To those who say that Civ 3 is biased towards the US I say: hey it's a game made by Americans in America, it stands to reason that if the game was made in any other place in the world than it would be slanted towards that country. Oh and I would also like to see a "Hollywood" wonder in the game, and I really like ADG's idea that with every civ that has the tech the nation that has the wonder gets 1 gpt.
Also, out of 34 Wonders (Great and Small) only 7 are based on a American idea or building
Apollo Program
Hoover Dam (BTW, whoever said that they know of the this because it broke is wrong, the Hoover Dam has never broken)
The Manhattan Project
The Pentagon
SETI Program
Strategic Missile Defence
Wall Street
While 13 are European in orign
The Colossus
Copernicus's Observatory
Iron Works
JS Bach's Cathedral
Leonardo's Workshop
Magellan's Voyage
Newton's University
The Oracle
Shakespeare's Theater
Sistine Chapel
Smith's Trading Company
Theory of Evolution
Universal Suffrage
3 are Asian
Forbidden Place
The Great Wall
Sun Tzu's Art of War
4 are Middle Eastern
The Great Library (Now one could argue that this is more Mediterrean than Middle Eastern but Egypt is now in the Middle East)
The Great Lighthouse (same as above)
The Hanging Gardens
The Pyramids (same as above)
The rest (7) aren't confined to any single nation
Battlefield Medicine
Cure for Cancer
Heroic Epic
Intelligence Agency
Military Academy
The United Nations (I briefly considered this American but decided against it)
I am prepared to defend this list so fire away!
Also, out of 34 Wonders (Great and Small) only 7 are based on a American idea or building
Apollo Program
Hoover Dam (BTW, whoever said that they know of the this because it broke is wrong, the Hoover Dam has never broken)
The Manhattan Project
The Pentagon
SETI Program
Strategic Missile Defence
Wall Street
While 13 are European in orign
The Colossus
Copernicus's Observatory
Iron Works
JS Bach's Cathedral
Leonardo's Workshop
Magellan's Voyage
Newton's University
The Oracle
Shakespeare's Theater
Sistine Chapel
Smith's Trading Company
Theory of Evolution
Universal Suffrage
3 are Asian
Forbidden Place
The Great Wall
Sun Tzu's Art of War
4 are Middle Eastern
The Great Library (Now one could argue that this is more Mediterrean than Middle Eastern but Egypt is now in the Middle East)
The Great Lighthouse (same as above)
The Hanging Gardens
The Pyramids (same as above)
The rest (7) aren't confined to any single nation
Battlefield Medicine
Cure for Cancer
Heroic Epic
Intelligence Agency
Military Academy
The United Nations (I briefly considered this American but decided against it)
I am prepared to defend this list so fire away!