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  • #76
    I'll wait, but not with baited breath

    I'll most likely wait until the first or second XP patch is released before I'll but it. I got burned once with the [cough] Finished release [cough] Beta that I Prepayed for (after reading about the MP that was going to be with it). I had even purchased a more advanced computer so that I could play it (I got a really good deal on a PII).

    I'm not really blaming anyone with what did happen, But I will be VERY CAUTIOUS if/when I do decide to get the XP. I payed once to unknowingly be a beta tester, I won't do it again.

    Come and see me at WePlayCiv
    Worship the Comic here!
    Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


    • #77
      I view the question about paying for MP this way:

      Is Civ 3 (with the latest patch) worth the money I spent on it? Yes

      Will PtW be worth the money I probably can't stop my self from paying for it (Firaxis/Infogrames-people: Ignore this post :-) )? Probably another Yes

      So I have no problems paing for MP (and that other stuff) just like I have no problems paying for any other stuff I buy if it is worth the money.

