tempted to release some viruses on some civ 3 cracks. I am so tempted to post in the readmes what the virus will do and warn not to install it. Because I know there are plenty of idiots who don't even bother to read how the crack was created before they install. That to me is ignorance of the highest degree.
    Pentagenesis for Civ III
    Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
    Pentagenesis Gallery


    • #32
      NeOmega, well said.

      For the record, I'm letting Apolyton play-test this one for me.
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #33
        Good choice Skanky Burns.

        That is a viable alternative to warez. Wait until you hear the consensus that it is good, then buy it. You won't have the head aches and hassles of not being able to make a pirated alpha run on the internet.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #34
          well dont generalize all warez users as kids, or idiots...that type of thinking will get you nowhere...

          warez IMO and i am sure we will disagree on this is all about renting games to see if you like them..and if you do, you buy it, if you dont' you delete it.....

          the next guy may say its all about free games and the next guy may say, its all about the $$...

          either way its out there, right or wrong , and i know its illegal, but, its no different than burning a cd for a friend of some disk that you bought.. making a back up for him...yeah sure you are.....

          anyways, different trains of thought, i dont' think your views are wrong, but i do think your supporting a company who is raping the consumer.
          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


          • #35
            Originally posted by War4ever
            either way its out there, right or wrong , and i know its illegal, but, its no different than burning a cd for a friend of some disk that you bought.. making a back up for him...yeah sure you are.....

            anyways, different trains of thought, i dont' think your views are wrong, but i do think your supporting a company who is raping the consumer.
            For those interested in modern philosophy and how it is manifested in popular culture, the above quote is a perfect example of moral relativism. "There is no absolute truth, no unchanging, definite concepts of right and wrong, merely shades of gray, etc." Bull****e!!

            Why can't you just be honest with us, and more importantly, with yourself and come out and admit that, if circumstances allowed for it, you'd rather steal something than pay for it? Surely you can see the fallacy of attemting to intellectualize an argument that you have already conceded is flawed, right?

            At this juncture, it sounds more as if you are trying to convince yourself, rather than anyone else, that your actions are justified.
            ...gonna shoot me some lobster-backs


            • #36
              Originally posted by War4ever
              well dont generalize all warez users as kids, or idiots
              I wasn't generalizing all now was I or I'd be calling myself and idiot and a kid, (note I said I used warez)I was classifying the idiot brats like you who steal and then whine when their stolen product doesn't work... even though it was designed this way.

              anyways, different trains of thought, i dont' think your views are wrong, but i do think your supporting a company who is raping the consumer.
              I don't think Firaxis owners have forced or threatened any body to perform sexual acts for them. You really shouldn't use the word "rape" except in the severest of cases. It really cheapens the word and the crime to use it so fillipitantly. Buying a $30 product that has a few problems and many related to incorrect use does not cause nearly the same amount of emotional, much less physical damage as rape.
              Pentagenesis for Civ III
              Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
              Pentagenesis Gallery


              • #37
                You can't really compare warezing games to renting.....with renting, somebody gets money. With warezing, nobody gets money, but you get a free game.

                I find it rather hypocritical for people who warez games (or music for that matter) to call the developers and publishers greedy. You are no less greedy for d/ling the software to "try it out" (ya right ). Perhaps you should try Skanky's approach, and just let this board be the judge. Having been here for a few months (has it only been that long?), I can say that you will get a fair and realistic review of the game (excepting a few people. You know who you are ). If only Civ3 or PtW had a demo.....that, I would say, is probably one reason for a lot of griping and whining going on.

                Oh, BTW, if this helps you buy the game sooner, PtW is . I Firaxis . I am and for their next product.

                In appreciation of them, I now present the Poly Band:

                Now, let's play some Civ and !
                I AM.CHRISTIAN


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Minuteman

                  For those interested in modern philosophy and how it is manifested in popular culture, the above quote is a perfect example of moral relativism. "There is no absolute truth, no unchanging, definite concepts of right and wrong, merely shades of gray, etc." Bull****e!!

                  Why can't you just be honest with us, and more importantly, with yourself and come out and admit that, if circumstances allowed for it, you'd rather steal something than pay for it? Surely you can see the fallacy of attemting to intellectualize an argument that you have already conceded is flawed, right?

                  At this juncture, it sounds more as if you are trying to convince yourself, rather than anyone else, that your actions are justified.
                  what i don't understand is why you support the they can't produce a game that isn't full of the problems this game has before they release it...haha give me a break, this is pure capitalism at its best...or in this case its worst, and you guys continue this lamer trend of supporting companies who don't give a sh!te about anything other than $$

                  I have never not been honest about the warez fact, and what i use it its silly of you to try and convinvce me that i am trying to convince myself that it is ok....may as well lump me in with the millions or sneaks, cheaters, and liars out there ....better not give me a company to run, i might turn it into enron

                  I will say it one more time, i use warez to test games.....up until last year, i had a 4 gig hd, so if i didn't like it , i had no space on my drive for it.....i have dl over 100gigs of games, of which i have one illegal game, and that game is Tetris

                  now my hd is bigger, but its full of games i have paid for......and don't tell me people out there don't make "backups" for their friends .......

                  as for letting these boards dictate what i will buy....haha give me a break, enjoying a game/music/movie is a personal thing, not something to be dictated by a bunch of people i don't know, and a few people i do... or by magazines who give a bad game an 84/100....

                  i am a die hard civver, been playing since 91..i OWN everything up until excuse me if i am a bit upset at the fact that i have to pay for a MP add on that should have been included in the game. And like i said, i am not going to lose sleep if i can't get my current warez to work, there will be one shortly which will dictate whether or not i want to play civ3 MP or whether or not i will continue to play civ2 mp
                  Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by NeOmega

                    I wasn't generalizing all now was I or I'd be calling myself and idiot and a kid, (note I said I used warez)I was classifying the idiot brats like you who steal and then whine when their stolen product doesn't work... even though it was designed this way.

                    I don't think Firaxis owners have forced or threatened any body to perform sexual acts for them. You really shouldn't use the word "rape" except in the severest of cases. It really cheapens the word and the crime to use it so fillipitantly. Buying a $30 product that has a few problems and many related to incorrect use does not cause nearly the same amount of emotional, much less physical damage as rape.
                    you use warez...good for you you thief

                    as for whining, i didn't whine, i simply stated that a game fulll of bugs is bs in the 21st C....and when you add the money for civ3 and PTW is more like 85$ which is a fair bit of dinero for a game with five patches to its credit already

                    As for the word rape, its actually called sexual assault now in the criminal code, rape no longer exists as a to all the women/men out there i offended my apologies..... and i am sure my intelligent friend knew this already.

                    to rephrase, why support a company that continues to practice last centuries ethics and continually gouge the consumer with their greediness....

                    Warez does increase the costs of games, just like shoplifting increases prices , but so does the consumer by paying for a product that is defective, and not standing up for their rights for a proper working copy out of the box. You bought a beta game for $30 , shame on you for continuing the trend and for being so gullible...
                    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Switch
                      You can't really compare warezing games to renting.....with renting, somebody gets money. With warezing, nobody gets money, but you get a free game.

                      I find it rather hypocritical for people who warez games (or music for that matter) to call the developers and publishers greedy. You are no less greedy for d/ling the software to "try it out" (ya right ). Perhaps you should try Skanky's approach, and just let this board be the judge. Having been here for a few months (has it only been that long?), I can say that you will get a fair and realistic review of the game (excepting a few people. You know who you are ). If only Civ3 or PtW had a demo.....that, I would say, is probably one reason for a lot of griping and whining going on.

                      Oh, BTW, if this helps you buy the game sooner, PtW is . I Firaxis . I am and for their next product.

                      In appreciation of them, I now present the Poly Band:

                      Now, let's play some Civ and !
                      i am glad your giving it a ringing endorsement......and i am glad you bought a game to your liking....

                      i guess what really got my goat and started my warez binging in full force, other than the fact that i could is that i was burned not once, but twice by activision's civ series.....

                      i had huge expectations, and the game was so full of bugs....lots of good concepts etc, but i felt like they didn't really test it properly, and that made me mad.

                      i spent 60$ on a game , that just wasn't up to snuff, yes patches made it better , but it was too little too late, the final straw was when ctp 2 was released and there was so little support for it....

                      this doesn't excuse warez, and i know i am wrong for tying before buying ...and once again, i buy what i like and delete the rest, but once bitten , twice shy , three times ( i don't remember the proper phrase) and sucker......

                      making 50-90 mistakes is just not common sense....and when you have eaten a few of these, using them as coasters just doens't make up for it...

                      anyways, hate me if you like, i am not trying to convince anyone, i am just trying to be smart with my cash, and for me that means trying before buying ....and there is no grey area there....its black and white ..

                      thanks for listening, not like you had a choice, and thanks for humoring me , and when i have my legit version , of civ3 PTW (i assume i will eventually want it, it is civ and made by mr meier afterall) i will see you on the battle fields, and we can call your army the corporate swine, and my army the warez ingrates
                      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by War4ever to rephrase, why support a company that continues to practice last centuries ethics and continually gouge the consumer with their greediness....
                        Last centuries ethics? I thought your Enron example blew up this century...

                        At any rate war, this aint gonna go away. You will maintain your perogative to 'sample' and they will maintain that you are 'stealing'.

                        They are correct btw, you are stealing. Whether or not you put it back is beside the point. The developer and the publisher never agreed to your 'sampling' and you are, in fact, guilty of a criminal offence under the criminal code of Canada. I think you mentioned the criminal code, so I thought it alright to mention as well.

                        You will maintain that you are Robin Hood. Fine by me. But your insistence that you are doing no wrong, that the big bad corporate types are to blame for your criminal behaviour (it's against the law, hence criminal) will never fail to get the backs up of the people who work in the programing industry.

                        To the programers you are scum. You are the person who steals the fruit of their labour. But beyond that, to add insult to injury, you will maintain that they are the ones who are doing bad. They are the ones deserving of condemnation. And you will do this publically.

                        Kind of amusing...

                        btw, I hope you enjoy it after it is patched. Then you can pay for it, and then you can complain without being such a hippocrite.
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • #42
                          Hi Jon, i know we see things differently, and thats fine, thats what makes the world go around.....

                          i never said i was robin the criminal codes eyes, i am just mr. hood

                          last centuries ethics i was referring too, were the release of a game that doesn't include MP..ala civ2 and civ3 and civnet, though the latter is understandable.

                          i never once said my actions were justified, nor am i trying to justify them...

                          and although its not illegal, to release a crappy game, especially with the buyer beware slogan put on anything consumers buy, it doesn't mean the software companies should push that as far as they can.

                          i am not on the side of warez, i personally like having access to things for free trial as i like to call it, and just usuing it and not supporting the developer really does hurt them and i fully admit that its happens in many cases...... but not all. I fully intend to buy, once the bugs are worked out, but in the meantime i may as well see if i can try the game, and figure out what some of these bugs are.....

                          i repeat, i am not condoning the actions of warez users, nor am i saying its ok...we have both talked about the legality of it to death so i think we know where we stand on this one.... the fact of the matter is that warez is out there and i fully believe that some warez users wouldnt' use warez, had they not been burned enough times in the past.

                          Now that doesn't include all fish in the sea, as many people are looking for a free ride wherever they can....and those people are clearly taking advantage of a system that has little recourse for the developer

                          the flip side to this , is the developers (activision) who develop games which ruin the industries reputation and who are only looking at the bottom line...the almighty dollar....

                          Another poster summed it up right, instead of *****ing about infogames/firaxis and the shoddy beta they have released, why not just boycott the game until its properly supported.....

                          A refreshing idea, which some will practice, and some will not ....civ is a vicious drug for some of us, and it causes us to fiend for it and commit weird acts

                          Anyways, i appreciate your being civil.....not all are able to have a conversation with someone whom they don't like just b/c they use warez, it seems to make them crazy angry for some reason...which is really silly. Were not all going to get along, nor are we all going to agree on the same issues.....but being calm and not getting worked up generally leads to less insults, and a better discussion

                          thanks for your time guys...... and i never claimed warez was legal, or that i was robin hood, nor did i try to convince anyone , myself included that "trying " games is legal or the right thing to do....simply being up front and honest

                          oh and to all of you who have the warez version, the no cd crack is out......and for those of you who have the store bought version....the no cd crack is out for you too...

                          after all, you wouldn't want to ruin your cd with over play now would you......

                          but alas i can't post where to find it...... per managements rules !!!!
                          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                          • #43
                            just wanted to thank everyone for their feedback !!!

