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New Wonder: Hollywood

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lord_Davinator
    talking of sports.... this is just an idea mind you... how about the ability to build a small wonder that lets you host sporting events... so that in like say 4 or 8 years you earn some 100 odd gold coins....
    Sounds like it could end up being a good idea. Go to:

    And post your idea there (That's the general "new wonders" thread)
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #17
      hmm, to me "Great Wonders" conjure up images of fantastic achievements by civilizations, usually representing religious or some other aspect of human development. The word "Wonder" implies a sense of awe and achievement. sorry, but Legally Blond and Turner and Hooch just dont do it for me. they might have gone down a storm in Norway, but they have no relevance to the vast proportion of the world's population.

      your statement that all modern art forms, including sports, were invented by americans is bizzarre.

      (the important things that spring to mind regarding the US for me are: democracy, statue of liberty and military power).


      • #18
        Originally posted by benjy

        (the important things that spring to mind regarding the US for me are: democracy, statue of liberty and military power).
        Hey, don't forget about Mcdonald's, the last time that I was in Europe I saw those crap factories everywhere.


        • #19
          Re: New Wonder: Hollywood

          Originally posted by des-esseintes
          Well, I was having a sleepless night (damn obsession ) thinking about what new Great Wonders would be appropriate to put in PtW. Then it came to me as a vision:


          Think about it, while the Pentagon is the symbol of U.S. military might, and the WTC is (was ) the figurehead of economic dominance, the USA is currently owning the world in one more aspect: culture. And the symbol of American culture is Hollywood.

          In fact, it's a freakin' culture factory. Think about it, "Cheap American popcorn flicks" have been, and still are, a TREMENDOUS helper in spreading "The American Way" and in general the American lifestyle around the globe.

          Again, think about it. Effects could be something like having newly founded and conquered cities start at culture 10, and/or giving each city a culture boost of 2-3 extra culture per turn, AS WELL as rendering ALL cities IMMUNE to culture flipping. Would be awesome IMO.

          Of course, if this wonder was in the game, it would practically be a requirement for a Cultural Victory
          Please, NO! Hollywood is only the "American Way of Life" propaganda center. I hate all these stupid movies of love between rich people, racial/political conflicts that only matters to american history or good people that doesn't exists (almost in the density amount that usually shows).

          Hollywood is only a factory of things that not happens, with the electoral promises I've sufficient things that doesn't happens. Thanks, but NO.

          Another thing, why another american "wonder"? Isn't Taj Mahal enough?

          Why not McDonald's: Turns enemy units in obess people that need a crab to move himself?
          Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


          • #20
            Re: Re: New Wonder: Hollywood

            Originally posted by XarXo
            Why not McDonald's: Turns enemy units in obess people that need a crab to move himself?
            McDonald's as a Civ III Great Wonder? Nice suggestion for Firaxis Marketing department.

            As a part of the advertisment agreement, may I have a "budget" CD of Civ III PTW with next Happy Meal of my children?
            "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
            - Admiral Naismith


            • #21
              Yes Hollywood should be added it affects are you can rewrite history, spread propergander though out the world so everyone is a little more friendley and it adds to your income
              I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


              • #22
                Maybe hollywood could have a similar effect as the good old Eiffel Tower wonder of CivII: other civilizations forget your mistakes in the past!

                Just make some nice little cowboy movies and all those slaughtered indians will be forgotten...


                • #23
                  Yes Hollywood should be added it affects are you can rewrite history, spread propergander though out the world so everyone is a little more friendley and it adds to your income
                  Just make some nice little cowboy movies and all those slaughtered indians will be forgotten...

                  Can we please drop this tangent before it degrades into another "I have an axe to grind with the US" thread?
                  Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Optimizer
                    Indeed Hollywood deserves to be a Wonder, but all modern Wonders shouldn't be American.
                    Indeed. I was already wondering why the dam in the game is the Hoover dam, and not the Assouan (? don't know the English spelling). It was both more important and better known. I only know the Hoover dam because it broke once, flooding lots of people...
                    Originally posted by des-esseintes
                    America has the, in civ terms, "highest culture" in the modern world. They invented most, if not ALL, modern artforms. Not to mention (modern) sports, which is perhaps the most powerful of all cultural values.
                    WHAT? *cough*cough*cough*... I just choked on the snack I was eating... America has the highest culture?!? I have to agree with you, Norway is getting way to Americanized. The only thing the US has going for them is that they are economical the strongest country, and they use their money to buy all scientists and actors from around the world. So in that respect, the US has the most culture, yes. But do they have the most libraries, universities, the best education? No way!

                    But then again, maybe they are the most 'religious' civ too at this moment with all their tv-preachers and sects, if you don't count the Arab or Asian civs. In Europe, religion is gone down a lot, but hey, we have 4000 years of culture, not 400. I can't believe that a European would argue that America's culture is the highest, are you sure you are Norwegian and not Texan?

                    And to whoever said that America discovered all modern art forms: Name one, I dare you. Maybe Op Art was an American art form, but even that is questionable. All the others were just stolen from other countries, and commercialized. Maybe baseball is truely American, but you can hardly call that art



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by N. Machiavelli
                      Can we please drop this tangent before it degrades into another "I have an axe to grind with the US" thread?
                      You are right, and I am sorry. But some of the comments on this thread just scream for a response.

                      So, back on topic: Hollywood would make a good wonder, if you give it effects similar to the Eiffel tower in Civ II: make all other civs like you more. One of the possible effects is that you have increased flipping chances towards you, even if it has nothing to do with culture. Or, you can have higher assimilation rates, as this is also true irl: people who move to the US start behaving like Americans in just a few years time (I know, I lost a few friends who moved there.)

                      But, as said on this thread before, I don't want to see yet another American modern wonder, the game is already to biased now. So if Hollywood gets in, Hoover should be replaced with Assouan and Seti should be replaced by the Internet. And all other new wonders should definatily be non-American.

                      But I do like the idea of a McDonalds wonder... the evil empire



                      • #26
                        CtP - Hollywood wonder - great wonder great game.

                        This ad brought to you by "The Banana Splits Show"
                        signature not visible until patch comes out.


                        • #27
                          (With apologies for a "me too" post)

                          I really like Hollywood as the CivIII "Eiffel Tower" (why was the Eiffel Tower the CivII Eiffel Tower, for that matter?). I don't think that there's any functionality in the Editor to create the "better reputation through a build" effect, though.
                          "It might be a good idea." -- Mahatma Gandhi, when asked what he thought of Western Civilization.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by N. Machiavelli
                            Can we please drop this tangent before it degrades into another "I have an axe to grind with the US" thread?
                            why? censorship? penguin terrorism?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Caliban

                              why? censorship? penguin terrorism?
                              That must be it.....
                              Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


                              • #30
                                If they have a Hollywood wonder, it'll proboly be like it was in CtP, & will give you money from enemy cities with television, & will also give cities with the television improvment a small culture amount of your culture (possibly per turn) to said cities, therefore increasing the possibility of culture flips.
                                Know your enemies!
                                "Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!" ~ Dr. Strangelove

